* Posts by Parax

624 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jul 2007


Bittorrent declares war on VoIP, gamers


@David Wilson

>Strange argument there - when you buy a router, you're buying hardware, and once you've bought it, it doesn't cost the manufacturer any more if you use it all day, or for an hour a month.

as opposed to - When you install a fibre, your installing hardware, and once its running, it doesn't cost the service provider any more if the laser blinks once or twice.

Does it still sound strange?

>The 'resource' you're paying for is use of [clearly physically limited] bandwidth. You're not paying anything for 'data', but for the transportation of data from one place to another.

Would you not say that the '[physically limited] bandwidth' was the 'capacity' or 'speed' of the network? as defined by the capability of the [phyisically limited] fibre connections?

What we need to do is understand that the internet is a network. lets treat them the same, with common metrics... whether that be 10Mbit Coaxial ,100Mbit twisted pairs or 1.5Mbit ADSL or 24Mbit ADSL2+

>Most ISPs quite evidently *don't* need to have anything like that capacity

So why is it the users fault? inparticular say Bittorrnet users?

>most home broadband users aren't interested in and/or prepared to pay for unlimited uncontended access.

Not Interested in? then why this article? They are interested when it doesn't work.

>For a start, there are all the people already on bandwidth-limited plans.

Yes you are correct, the limited plans are desigend for restricted use, although they all use at the peak time! somehow the capacity increases at peak? if not then the restriciton method is flawed/daft.

>Then there are the people who have 'unlimited' plans, but aren't anywhere near making full use of them.

That is the nub of the issue ISP's sell unlimited and somehow, as the tilte says, its say Bittorrents fault that Voip and Gamers suffer...

In the good old days did anyone ever hear of an 'unlimited' party line? No it was clear 'Party' meant Shared.

50:1 contention should never be sold unlimited! it is a diservice to the ISP's customers when someone does 'make full use' of what they've paid for. but you cant blame them.

IF you want cheap and shared then it should be sold that way.

As for ME... I pay for the top package available, I expect to be able to use what I pay for, and when I do I dont expect my neighbours to suffer. I expect that MY ISP is treating us all fairly and providing what they claim to be selling us. AND if at peak periods the capacity is insufficent I expect us all to get an even share, (perhaps a token bucket filter?), it should not be possible for one customer to use everyone elses share as this article suggests.



>>what are you saying? that we should pay a monthly fee for our connections? surely not..

>I'm saying that the more you use it the more you pay.

>>perhaps that we should pay less for a 2MBit than an 8MBit, I wonder why this isn't the case?

>You're mistaking speed for data.

Jon, No mistake Im afraid, where speed is volume over time, The Speed over a charging period (a month) defines a Volume of Data.

Anyway I think that charging for data is actually a silly idea as everybody wants there data at the same time say 5pm-10pm, which means the network gets swamped! unless you have a time based rate which makes things impossibly complex for the customer.

My point can be defined thus: When was the last time you bought a router based on the volume of data and not the speed of the network? my guess is you never did! as its a silly metric with an infinite resouce such as data. With limited resources such as water, gas or electricity yes charge by the unit, but where the resource is unlimited it can only be defined by the capacity (speed) of the network not the amount of resource available. hence an ISP needs to have simultaneous capacity(speed) avaiable to provide however much data to all of its customers when they want it.

Optic fibres like most networks have a capacity(speed) rating on them so dividing this amongst customers should be an easy task, unfortunatly the cut throat pricing tactics means ISP's pass on the cut throats to their customers. Basically Most ISP's are overselling the capacity available. Meaning the customer is unable to get what the ISP is selling them.

In simple terms this is the Contention Ratio most ISP's run residential services at 50:1 meaning that they sold your allocation 50 times. in reality the only reliable service is a 1:1 contention ratio, and that is the ilusion that ISP's are trading on.

To prove Data is an unlimited resource you can send me a hard disk and I'll fill it for you for free... However you pay postage, because that is the capacity of the network. (1HD disk per postal delivery - a defined speed)

>>Jon Just which ISP are you using?

>Firefly, ....We've fallen out, so I can't recommend them..... I'll be switching to one of the gaming ISP's ... when my contract expires.

Can I recomend Be* if they have there own server in your exchange, they use thier own fibre backhaul and it is aportioned appropriatly, with a low Contention. If there allocation is already aportioned you can join the waiting list, they will not over subscribe! Oh and if you want fast pings, and your line can handle it, they will enable fastpath for you. (they'll do that for free!!)


@ JonB

Jon Surely; The best way to ensure that *anything* doesn’t kill the internet is to make people pay for their usage of it,

what are you saying? that we should pay a monthly fee for our connections? surely not..

perhaps that we should pay less for a 2MBit than an 8MBit, I wonder why this isn't the case?

Jon Just which ISP are you using? I need to know where I could get everything for free, with no limits like you infer?

Asus Eee PC S101 luxury netbook


Out of Bounds...

I have to say I've seen many laptops with better screen res, processors and RAM for this money... If this is a SCC it is out of its depth.

Pininfarina B0 production schedule slips



If you left the Geny at home you could run it on Red Diesel!

Stirling Generators are starting to appear in residential boilers(see Baxi ecogen) which actually makes an electric car a far better proposition.... specially as Gas is cheaper (and microgen has no transmission loss!)

The Kamen Car definitely sounds interesting, as long as it doesn't try some daft balancing trick!

Retro piracy - Should the Royal Navy kick arse?


Fight Global Warming...

More Pirates Please!

FSM etc etc...

Clothing designer stitches together fisheye camera


Fashion Exclusive: the Flat Cap is back!

Simple physics dictates in order to view 'a 180° wide-angle view' you need the lens to protrude infront of the lens frame, in order to see both 90° up-down/Left-Right from the centre line. as such true 180 fish eye lens' are usually domed. Judging by the flat lens cap with this camera it is clear this is not 'a 180° wide-angle' Lens.

Perhaps Mr Paul Smith is making a back to his Nottinghamshire mining roots flat cap statement.

New Scientist goes innumerate in 'save the planet' special


Im still with Tim...

@docjekill: im confused you say:

'Burning money on nothing is not actually creating wealth, though, is it?' and

'And you are going to say that growth (i.e. the sale of all those things, because growth is measured in sales values) '

so does selling = growth or not ? make up your mind.

As I see it (along with this author) growth doesnt have to rely on consumption! (this is regardless of whether it does or does not do so currently!)

We can still achieve growth with a finite quantity of resourecs by adding man hours, as long as we add man hours in a productive manner the value is increased (productivity) and growth is achieved! it is not solely about resource consumption as NS puts it.

@the other steve: sorry my point was that of all the examples conveying a principle no nit picker had dissmissed all in one go, they had addressed different imperfections of each example. afterall If it was obvious then no example would be nessacery, as i see them examples are only analogies, and so are often imperfect.

@Anon: 'As long as we are using finite resources, like sand or oil, to fuel growth then we will constantly staring down the wall.'

Didn't einstien make it clear that matter can only be destroyed by converting it to pure energy? ie nuculear fussion? I doubt then that all our resources will be consumed in this manner... just because we run out of it in the ground doesn't mean it is all gone, there is a thing called recyling, it uses man hours to add value...

Therin lies the best example of them all:

The Growth of Recycling!


You know the point is correct...

when the only holes people pick are in the examples!

I wonder why they are not nit picking the singing example?

The point is in future when you can make chips by a highly efficent means then the resources and energy used will be less than the furnace used for glass making.

Growth is about improvement not consumption. (added value of volume!)

NS went to the media lovies too long ago...

WD Caviar Black 1TB vs Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 1.5TB


...with drives like the 1.4TB Barracuda...

Nice to see some honesty...

Shame on the manufactures, shameless marketing will get you a reputation... shame they all share it...

Fiat unwraps 'leccy buggy concept



Isn't Natural fibre panels an old idea???

Government tied in knots by bondage protest


Just how exactly is the moderatrix affected by this issue?

And was she at the demo?

What no whip & chains Icon...

Apricot drops 'too complicated' Linux from netbook line


Fuck apricot.

Its no big deal. dont buy em. dont recomend em and smear there name as attention grabbing (we do linux) MS arse limpits (we dont do linux). and next time they release something ask embarrasing questions about their catholic* products.

*builds up the excitment then withdraws..

BMW unwraps electric Mini

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I assume that 35KWh is like a full tank of petrol.. theres always a little reserved when its empty...

150 Miles from 28kWh seems very attractive costing 2.6p per mile... from mains leccy, could be even better with economy 7!

Now how much is Red Diesel and a home generator??

Or even say a Mains Gas Combined heat and power boiler (Baxi ecogen or DACHS).. if you had an 75% Efficent Gas generator it would be less than 1p per mile...

Odd but I want one. (thats a first for a leccy tech car!)

Funny thought... so it runs out of juice, after how many miles towing (with regen) gets you a mile of charge?

Asus Eee Box Atom-based desktop mini PC


Right Idea Wrong Price...

Still some critical.. Unanswered Questions...

720p xvids ? go or no go? DVI infers better graphics but can it perform? and what res can it support? will it drive your average 1080p tv at full res?

How well does it work with iplayer in the new high res mode?

Will it drive a USB Plug in DVD? Will it drive a USB Plug in Bluray?

does it have Bluetooth? will it cope with recording from a TV dongle??

Why is it so expensive... ?!?! cant be the battery or the screen? the keyboard or the complex hinge design...

if its £175 or less I'll buy one!

Autopilot blamed for Qantas plunge


interesting question...

So assuming that the passengers are advised to keep there seatbelts fastened (usual practice) and dear old lady gets a flying fat bloke to the head, is there a grounds for legal action against the unrestrained lard? or does the blame lay squarly with the carrier?


Software or hardware??

So it wasn't caused by an elevator actuator getting stuck then? and the computers telling the pilots there was a problem as the plane ascended due to said stuck elevator, causing the computer/Pilot to keep increasing the hydraulic pressure until about 300ft deviance then... bang... the actuator released, shot to its full extent, plunging the plane into a nose dive?

Sounds way more feasible than the auto pilot malfunctioning.. as pressure variances happen all the time (turbulance) and autopilot corrections are programmed to be smooth transitions...

Lithium-ion battery beater to debut in 'major' laptop release


If its so Good..

They should put there money where thier mouth is and offer a warranty on the batteries! that should be enough to convince manufacturers they are serious..

Nintendo introduces redesigned DS


Two cameras...

So Im not the only one who' s seeing double...

Hawaiian anti-LHC lawsuit thrown out



Wrong Icon...

Frenchman's pedalo dirigible Channel attempt blown out



And the concern was that the weight was in issue? personnally I would have thought the pressure ceiling of 30 meters would have been more of a reason not to use a parachute...

El Reg dresses The IT Crowd


funny factoid...

Richard Ayoade [aka Moss] was tutored in mathematics by a Master Bates.

that is all.

Caterpillar plans 600 tonne godzilla-lorry robots


The hungry caterpiller...

Will they ever learn?

Intel X-25M solid-state drive



would have been nice to see a comparisson with the OCZ core V2..

ah well ho hum..

Amazon flash mob mauls Spore DRM


DRM... killed Microsoft...

PC gaming is coming to and end... and with it goes Microsoft...

Console under an HD TV, and a web browsing media playing PC, like say an iNix. (mac/linux)

and Microsoft looses the home share. Nice an easy.

But is it an outcome we want?

Dual-core Atom to be released by month's end



exactly.. I have the $$$ but no where to spend..

still looking for a media box for the TV.

I need wireless media streaming from the NAS and iPlayer for the TV!

Chrome: A new force for web applications?


Deja vu

Didn't I already say that?



Carpetbomb bug tarnishes Google Chrome


Re:Why would Google push their own browser?

as Joel eluded earlier.. my money is on this:

Google are pushing apps, chrome enables you to put an app directly onto your desktop. (well a menuless/tabless browser frame anyway pretend its an app!)

by making thier web apps work better, they are nearing in on the competition. it has never been in ms's interests to make a speedy efficent browser as thier web content sucks [strike that] blows like Gustav!

Dell Inspiron 910 mini-laptop to be a hardware hacker's dream?


many questions..



UK Keyboard??

I'll be watching Tommorrow....

Now Hollywood is chasing UK downloaders


Orange Burgled my account...

It was orange for me, Moved from Orange to BE in Feb (best thing ever!) Orange continued billing my account, I stopped the DD, next they phoned me about my debt, at which point the lady on the phone immediatly realised.. she didn't read the script, and said..oh dear ermm i see there is a problem here.. she apologisedand unfortunatly I had to re-setup a direct debit so they could refund me... I was not happy about that!

Brit firm to demo serious flying robo-saucer in 2009

Dead Vulture


(Aircraft wings are also curved on top to make use of this effect, but in their case it is not the only factor in play - otherwise planes could never fly upside down.)

is someone confusing Coander and Bernoulli?

It's Bernouilli that is taught at schools that provides minimal lift from a wing coander provides the majority of the lift.

It is Bernoulli that requires an aysemetric wing and only works one way up. (see Einstiens wing designs)

Coander works perfectly with symmetric wings and works both ways up, Stunt planes with symmetric wings make use of coander only (angle of attack exaggerates curvature)

To learn it all in 10 minutes see here: (including einstiens wing)


Old timers rattle zimmers at 'Elderly Persons' sign


Your not supposed to run anyone over!

Stop discriminating against certain 'groups' Remove all the signs!

As for the roadworks sign, isn't it supposed to be a man erecting a parasol. Perfect for our British labourers....

MoD judges clone-drone deathmatch


Coander Saucer Resources:


Boffin because, have you seen the site!


Ducted Fan Vs Coander Saucer...

Re, The ducted fan type... Although it does use a ducted fan this is not for direct lift, This is actually a very clever coander effect flying saucer, the fan blows down onto the top of an umberella shaped disc. This is similar to the flying sacers that the Germans were developing towards the end of the second world war..

It is cabable of producing more lift than a direct ducted fan, it also produces very little downdraft, (and dust cloud) as it works by creating a donught of low pressure around the disc. and again as the lift is from the rim not the centre it is more stable than the Direct lift Ducted Fan. Altogether a far cleverer design!

Microsoft starts stoking hype for Windows 7


Vista Kernel


Win2000 = NT5.0

XP = NT 5.1 << as its based on the NT5 Kernel

Vista = NT6

Windows 7 = NT6.1 << as its based on the Vista Kernel

yes? no?

I still say they cant count.

Mystery web attack hijacks your clipboard


Clipboard Monitors..

Aren't there some programs that monitor the Clipboard for downloadable links? something like wget?? autowget?? or winwget??

Im sure there are more...

Potentially more of a hazard with auto download... wonder if they auto execute also??

Hasbro kills Colonel Mustard in the corporate office with the marketing ploy


Rent-a-cop in the school with a taser Bro!

that is all.

Three-alarm fire bakes Apple facility


Apple Air Conditioning?


Dell thinks young and colorful with business notebook refresh



Above should be D630..not that it matters lol..

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@ Chris

'On my set-up I'd like to have my 4:3 screens in portrait mode, but it's not possible with two screens :('

As Anon said above, If your running two screens from a dell lappy eg D610 Like I have in front of me, you can run them both in any orientation... click on selected screen, press [ctrl]+[alt]+[ArrowKey] hey presto..

(Other laptops/graphics chipsets may not support this. But at least it is Possible!)

additionally as I use two screens, when I dedock I like a wide screen on the lappy it gives my desktop a similar ratio, also widescreen is good for DVD's while traveling/Hoteling

The IT Crowd goes west

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Who is in it?

Is Richard Ayoade still going to be Moss in the US version?

(anyone seen the Ted Picture on sysadmins day web site?)

UK.gov misses deadline on EU Phorm probe


and in the words of Elzar....Bam!

In particular, Directive 2002/58/EC on privacy and electronic communications, which particularises and complements for the electronic communications sector the general personal data protection principles defined in the directive 94/45/EC (Data Protection Directive), obliges Member States to ensure the confidentiality of communications and related traffic through national legislation. They are required to prohibit listening, tapping, storage or other kinds of interception or surveillance of communications and the related traffic data by persons other than the users without their consent (Article 5(1)). The consent must be freely given, specific and an informed indication of the user's wishes (Article 2(h) of Directive 95/46/EC). Traffic data may only be processed for certain defined purposes and for a limited period. The subscriber must be informed about the processing of traffic data and, depending on the purpose of processing, prior consent of the subscriber or user must be obtained (Article 6 of Directive 2002/58/EC).

That has Knocked it up a notch!!

Wheres the spice weasel Icon?

BT slams bandwidth brakes on all subscribers


Happy BEing..

at 200M from my exchange I'm in the 24 club. Couldn't BE any happier!

And Yes I hate that Thompson router too....

anyone got any good recomendations?

US court liberates Cablevision 'remote DVR'


iPlayer and Others, implications...

so not a public broadcast if just to one subscriber.. at a time? Hmm very interesting.

bet they squash that one fast.

Tiscali sues BT for 'defamation and falsehood'


Own Goal?

So BT intentionally pushes links to one of the biggest Phorm Awareness Sites on the net?

Japan kicks off electric car format war



that is all.

BSA: Software piracy's 'tragic' impact on US society


Double Charging?

And how much is generated by selling you a second copy of windows when you buy a replacement PC?

DARPA plans soldier-tagging system for US troops


A Tit is Required.

Fortunatly theres one or two at Darpa.

Transmitter... RF Scanner... Dead Soldiers....

Intel bets millions on speedy DNA sequencing chips


As long as there are busses...

The insurance industry will be just fine.

Judge sides with eBay in fake jewelry spat


Obvious Fix

To me the fix for this is so friggin obvious its stupid...

Certain Brand names can only be used in a sale if a serial number (authenticity Number) is presented with the sale (not published), These Numbers get automatically sent to the Brand Name Owner who can verify if the Numbers are Legitimate, and if that 'item' has been traded too many times, ie copies have the same serial number, If so the Brand name owner requests ebay remove said item.

Easy Solution.
