* Posts by bombastic bob

10507 publicly visible posts • joined 1 May 2015

Sneaky fingerprinting script in Microsoft ad slips onto StackOverflow, against site policy

bombastic bob Silver badge
Black Helicopters

1. it justifies the existence of web "developers"

2. it allows them to do nefarious things to track you

3. it offloads THEIR processing onto YOUR computer

this is just the beginning of a nefarious plot to STEAL from you, your privacy, your CPU cycles, your bandwidth, yotta yotta yotta.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Noscript to the rescue

'si:' on xhost means 'server interpreted' according to the man page

it's apparently for a network interpreted name, and the final ':firefox' is a specific user name

it's not a syntax i was familiar with, so i was curious and looked it up

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Noscript to the rescue

true - and if you need NoScript _OFF_ for some reason, like testing your OWN web pages [don't get me started on web devs and glass houses] you can do what _I_ do, at least on Linux or FreeBSD with Xorg [not Wayland]:

a) enable the '-listen_tcp' option (or similar, whichever one)

b) enter 'xhost +localhost' in a console with X running

c) 'su - guestuser' [or whatever] in an X bash session console

d) export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 in the 'guestuser' session

e) run your browser

this will sandbox the browser with 'guestuser'. just configure the browser (firefox) to DESTROY ALL HISTORY AND CACHES on the way out. No cookies, no fingerprints, no nothing.

then if you need a scripty-site loaded, you can have this nice sandbox to play with it in. And you exit the browser, and it flushes EVERYTHING, and you have a nice clean loo... er, BROWSER the next time you load up some CRAPPY script-ridden web site.

Please stop regulating the dumb tubes, says Internet Society boss

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: DNS isn't needed if you already have the IP address

hell we can just get '.onion' addresses and be done with it

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Public blacklist...

non-commercial entities

I spend 5 minutes listening to N.P.R. or any 'public broadcast' news and suddenly realize why I do not want NON-PROFIT CORPORATIONS determining what kind of intarweb access I have...

(ok if I have to explain it, these guys are SO LEFT OF CENTER in their politics and their TRANSPARENTLY OBVIOUS news filtering that it's pathetic, worse than CNN, worse than [P]MSNBS <-- not a typo - 'BS' - and the LAST thing I want is some left-wing-activist-driven "non profit" filtering my DNS instead...)

bombastic bob Silver badge

*ahem* - the browsers are OPEN SOURCE. Edit the source if you must. Or fork it.

bombastic bob Silver badge

I want to write a web browser that intercepts all DNS requests and RDNSs all IP address equivalents, using a regex filter and a blacklist, re-directing them to 'localhost' that serves up a 1 pixel GIF file in response to all requests

that'll teach 'em!

bombastic bob Silver badge
Black Helicopters

re: VPNs - "If they could, they'd ban that as well."

good point, and then we'd need a different workaround

like gun control - ban normal law abiding citizens from owning guns, and ONLY criminals will have them.

Bill G on Microsoft's biggest blunder... Was it Bing, Internet Explorer, Vista, the antitrust row?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Eh?

DEC - yeah, reminds me of this:

HAL is to IBM as VMS is to WNT

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Eh?

XP and 7 were decent enough, though there are some aspects of 7 I dislike [I think they BROKE the task launcher in 7 compared to XP's more sane way of doing it] and I really liked the stability of XP after it had been there for a few years.

They should've stuck with that. But I guess some arrogant 4-incher millenial types *FELT* that "it was their turn now" so everything HAD to be re-invented except it was retro back to Windows 1.0 (2D FLATSO FLATTY McFLATFACE "the Metro" CRAPPY look, bright blue on blinding white, destroying the macula of everyone who looks at it for any length of time and being UNREADABLE and EYE PAINFUL to pretty much everyone over 40) and they took away customization and added in SPYWARE and ADWARE. Booooooooooo.

bombastic bob Silver badge

more than a bit revisionist.

to be honest, my first exposure to the internet was through MSN, during the beta test. Compuserve and AOL and others didn't have internet gateways. MSN had it right. And early on IE2 was pretty good. It didn't go bad until ActiveX was added along with VBScript [which only IE supported]

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Yet another....

I'd rather have Windows ME than Win-10-nic!!! [I could always code m own device drivers for ME if I wanted to... no special super-secret signing algorithm to distribute them either]

Micro-shaft's *BIGGEST* mistake took place when they abandoned the

P U R E _ S U C C E S S

of XP and 7, and

S C R E W E D _ T H E _ P O O C H

with 'windows Ape' (8.x) and the Sinofsky/Larson-Greene *ABORTION* known as "The Metro". And then, they DOUBLED DOWN ON POOCH SCREW with Win-10-nic.

However, what comes in 2nd place wiould be the ".Net Initiative" from the early 'noughties', which was the BEGINNING of Micro-shafts downfall... the '.Net' framework, C-pound, yotta yotta.

(they focused SO MUCH EFFORT into THE WRONG THINGS, and NONE OF IT into THE RIGHT THINGS, whcih would've included phones and slabs, but mostly would have IMPROVED WINDOWS 7 instead of RE-INVENTING A PILE OF EXCREMENT to REPLACE IT)

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up!

Wouldn't it have been BETTER to *NOT* screw over new computer sales, by continuing to support XP with service pack 10, as well as 7, instead of ABANDONING 7 THIS YEAR... NEW PRODUCT SALES with Windows 7 would be like a TOTAL REBOUND, but NNOOooo... they have to CONTROL THE CUSTOMER CHOICES INSTEAD.

That's right, the attitude that THEY must 'control the customers'... I would say *THAT* *ATTITUDE*, that "take over the world" mentality, to control the markets and CRUSH the competition while simultaneously releasing INFERIOR products because they essentially become a monopoly... THAT is what will ultimately bring them down!

It's official. You can get FUCT, US Supremes tell scandalized bureaucrats in rude trademark spat

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Who will buy this clothing?

havingt a T shirt that says 'FUCT' on it would get enough laughs, so sure (I might buy it). If it's not too expensive...

oh, and well done to the Supreme Court "getting it right". More of same, please.

The Windows Terminal turns up in the Microsoft Store

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Down

Re: The Store - really?

"Much better than letting users try and install apps from websites... Or spending the time doing it for them"

you have *GOT* to be *KIDDING*...

thumbs down for the bad attempt at humor, or maybe you weren't joking...

[I cannot believe that SOME people actually THINK THIS WAY, or perhaps it's actually *FEEL* because no LOGIC could EVAR justify this kind of patronizing arrogance... so it MUST be emotions or evil motives or something worse]

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: The Store - really?

The reason they're using "The Store" is to LOCK! EVERYONE! IN! to the following:

a) Win-10-nic *ONLY*

b) UWP

c) "Microshaft Logon" (with it's tracking and HORRIBLE EULA privacy violations built-in)

and of course, "The Store" in general, which _HAS_ been a pretty DISMAL FAILURE as I understand it...

[so one or two 'sorta ok things' make "The Store" a worth-while place to look for schtuff? yeah, right...]

It's all in the wrist: Your fitness tracker could be as much about data warfare as your welfare

bombastic bob Silver badge
Black Helicopters

Re: Never trust software of which you cannot see the source

"Never trust software"

even when you can read the source. [for the truly paranoid]

From the article;

"this website uses cookies, please click ACCEPT"

one of my favorite FF plugins is "cookie white list with buttons" which lets you whitelist certain cookies as being persistent (or mark them 'session only') and [best of all] optionally store the rest of the cookies IN MEMORY ONLY so you can dump them ALL whenever you want to, especially when closing the browser.

[I'm considering my own webkit browser, and this feature SHOULD be a built-in]

Shameless Facebook treats its poor human moderators like absolute dirt. But y'know what it does treat right? Robots

bombastic bob Silver badge

meatbags don't get no respect (from FB)

what it says in the title

Must watch: GE's smart light bulb reset process is a masterpiece... of modern techno-insanity

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Down

Re: Just as smart as their nuclear reactors

I call B.S. on this, having worked in the nuclear industry...

"a Chernoble's worth of radiation" - no. just no.

fake news, FUD, and hysteria, all rolled into one. No.

bombastic bob Silver badge

strobe light

just sayin'

Kids can be so crurl: Lead dev unchuffed with Google's plan to remake curl in its own image

bombastic bob Silver badge
Big Brother

shhh... don't give them ideas.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Black Choppers overhead.

maybe they're afraid someone will use curl as a back-end for a simple web browser... yeah it could be done.

bombastic bob Silver badge
Black Helicopters

Re: Black Choppers overhead.

ack on the ad tracker. or more like:

"Implementing libcurl using Cronet would allow developers to take advantage of the utility of the Chrome Network Stack" WHICH WOULD THEN TRACK EVERYTHING YOU WERE DOING OUTSIDE OF THE BROWSER'S CONTEXT

OK I added that last part, but still...

should I include AD INJECTION too? well, hard to do if it's just 'surfing' indirectly from an application running on Android, maybe FILTERING THE ADS OUT and presenting the CONTENT WITHOUT THE ADS...

Why are fervid Googlers making ad-blocker-breaking changes to Chrome? Because they created a monster – and are fighting to secure it

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Ok, so it's useful and dangerous at the same time

"Wouldn't this solve the problem?"

kinda like noscript, but managing script blocking on a per-site basis when too many ABusers of the web (known as "developers") *FEEL* as if it's ok for a web page to LOAD CANNED 'CONTENT' AND MASSIVE SCRIPTS FROM EVERYWHERE ELSE IN THE UNIVERSE just to "view content" on that ONE site, such that it's hard to find the right magic to block them when 'temporarily allow' must be hit SEVERAL TIMES to get it to work [because each script brings THAT MUCH MORE CRAP in with it, requiring EVEN MORE 'allows', yotta yotta yotta].

it's why I've resorted to using a sanitized browser environment for those "special" sites [meant pejoratively] that for some reason I must use, such as ordering electronic parts for business reasons, or looking at someone's cat video link pasted into an IRC channel so I can flame them for posting stupid crap that required ENABLING JAVASCRIPT to view...

grump grump grump javascript grump grump - I can go on all day on this

and what's WORSE, is that, for a contract, I had to UN-JAVASCRIPT a couple of important pages because "web developer" (who should be shown the window by the BOFH) *FELT* (again with the FEEL 4-letter F word) that client-side scripting was needed, except it took over a second to total up a bunch of numbers and display the results, even noticeably flashing the occasional 'NAN' in the total (much to the irritation of boss and supervisor), even after FIRST rendering the entire page with zero values, making the system look SLOW and CLUNKY and UNPROFESSIONAL. My re-factor (now that 'web developer' is out of the way) used PHP to do all of that server-side, by embedding things like <?php print $var; ?> where he had '0' stuck in there (and then dynamically changed that by assigning DHTML with JQUERY of all things) and amazingly, it is so blisteringly fast [compared to that javascript abortion on the client] that you don't notice ANY delay at all, on an embedded device even. [and I had written all of the back-end, mostly in C, and hand-held him with super-simple php 'glue' pages to cough up the data values in his desired format, go fig, while he took 4 times longer than he should have to create the things, though we all admit they have a nice overall 'pretty' appearance...]

Anyway, javascript is *SO* overrated. Its inventor needs a session with me, a cluebat, and a cat-5-o-nine-tails. Or the BOFH, accompanied by "It's over here, by the window..."

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: The title is no longer required.

"If you don't like it, don't use it. Simple."

"So says someone who has no idea to what extent Google extracts information."

or no concept as to what effect a MONOPOLY has on the free market. In short, "go elsewhere" is no longer an option, and the existence of the monopoly PREVENTS competition from providing alternatives.

If it were gasoline, he'd be screaming a lot louder. "Don't use it" he says? Or maybe buy something OTHER than gasoline or diesel fuel or whatever your car runs on? Good luck doing THAT... Or what about FOOD? If it were FOOD and we were told "if you don't like it don't eat it"... yeah right.

And now we come to 'Teh Intarwebs' which pretty much everyone needs to be on these days, for many reasons from employment to paying taxes. NOT being on the internet is like NOT having a telephone.

"Go elsewhere" and "don't use it" just don't apply.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: The title is no longer required.

firefox with noscript on all of the time works for blocking nearly all of the ad/tracker crap. And in those rare cases where I _MUST_ do something "scripty" I do the following (on a FreeBSD or Linux machine).

1. make sure I've run Xorg with the -listen_tcp option [or some equivalent thereof]. This is sort of required for me, because I like to do embedded dev across a network, and not even try to use a tiny screen like for an RPi as a development platform...

2. xhost +localhost (naturally) - this lets you connect from localhost.

3. from a terminal on the desktop, 'su - otheruser' where 'otheruser' is as guest level as you can make it

4. in the shell as 'otheruser' export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0

5. then 'firefox http://whatever/ &' as 'otheruser'

7. make sure the browser DESTROYS ALL HISTORY ON EXIT, from cookies to cache, and especially passwords

this has no obvious performance (or other) issues when playing videos, or doing anything ELSE the browser needs to do, in order to properly display any content, access any web service, etc.

Yeah, FreeBSD and Linux (with Xorg, *NOT* Wayland) are AWESOME in being able to share the desktop like this and run in the context of a user that doesn't have any cached info on what you've been doing...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Simply my ass

"What is your "simple" method going to do when they use IP addresses instead of hostnames to reference the ads?"

a not-so-simple method involving:

* RDNS and regex filters

* content scanning (somewhat smart-filter type scanning, "looks like an ad" or "has tracking in it")

* blacklists (including nation boundaries for entire IP address ranges)

but yeah, simple methods only work until the bad guys decide they'll stop using simple methods, and then the spy-vs-spy cold war begins

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Or, simply...

"Ever heard of Google Analytics?"

yeah they're permanently banned in my NoScript config

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Or, simply...

"move ad-blocking outside the browser to the DNS level."

year ago, before I had a NAT setup, I had written an HTTP proxy server. It included some simple DNS filtering, such as anything with "ads.x.x" got immediately re-directed to localhost

It makes me want to write my own browser, with a regex DNS pre-processor to bypass DNS entirely (for everything that is caught by the blacklist or "not on the white list", whichever). And if I wanted to be really slick, I'd RDNS every direct IP address request, too, and filter THOSE with the regex as well...

but anyway - none of this is all that hard to do, assuming that the web browsers and their plugin APIs have NOT been deliberately designed and/or obfuscated to PREVENT it...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Dumbing down

wait until the browsers are NO LONGER OPEN SOURCE, for a fork of what they're up to that reverts it back to the way it was (for the convenience of the end-users) is likely to trigger some kind of knee-jerk control-freak response on SOMEONE's watch...

it makes me want to write my own browser. something webkit based. Midori was ok until it became as 2D FLATTY McFLATFACE as Chrome and Firefucox...

'AI is not the cause, it’s an accelerant. The pace of change is challenging' Experts give Congress deepfakes straight dope

bombastic bob Silver badge

"I am of course speaking about the orange-haired CIC Speaker of the House of Representatives of the USA."

Fixed it for ya. I think Pelosi was drunk at the time... [that's her new excuse]

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Missing the point

"even before the 90s we learned at school how to find and trust primary sources before jumping to 'OMG THEY SAID THIS'."

Fixed it for ya. I think that pretty much explains it. 4-inchers (people who view everything through a 4-inch screen) under the age of 40 may be driving all of this... and the "lack of education" system set them up.

All their base are belong to fake news. They have been set up the bomb. etc.

/me has a nice faked-up photo that I did with Obama's face as 'Cats' and the 'All your base are belong to us' as a demotivational... [it was fun]. It wasn't purely my idea, but I ran with it and made it better.

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Down

plastic pollution in the oceans? ugh, I hate environmentalist wackos using these kinds of premises as "examples" because we can EASILY forget to QUESTION THE @#$%-DAMNED PREMISE IN THE FIRST PLACE!

oh, and thanks for the subtle 'fake news' embedded in there. Nice. Job.

this could easily become like YOU BEATING YOUR WIFE because that is JUST AS FAKE as you asserting the 'plastic pollution in the oceans' thing.... [yes it's a reference to that classic leading question of 'how long have you been beating your wife' to which there is NO possible answer that comes WITHOUT the un-due criticism].

Such tactics are transparent. Your 'tricks' are for CHILDREN. <-- that was a reference to a breakfast cereal commercial

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Fakes versus bias

"So we all take our news with a grain of salt, which is probably a good thing."

The BEST thing that can come out of a ship-load of convincing 'fake news' is that people actually DO this, start thinking instead of feeling/reacting, and recognize that there is way too much B.S. out there to leave your skeptic hat on the hat rack while viewing it.

Hell, let's just call B.S. and 'fake news' on EVERYTHING, and wait for the dust to settle.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: OpenAI?

"OpenAI is a deep, well thought out and prepared deception, provocation and diversion."

without actually researching whether or not I'm right [and I most likely am, instinctively] I would venture to guess that Open AI covers a broader spectrum of what A.I. _could_ be, sort of like what the STL libraries have tried to do with all of their implementations for various collections of things, in a GENERIC sense, which tends to be inefficient [but covers a wide spectrum of possibilities].

So yeah there's an example or two of "that" out there, which also suggests that using OpenAI [like using STL] is not necessarily a bad choice except (possibly) for certain exceptions.

And if I bothered to research this, which I probably won't, I'd probably just confirm what my instincts and experience are telling me.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: News and my patented blockchain AI technology

I'm too lazy to do a patent search, but if you were to give us the patent number we could all look at it ourselves to see what it's all about... and THEN snark all over it!

heh heh heh heh

/me recognizes a few patents out there for things like perpetual motion devices, microwave based star drive systems, and other crackpot ideas. If you want to shell out the $ and file the thing, you too can have one o' those!!!! might be fun at parties

my own name is on a provisional patent (among many other names, department boss, supervisor, a couple of other engineers) having to do with a wireless network reliability method for wifi streaming audio/video content, as I'm the guy that did the prototype for it. never went anyplace as a product though. the latter part is what REALLY matters.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: a doctored video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

what about all of those photos etc. of drunken Mrs. Clinton?

(One in particular made a funny demotivational)

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Down

Re: Expert

"Trump sure is trying to make it so."

Saying things like that is _USUALLY_ called "pandering to the perception" (at least by me) and is a PERFECT example of trolling for up/down votes, etc. [like was mentioned in the article, or at least that was my interpretation of the quote I made a few posts up]

I'd ask for proof of your B.S. assertion if it was not so obviously 'fake news'

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Expert

lessee - the solution to RAMPANT FREEDOM GOING UNCHECKED is... A DATABASE?

HA HA HA HA HA HA! (oh you were serious?)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Blockchain technology and AI

you're forgetting about a couple of things...

a) freedom of speech

b) artistic expression

And, from the article:

"Users can be easily manipulated to like, comment, and share posts without thinking about the potential harm they can cause."

happens in HERE _ALL_ of the time!!!

"Potential harm" - to WHAT exactly? If I could produce a ship-load of videos that use extreme audio/video editing to make fun of lib-tard politicians and their *RIDICULOUS* ideas, and how they continue to TRY AND RESTRICT MY FREEDOM [while simultaneously INCREASING THEIR OWN POWER CONTROL AND WEALTH], I'm gonna DO it. Consider it a Guerrilla tactic for FIGHTING AGAINST THEM.

keep on snarkin' !!!!

The joy of six: Microsoft emits latest preview of .NET Core 3 with plenty of pipes, perfs, loads...

bombastic bob Silver badge

stop, you're making too much sense!

There's the right way (compile efficient code to native binary)

There's the wrong way (scripty scripty scripty)

And there's the MICRO-SHAFT WAY! ".Not".

Take a look at the 'hello world' example for a C-pound appliation, compare to simple hello world application in C. Even a windows version just calls an API function to create a dialog box. Yeah. How to OVER-complicate the otherwise simple.

(and if it's open source, native compiling for any platform should be relatively straightforward)

just thinking, maybe the point here is that MS tried to make "one windows to rule them all" and ended up NOT being on "devices" after all. And so you have x86 and ARM. So why do we need a P-code translation taht can be re-compiled into something more efficient in the FIRST place? JUST! MAKE! NATIVE! BINARIES! clang and gcc have LOTS of cross-compiler support. shouldn't be too hard using THOSE...

Halleluja! The Second Coming of Windows Subsystem For Linux blesses Insider faithful

bombastic bob Silver badge

OS/2 failed for different reasons. microsoft wrote the presentation manager, and OS/2 1.2 (releasing about a year before Windows 3.0) set THE standard for GUI environments.

Microsoft has broken that of course since Windows "Ape" and Win-10-nic and UWP and 2D FLATTY FLATSO McFLATFACE, but I digress...

The point is that OS/2 was actually SUPERIOR in every way, like a 16-bit NT in a lot of ways, a better API, and so on. But IBM marketed it for the PS/2 computer, no love for clones. THAT basically KILLED it, whereas Windows went for the clones AND the PS/2, and the rest became history.

Too bad MS isn't studying their past successes, though. THEN they would see that they're following IBM's ineffective tactics on this one.

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Up

Re: "Windows Subsystem for Linux"

"throwing out the Windows kernel and leaving the API."

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: But why?

"future versions of Windows would be able to simply run Linux software out of the box."

It's more easily done the OTHER way: a Microsoft-blessed version of WINE, running on a Linux kernel, with a WINE-like subsystem that implements all of Win32 at the API level, making native X11 and Win32 calls.

The rest of their ".Not" crap could then make Win32 API calls through the layer... and I bet it would STILL be faster than it is in Win-10-nic!!!

That's just too obvious, though. Remember MS did this with Windows 1.x, 2.x, 3.x running on top of MS-DOS. So now it would be Win-11 running on Linux! heh heh heh

bombastic bob Silver badge

considerably snappier file performance inside Linux

from being IN WINDOWS? Snappier than WHAT, MS-DOS 1.0 on a FLOPPY?

EVERY test I've EVER run that compares Windows to Linux or FreeBSD has demonstrated that Linux and FreeBSD file system performance is a *LOT* better than windows, by at least 10%. I haven't run those tests in a while, but a lot of numbers that came out at around the release of Win-10-nic showed that 7 was a tad faster than 10, and significantly faster than 8, and about the same as XP [which is what I ran the tests on, using equivalent hardware].

The biggest single problem with the windows file system SEEMS to be what I like to call "paranoid cacheing". Linux and FreeBSD will use ALL of the available RAM as a read/write cache if necessary, to limit the amount of actual I/O until it gets efficiently flushed to the disk, thus making the I/O faster overall. When you have to wait for a write to complete, it just slows EVERYTHING down.

And you see this a LOT with Windows. It's not hard to reproduce, not hard at all. I am not 100% sure that the problem _IS_ "paranoid cacheing" but everything I see tells me that Windows waits for physical write completes, and may even assume it CHANGED ON DISK and then would re-read it back again [instead of leaving it in a cache and relying on it NOT changing], whereas Linux and BSD do asynchronous write cache and generous read cacheing, 'lazily' flushing the cache to disk and journaling the file system to ensure file system integrity if the power goes out or something.

As a result, _I_ _CALL_ _B.S._ ON THAT CLAIM, Microsoft. Maybe WSL is "snappier" than CYGWIN, or Linux in a VM hosted on a windows box, but _NO_ _WAY_ is it "snappier" than LINUX ITSELF!!!

In fact, I think windows should run in a VM on Linux so it can get a FILE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE BOOST from the Ext file system. Similar with FreeBSD, hosting windows and NOT the other way around. UFS+J, ZFS file systems, WAY better than anything Micro-shaft can offer.

/me thought of YSL ties when I saw WSL. Dunno why.

Large Redmond Collider: CERN reveals plan to shift from Microsoft to open-source code after tenfold license fee hike

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Document formats

"Libre Office is compatible enough with MS Office."

As far as I can tell it is. I was handed a spreadsheet that needed to be modified, running _THE_ _ONLY_ Linux workstation at that site [I needed Linux to use remote X11 with embedded devices so I could edit code on them and do other things like 'meld' to manage source control and changes and whatnot - embedded device has a tiny screen, NO good for development, so it's a must-have and a reason NOT to use Windows _OR_ Wayland, but I digress..] and no problems reading it, modifying the hell out of it, and submitting the modified version. it was created on a Win-10-nic machine using a somewhat recent version of MS Office, since that's what everyone else seems to be using.

the only problem I've had is trying to print on a Lexmark "all in one" type color laser printer. Ate a box o' paper doing a test page. Maybe Lexmark has a driver for it but I haven't needed to print so I left it uninstalled after that. Kinda funny in a way...

bombastic bob Silver badge

I think the Altium bunch is near enough to me that maybe I can go over there some day with a ginormous penguin-shaped cluebat and get them to create a Linux version.

no looking back if they finally "get it", I bet. I think CAD started with X terminals, now didn't it?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Its the updates

" you don't know how it feels to a new user."

Heh - a FEELER, huh? FEEL the 4 letter 'F' word. You should try THINKING instead.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Its the updates

"The pre-requisites for this lib and that was nothing but a real pain."

Me-thinks you do NOT know of what you speak.

bombastic bob Silver badge

" I've never found Linux all that usable, and I'm about as technically minded as they come."

You need to install something OTHER than Ubuntu with Unity. And don't bother trying to find 'Internet Explorer' either. You'll probably need a few different software packages that are equivalents to and/or better than the windows version, things like Libre office, VLC Firefox and/or Chrome, and so on.

/me has been using FreeBSD GUI almost exclusively for EVERYTHING, since 2005-ish. Linux is a tad bit more friendly for windows users with some of the built-ins, auto-mounting USB drives when you plug them in, GUI bluetooth and wifi config, things like that. It's all there for you, last I looked, in every decent distro.

I suggest either the Mate desktop, or Cinnamon. That should get you something familiar enough, easier of a transition than 7 to 8 or 7 to 10 would be.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Rock, hard place etc.

still in XP? That would be a GOOD thing!

XP works just fine for my 3D printer software, though I admit I had to massage it and talk nice to it while getting the drivers and stuff installed...

The computer doing teh 3D pinting came with XP. It's one o' those low-end Lenovo "book sized" deals with a 1.something Ghz atom processor. Again, works fine for 3D printing. And if I were to "up" grade it, maybe not so much...

nothing wrong wiht XP. Micro-shaft should've stuck with it.