* Posts by bombastic bob

10507 publicly visible posts • joined 1 May 2015

50 years ago today Apollo 11 slipped the surly bonds of Earth to put peeps on the Moon

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Back when men were men...

not so much SAFETY being secondary... more like overcautiousness.

In other words, they weren't playing "CYA my job is on the line" or "we can't succeed yet, we want MORE FUNDING". It was FAR more goal oriented, and the people generally supported the space program.

Unlike now, where WAY too many people fail to see the value in buying rockets and doing cool heroic stuff.

Firefox 68 arrives with darker dark mode, redesigned extensions dashboard

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "the test is borked, or (more likely) this is challenging for many web designers"

"It's easy, just don't use light grey text on a white background."

or BRIGHT BLUE on BLINDING WHITE or any _OTHER_ uber-low-contrast HARD ON THE EYES combination of colors... [proving that web "developers" have an overall intelligence deficiency]

and why is FF still *ALL* *2D* *FLATTY* ??? hasn't someone GOTTEN A CLUE yet on that?

YouTube mystery ban on hacking videos has content creators puzzled

bombastic bob Silver badge

the new "lack of" standard in on-line content:

a) if *We Feel*, it gets a ban [even if it's just one activist moderator]

b) it's OUR server, so shut up

c) you post your content at the whim of our service. We're big enough to just say it to your face.

d) we can change the agreement, any time, for any length of time, whenever we *FEEL*

e) we make the rules, we enforce the rules, we *ARE* the rules


"for the children" of course

Mmm, instant Java: Visual Studio Code 1.36 brings tasty updates – unless you run 32-bit Linux

bombastic bob Silver badge

strangely enough, the "dead arch" makes sense in too many cases:

a) very low end priced portable computers [lets say with Atom processors on them and limited RAM], sorta like 'netbooks' even. Usually those are ARM-based, but not always

b) embedded boards. often useful to do development on them directly if you can plug in a monitor, mouse, and keyboard. Some are still x86 arch (but most, like RPi, seem to be ARM based these days)

c) >15 year old (aka ancient) computers being recycled for new purposes. I've got a few of these laying about that can easily run an old version of Linux [and in some cases, do, and some have XP on them].

Some time ago I brought a 17 year old laptop on site for contract work because I needed a Linux box, and they didn't have one (yet), to do embedded kinds of stuff with an RPi. I got MORE WORK done on that old thing, with 512M RAM and a 20G hard drive in it, than I could have on a BRAND NEW WIN-10-NIC box with the usual hardware load.

32-bit is NOT DEAD, just not all that popular right now, in places where people have plenty of money to spend on new stuff. But amazingly enough, with the developer tools that _I_ use, that 17 year old Toshiba laptop worked EXTREMELY WELL for the purpose that I needed it for. I could not run Firefox on it (with a responsive user interface, anyway), but I could do just about everything else I needed to do with it.

not so amazing, really, when you consider that Linux was designed for old klunky hardware, that it does NOT require the latest hardware and GIGABYTES of RAM and TERABYTES of DISK "just to load".

bombastic bob Silver badge

"If you're running 32bit Linux on your development machines at this point you're doing something wrong."

*cough* Raspberry Pi *cough* still runs 32-bit Linux

And 32-bit Linux works pretty well IN A VM

And 32-bit Linux is actually *slightly* *faster* if you're not running some PIGGY THING that WASTES RAM BY ITS VERY EXISTENCE [like maybe IntelliJ or chromium or anything written by Micro-shaft].

Or the worst: If it has NodeJS in it. Like "guess what" does!

If you have less than 4G of RAM, it's smarter to run 32-bit than 64-bit. And last I checked a LOT of things run really well on a system with less than 4G RAM, _INCLUDING_ developer tools. No need to spend $$$$ on bleeding edge hardware when "what you already have" can easily do the job... for those of us with budgets, who's mommy and daddy aren't paying for it, and when money is better spent elsewhere.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Want to connect to Raspberry Pi via SSH and edit files in [a GUI editor]

"Isn't the X11 protocol in the middle of being replaced by Wayland"

yeah SOME ARROGANT LInux people *FELT* this would happen, and yet it has NOT, and the OBVIOUS deficiency of NOT being able to support "remote GUI" is keeping Wayland off of MANY desktops!

Poettering *FELT* as if systemd was better. A _LOT_ of people became ANGRY at the "mandated change", and some WONDERFUL DEVS forked Debian into Devuan [which is what I use for Linux] so we could keep SysV init on Linux.

The Gnome 3 devs *FELT* as if their feature creep was BETTER, and a *LOT* of people (including Linus himself) became ANGRY and some WONDERFUL DEVS forked gnome 2 into Mate so we could KEEP OUR DESKTOP AS-IS without the unnecessary and unwanted FEATURE CREEP (which was more like 'take away what we like and replace it with something we do not').

And a LOT of us STILL USE WINDOWS 7 because the FEATURE CREEP of 8-10 is NOT wanted, either.

SO I'd say *NO* - Wayland is *NOT* going to replace X11. Not NOW, not ANY TIME SOON. It's not even really ready for 'prime time' in and of itself...

Arrogant developers and their SHOVING FEATURE CREEP INTO OUR BODY ORIFICES... and TAKING AWAY WHAT WE WANT TO KEEP just to get security updates and fixes... THAT needs to STOP.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Want to connect to Raspberry Pi via SSH and edit files in [a GUI editor]

why do we need VS Code for that when it can be ALREADY DONE using standard Xorg capabilities?

It's all very simple. For example, if you have any X11 system running (FreeBSD, Linux, 32-bit or 64-bit, does not matter) and you started Xorg with the appropriate parameter (usually -listen tcp or -listen_tcp or similar, see the .xserverrc file or the 'slim' startup file [the one that invokes the X server] or whatever OTHER desktop manager you're running's startup file for that) then you can use a remote TCP/IP connection on port 6000H for that.

It's *kinda* built into X11 already. No need to re-invent it "the Microshaft Way".

THEN of course you ssh in, do an "export DISPLAY=othermachine:0.0" in the session, and every X11 application you run will display and interact with THE REMOTE DESKTOP. I run 'pluma' like this ALL of the time. I suppose Slickedit, IntelliJ, Eclipse, and other 'big tools" wil work, though I've noticed that these *kinds* of tools [which are usually piggy java applications] don't perform quite as well as a native X11 application would [I'v tried it with IntelliJ for Android stuff, with Linux in a VM on FreeBSD].

And of course if you have NATIVE TOOLS available, why do you need some HACK in a JAVASCRIPT APPLICATION (aka VS Code written in, of all things, NodeJS] to do what is _ALREADY_ _POSSIBLE_ _AND_ _CONVENIENT_ ???

Microshaft, here's a thought: Why don't you re-write VS Code using C++ and either GTK or Qt, and *THEN* make it TRULY cross platform!!! Then have it run NATIVELY [not using NodeJS or some OTHER stupid javascript pile of excrement] and make sure it works correctly using the method I just described..

wouldn't THAT be worth something?

and of course I've been using editors like pluma on RPi to develop stuff for quite a while, on headless systems that display the GUI on my FreeBSD Desktop...

this stuff is NOT ROCKET SURGERY, but if you ARE a rocket surgeon you've probably been doing this already.

US Cyber Command warns that the Outlook is not so good - Iranians hitting email flaw

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Now where is the patch for.....

maybe at some point, perhaps the near future, people will realize the INsecurity of using 'Virus Outbreak' aka 'MS Outlook' for e-mail...

Or even LESS likely, Micro-shaft produces something WITHOUT exploitable security craters built in.

'Virus Outbreak' has been one of the WORST applications for SECURITY CRATERS, *EVAR*. Why are people still using this steaming pile of excrement, again?

Amazon: Carbon emissions from our Australian bit barns aren't for public viewing

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Any laws being broken?

"Damn, they are so brainwashed"

so says Mr. Pott about Mr. Kettle

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Any laws being broken?

thanks Mr. Gumby, we appreciate your candor

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: It's obvious

secret underground world-domination complexes. heh.

thinking of that, I just got done buying a bunch of stuff from Amazon... cheapest way to build a new computer, buying individual parts, use "el cheapo freebie" shipping. E-bay just didn't have what I wanted.

bombastic bob Silver badge
Big Brother

Re: Any laws being broken?

"Any scientist who conclusively and correctly proved climate change was not related to greenhouse gases would have their career made for life."

unless their studies and published results were DELIBERATELY SILENCED to keep them in obscurity...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Any laws being broken?

"if you 'splode a star"

very true - (according to modern theories) nearly all of the elements above hydrogen were created by stellar fusion combined by novae and explosions and whatnot.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Any laws being broken?

"Heat causes carbon dioxide???. My years of study in chemistry and my degree in geology calls shenanigans on your strange view of the world."

You missed a little detail in your "years of study", regarding two things: a) the equilibrium reaction of carbonates in water as affected by temperature, and b) the solubility of gas in water based on temperature and pressure.

('b' is something I knew a lot about while operating nuclear reactors for the U.S. Navy; to avoid gas buildup inside the reactor vessel, gas levels were kept below the point where they'd come out of solution, and an operation known as 'de-gas' would be conducted when the levels got too high, to get rid of the excess gas)

In case you forgot, the solubility of gas in water, at standard atmospheric pressure, maxes out at around 1 C and drops to a minimum at around 60C. When you watch tap water boil, if it ever does (for a watched pot never boils, ha ha ha) you can see bubbles form long before the water reaches the boiling point, at around 60C, because all of the dissolved gas comes out of solution. To further prove that point, ice cubes often form in the fridge [without an ice maker] such that the gasses come out of solution during the freezing process, and you'll see "cloudy ice" because of it [the ice must freeze solid for this to happen though]. Needless to say, there's a variability of gas solubility between 1C and 60C, with the curve "generally going down".

Conclusion: raise water temperature, CO2 solubility is low, combined with a shift in the equilibrium of carbonates AND the solubility of carbonates precipitated on the ocean floor, lake beds, etc.. The end result is that as temperature INCREASES, so will the measured CO2 levels increase. And THAT is the mechanism, explained using basic chemistry and physical properties of water.

You can also see this in a can of soda: as it warms up, it goes FLAT.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Any laws being broken?

@DJO - you responded with "Idiot" as the very first word in your post. Is an ad hominem attack your main debate strategy? Might as well quote Chevy Chase when he'd do the fake-debate with Jane Curtain on Saturday Night Live back in the 70's - it usually began with something like "Jane, you ignorant slut..."

(so typical of the left to resort so quickly to ad hominem attacks and emotional manipulation, for they have no truth on their side)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Any laws being broken?

"I suggest you look up the Dunning Kruger effect and consider how it might apply to you."

I suggest you study the science yourself and not just believe the propaganda being excreted by those so called "climate scientists". CO2 infrared absorption spectrum. black body radiation. compare all that to the effect water has on temperatures and 'greenhouse effect'. It's a good start.

The main difference between what I am saying and what you are saying: You made an ad-hominem attack. I merely point to the science.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Not really sure...

my fan club!

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Up

Re: Not really sure...

"Yes, he is a leftie. They don't want to pay taxes. They just want you to pay taxes."

good summary

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Not really sure...

CO2 only absorbs black-body IR radiation that corresponds to temperatures below -50F and above about 140F, and so can NOT be a greenhouse gas of any significance. CO2 is released from water as it warms, the way a soda goes flat as it warms up, which results in elevated measured levels as water gets warmer. The CO2 itself is an indicator of temperature, NOT a cause of it. That's pretty much a summary.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Any laws being broken?

more laws ... yeah THAT'll fix it! [*NOT*]

we don't need MORE LAWS. we need to EXPOSE the LIES, and let everyone see the TRUTH for once, instead of a bunch of cooked "facts" and limited information and *WRONG* *CONCLUSIONS*. aka 'fake news'.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Not really sure...

it's _REALLY_ all about the HYPOCRISY of the LEFT.

1) Jeff Bezos and other lefties are all about the PERCEPTION of "caring about the environment". They'll gladly SADDLE THEIR COMPETITION with unnecessary "green energy" requirements, and even BUY POLITICIANS to FORCE AN ENTIRE STATE (Cali-Fornicate-You) to DO THE SAME.

2) Then, when MOST companies are set with RIDICULOUS LIMITATIONS AND COSTS over a COMPLETE FORNICATING HOAX (the entire idea about man-made CO2 causing catastrophic and possibly irreversible climate change, something that ONLY AN UNEDUCATED _MORON_ WOULD ACTUALLY BELIEVE*), you LOCATE YOUR DATA CENTERS ELSEWHERE. In this case, Australia.

3) and THEN, when it comes time for THE TRUTH, you *HIDE* it like "nothing to see here move along".

Does THIS sound about right? I think it _DOES_ !!!

And with THIS kind of FORNICATING BOVINE SEWAGE, we end up with Amazon's market dominance for AWS _IN_ _PERPETUITY_, an INCREASE in the gap between 'rich' and 'poor', and LEFTY POLITICS DOMINATING EVERYWHERE to _MAINTAIN_ all that.

* if people would stop FEELING for 5 minutes and actually LISTEN TO REASON, I could *EASILY* disprove the entire CO2-global-climate-bullcrap thing with a can of soda and the CO2 infrared absorption spectrum and a handful of other relevant scientific facts...

Microsoft has Windows 1.0 retrogasm: Remember when Windows ran in kilobytes, not gigabytes?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "Why Windows 1.0?"

that was the whole point of comparing windows 1.0 to windows 10 - even without the decimal, it's STILL all 2D FLATSO in Win-10-nic, just like it was in Windows 1.0, but the difference is that BACK THEN it's all they really had RAM and video performance to handle... whereas _now_ it's COMPLETELY POINTLESS to make things all FLUGLY like that...

exept that a bunch of "whiz kids" around 2015-sh *FELT* it was better then CRAMMED IT ALL UP OUR ASSES whether we WANT it or not. It's the same basic ARROGANT crowd that excreted systemd, gnome 3, Australis, ":The Ribbon", and "The Metro". it was like suddenly we woke up and it ALL CHANGED and we were being FORCED to ACCEPT IT.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "Windows 1 was indeed sorry"

Windows 3.0 (and later) was VERY "fit for purpose", if you ran it on a 386 or better (even 386 SX).

The irritating "program manager" was workable. The 'file manager' was usable. but the BEST part was the virtual x86 DOS windows, where you could actually MULTITASK MS-DOS APPLICATIONS.

But as we all know Micro-shaft FORGOT the lessons of Windows 3.0 which was patterned after the updates that made OS/2 1.2 "way cool" - the UI had 3D SKEUOMORPHIC ELEMENTS, buttons that looked like buttons, and not FLATSO colored squares on a FLAT background.

You know, like Windows "Ape" (8.x) and Win-10-nic (10) do. FLATTY McFLATFACE.

Why the *FEEL* did Micro-shaft go BACK to THE FLAT? Windows 3.0 sales EXPLODED because of the 3D SKEUOMORPHIC appearance!!! That, and Solitaire. It wasn't MS Word or Excel that sold it. it was THE 3D SKEUOMORPHIC that sold it!!!

And the programs were efficient, loaded pretty fast and ran pretty well on that ancient hardware, with LOWER RAM REQUIREMENTS and SMALLER DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS etc. etc.

/me facepalms how things have ended up

bombastic bob Silver badge

and yet, with 1000 times the computing power in 2019, as compare to 1985, we have:

a) flat-looking UI again [MS forgot the lessons of Windows 3.0]

b) limited UI color choices (as opposed to UNLIMITED, like XP)

c) piggy CRapps that run as if they 're on an 8Mhz 8086 with 512kb RAM (I blame UWP, ".Not", C-Pound, and so-called "object oriented" design that's more like "look, look, look!, this language has OBJECTS in it!!!")

Unfortunately, MS's standard development practices "pig up" the applications (with feature creep and pure laziness and spyware) to match the new capability of the systems upon which they are run... and demand MORE, MORE, MORE!

Trump: Huawei ban will be lifted!
US Commerce Dept.: Yeah, about that…

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: US economic dominance --

"is fading. Trump's trade wars make it fade faster."

so says your opinion without any evidence. And yet, the U.S. economy has been steadily growing since Trump signed the first executive order... and to some extent, right after the election in anticipation of same.

No matter how you try to obfuscate the truth, state opinions as if they were facts, and blame Trump for it, you can't deny that his policies are WORKING.

Wages are up. Unemployment is down. And the thing that matters the MOST for international agreements, that BOTH SIDES benefit from it [not just a one-sided bend-over-and-expose-my-anus "agreement" like what one-world-order politicians dealt out since Bush I), then you end up with where we're headed right now...

U.S. economic dominance comes from one thing: Freedom. Free thinking, Free markets, and the freedom to COMPETE properly. Get GUMMINT out of the way, and KEEP IT OUT OF THE WAY. THAT will get you ECONOMIC DOMINANCE.

So if you want such a thing in UK, then GET THE SOCIALISM OUT OF THE WAY. And do the "Brexit".

When a job returns to "an exchange of work for money at the market rate", and is no longer "a right" or "a demand" or something worse [basic income being ONE example], then people actually WORK HARDER and get MORE done in LESS time because, if they do NOT, they are REPLACED by those who WILL.

And that is a GOOD thing.

bombastic bob Silver badge

I'd buy stuff that said "made in Canada".

Someone that I know works at the Canadian/U.S. Border (Customs agent). Apparently a LOT of lumber crosses the border there.

/me sings the Monty Python 'Lumberjack' song since I'm thinking of it now

actually there's this one Canadian company that makes circuit boards, and they're one of the fastest I've seen at doing prototypes for designs. FedEx results back in 5 working days from when I submit the designs. I've submitted them electronically on a Sunday (evening) and received boards on Thursday. It's pretty cool.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: By now, everybody knows not to rely on US technology

if you can manage to make a 'droid compatible phone OS and ship it out of Finland or some other country that has a lot of competent software engineers that understand cell phones, go for it.

I'd love to see competition there.

ReactOS 'a ripoff of the Windows Research Kernel', claims Microsoft kernel engineer

bombastic bob Silver badge

"Switching to W10 is often not an option"

so many ways to fix that for ya. I'd go for removing 'often'. 2nd, s/often/usually/

but worth saying nonetheless

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Down

I've used most of those things and I WHOLEHEARTEDLY DISAGREE WITH YOU.

Not "anyone". Maybe SOME people (you included). but not "anyone".

and what does OS/360 have to do with NETWORKING? it didn't exist back then.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Copyright law has an xception for interinoperability

wouldn't that be 'interoperability' or is that just the US'ian way of saying it?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Why now?

"What have ReactOS done recently to upset them?"

yes, I'd like to know that as well. my first instinct was a lot like that quote

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: It's an opinion.

systemd is why I use Devuan and become *ANGRY* whenever I have to deal wtih its BRAIN DAMAGED nonsense, such as in Raspbian (on an RPi, to be used to control DEVICES, NOT a GUI), where it NEVER BELONGED IN THE FIRST PLACE, and my serial device connected via USB is WHAT THE FORNICATE being SCREWED UP ON BOOT by ModemManager causing 20 seconds of ERRORS during the boot process? WHAT the FEEL??? That was a non-obvious non-trivial BORK-UP by systemd!! Poettering deserves my eternal HATE. And it took WAY too long to TRACK THAT DOWN, too...

bombastic bob Silver badge

"ReactOS and WINE co-operate in development"

they DO but there are so many 'missing things' in BOTH ReactOS and Wine that I have to wonder where the effort is being focused at the moment... whether it's effective use of time, or "this is interesting to me right now" prioritization.

I had a short brush with how one group selects paid developers. I would say that their process, in and of itself, excludes the best and the brightest in exchange for ACADEMICS, because the people running the show _ARE_ academic, and (more than/? a bit arrogant about it. Apparently they've inherited some money, which means "they can have it THEIR way" whether it's effective or NOT. Their "standards" favor schoolbook responses to problems in lieu of seeing how well someone [with proper tools and experience] can crank out quality work at high speed and get things DONE.

So a big part of the ReactOS and Wine teams is their ACADEMIC ARROGANCE. If they want SUCCESS, they have to think like A BUSINESS, and *NOT* like a bunch of COLLEGE PROFESSORS, who couldn't manage their way out of a PAPER BAG given a MAP, and electric "opening" finder!

(though they might be able to find their ASSES with both hands and a map)

bombastic bob Silver badge

'lagging behind' is a good thing

just think of the things ReactOS is "lagging behind" Micro-shaft with...


b) "The Slurp" - not in ReactOS (nor are the ADS that Slurp selectively FEEDS us)

c) "The Metro" tiles and "Start Thing" and "Properties" pages - not in ReactOS

d) "The Store" - also NOT in ReactOS

e) The Arrogance - how MS treats customers these days - not in ReactOS

pretty much *EVERYTHING* *I* *HATE* that Micro-shaft EXCRETED post-7 is NOT IN ReactOS.

And that's a *GOOD* thing!

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Shades of SCO saga

I'm all for this: Just get end-users to install FUSEFS drivers on their win-boxen in order to read the SD cards, which would include ext2/3/4 and other common file systems. I know MS would really HATE that, but the development effort (and WOW factor) would be TOTALLY worth it - saving money on VFAT licensing while they're at it.

it would also provide a universal FUSEFS implementation that everyone could use. Google could do this and it would make TOTAL sense. If done right, it would TOTALLY circumvent Micro-shaft's HORRENDOUS policy of FORCING ALL DRIVERS TO BE SIGNED BY _THEM_ for example.

DeepNude deep-nuked: AI photo app stripped clothes from women to render them naked. Now, it's stripped from web

bombastic bob Silver badge

I smell too much moral outrage

in the article and the comments, in general.

Yeah we all know that 90's TV preachers had LOTS of moral outrage, until a couple of them got caught with their pants down...

just sayin' that being all 'high and mighty' and morally outraged and using terms like 'misogynistic' to describe something that simply fakes naked pictures of people seems to be a little bit TOO much like (to quote Shakespeare) "the lady doth protest too much methinks".

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "chiefly women, it doesn't work properly on men"

or worse, BOTH

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Benny Hill

"The article tells us that the software is misogynistic"

yeah, the 'm' word. about that... whenever I see it I scream "*BIAS*!!!"

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Time passes...

'The same people, now: "SHAME ON EVERYONE!"'

yeah, no hypocrisy to see here, move along...

It's amazing how much "moral outrage" you see from the P.C. crowd. It's worse than a TV preacher...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "chiefly women, it doesn't work properly on men"

I have to wonder what would happen if I used a picture of an animal in their software...

"cat porn" - heh heh heh

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: release it for the world's weirdos to use

"It's because the world is run by men. A superwoman beating males to a pulp is just something you only see on a screen whereas you don't have to look far to see men beating women in real life."

you forgot to say "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle" or some other such feminist propaganda nonsense.

"Hope that helps!!"

not in the least.

(and is ANYONE surprised that the BIRTH RATE IS DROPPING? For when men can't be men, women can't be women, and normal male/female relationship behavior is DISCOURAGED at every turn, people withdraw into their cell phones and online life and don't marry nor have kids because they have been CONDITIONED - So as far as _I_ am concerned, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS can KISS MY HAIRY NAKED ASS)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: has been torn offline by its makers

maybe still in the internet archive...?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Admit it

well seeing Mrs. Clinton naked [even if faked] *WOULD* be a crime against humanity!

this reminds me of a Beavis and Butthead parody done by Imus...

"Beavis: Which would you rather do - slide down a razor blade bannister into tub of alcohol, or kiss [insert unattractive and/or ball-busting female politician and/or activist name here] on the mouth, with tongue?"

"Butthead: How long is the bannister?"

(best of my recollection anyway)

bombastic bob Silver badge

"This software was almost certainly written by people who have never had a FEMINIST girlfriend"

Fixed it for ya!!! Though I suppose 'westernized' or 'feminized' might have worked as well...

when I saw the 'm' word (misogynist) in the article, I knew it had been written from the wrong perspective.

COME ON, people, THIS IS FUNNY STUFF! Fake 'nude' photos of ANYBODY? What, nobody's seen heads glued onto existing porn before? Only NOW it's even FUNNIER!!!

And yeah a few people out there might get their jollies with it but who cares. People do what they do, and being PRUDISH and UNNECESSARILY JUDGING about it just makes you out to being some kind of NINNY NANNY that wants to CONTROL people or something.

And you wonder why the birth rate is dropping...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: You Can't Buy That

this reminds me of a line from a TV show that was part of a movie...

"I'll buy THAT for a dollar!"

(from the original Robocop if nobody remembered - and the context is spot on)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Benny Hill

if there are ANY MEN who are PROTESTING this, then you DESERVE to have your MAN CARD REVOKED!!! (what nobody ELSE had the GONADS to say this?)

Benny Hill indeed!

/me plays 'Yackity Sax' in his honor while reading porno mags

Just to make a point - being a GENETIC HYPER MALE [as evidenced by my ring finger being longer than my 1st finger] I'd just like to point out that *MY* *LIFESTYLE* *MUST* *BE* *EMBRACED* because I have a GENETIC PRE-DISPOSITION to wanting to SEE NAKED WOMEN [particularly younger than 25] and I just can NOT help myself, for _I_ have a GENETICALLY PRE-DISPOSED CONDITION.


[after all _I_ must accept/embrace OTHER people's behavior when it's pre-disposed and 'born that way', right???]

heh heh heh

2001: Linux is cancer, says Microsoft. 2019: Hey friends, ah, can we join the official linux-distros mailing list, plz?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: From within....

MS is probably getting on board the same kind of train they always have, only this time they're 20 years late.

So now they want on board with a 1st class seating arrangement, when all of the 1st class tickets have been sold and there's nothing available seating, but they want in anyway.

But given time and the influx of unlimited money, MS *could* buy themselves an entirely NEW TRAIN, and have probably already planned on this...

Fortunately there's *STILL* FreeBSD

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: The public good

"in terms of the greater good."

While those who think of themselves as 'Nobles' may *FEEL* (not think) in these kinds of terms, those of us who recognize the GREAT NUMBER OF EVILS that have been done with this particular phrase [or an equivalent] justifying it, *IMMEDIATELY* pucker up our anuses in anticipation of the SCREWING that will soon follow...

"greater good" huh? That's sorta like "the ends justify the means" without it being as obvious...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: They are now the Voyager Borg

"They are more likely to get assimilated by Linux than the other way around at this point."

Never underestimate the power of the SWARTZ! er, Borg. er, Microshaft...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: I am getting worried

yeah, do you have ANY idea how long it takes to get the pilot light lit???

(from an 'Animaniacs' episode where they literally caused hell to freeze over)