Re: Looks like the technology hasn't been properly studied
in a state KNOWN for it's over-litigation, a company did... WHAT?
Lithium _IS_ _THE_ _MOST_ _REACTIVE_ _METAL_ _ON_ _THE_ _PLANET_ Let it get outside of its protective container, and it WILL burst into flames and explode, reacting with LITERALLY everything!
That being said, who made the batteries? El Cheapo Battery Company, LTD from Ali Baba web site, right?
Yeah THAT'll keep costs down. And customers in pain.
Don't get me wrong, an electric bike service where you could "just grab one" sounds convenient, but here in San Diego we've had a LOT of problems with bike rental companies [the non-leccy kinds] and people leavng the things in (being kind) INCONVENIENT places.
People are (in general) pigs, in other words, without motivation to NOT be pigs. Self-disciplined people are generally an exception but not the norm.
As for San Jose California. I left that area in 1980 and would NEVER want to go back there. I understand it took a HARD TURN to the left, and the price of housing there is RIDICULOUS. Seriously, Silly Valley companies do NOT need to hire there, unless their investors ALSO own property [and make money off of ridiculous housing and rent prices]. And considering how bums and hobos and other "human debris" are CRAPPING IN THE STREETS and LIVING IN TENTS ON THE SIDEWALKS, who'd WANT to live there?
In any case, nothing beats a good old fashioned gasoline burning car or motorcycle. Seriously! And last I checked, the rate at which they burst into flames and cook your crotch is VERY small...