Re: The only thing the tariffs accomplish
thanks for the leading question. the premise you state in the form of a question is WRONG, i.e. that
a) tariffs are VAT taqxes on cheap crap at walmart
b) billionaire hedge fund managers are the [only?] recipients of a 1 trillion dollar tax cut
First, I shall school you on tariffs, what they are, and why they are a good idea in THIS case...
Traditionally ALL countries (including the UK) charge taxes on things, and imports are no exception. These are called 'tariffs'. They help fund the government, and also help prevent a foreign country from RUINING a particular business within YOUR country through various predatory and unfair practices (such as 'dumping').
If this were essential items, then MAYBE you'd have a point. but it's not. The end result is that China will lose business to other competing nations and businesses [remember China is STILL COMMUNIST, and really state-owns pretty much EVERYTHING when you boil it all down], when it's now possible for the others to compete.
Predatory competition has been used forEVAR to shut down the competition, form monopolies, and then REALLY rape the customer down to his last penny. Tariffs are a way for a nation to STOP this at the border. That's what's happening NOW.
Now, when it comes to TAX CUTS: When cigarette taxes are used to stop people from smoking, it should be obvious that taxation REDUCES an activity. In the case of taxing INCOMES, why REDUCE them? Don't people DESERVE to KEEP what they earn? And those who earn MORE _ALSO_ deserve to KEEP it!
The only TRUE FAIR TAX RATE is the SAME rate, whether your single, married, have kids, or earn MORE than the next guy. Seriously. And the end-result of HIGH TAXES on "the wealthy" are always twofold: a) "The Wealthy" always seem to have the resources to CIRCUMVENT it since often their income is NOT EARNED, and b) those who DO earn high incomes are likely to just say FUCK IT and either retire or stop WORKING THEIR ASSES OFF to get ahead.
High marginal tax rates on "the rich" are on those trying to BECOME the rich, not the ACTUAL rich. So your STUPID CLASS ENVY BULLSHIT is JUST a SOCIALIST PLOY to use CLASS ENVY to EMPOWER "them". Aka SOCISLISTS.
Whenever you LOWER tax rates on those who INVEST and CREATE BUSINESSES, you get more, uh, INVESTMENT and BUSINESSES. This means JOBS. And that's the point.
This is why Trump-economis WORKS, just like Reagonomics WORKED in the 80's, and if you don't actually remember SEEING it and LIVING it, then your revisionist history BULLSHIT is talking, not THE TRUTH.