Re: here we go again
the same idiots whine about GUN CONTROL too, same logic.
Only now, in SOME places, it's even *KNIFE CONTROL*. Go fig.
Nothing like a "solution" in search of a "problem" to EMPOWER POLITICIANS and CONTROL OUR LIVES EVEN MORE...
Just keep the source files for *STRONG* public key encryption available to EVERYONE AROUND THE WORLD, and make it SO easy to use with FREE open source applications, specifically ones that do not track nor advertise, that the genie can NEVER be put back into the bottle, and ANYONE can have strong, un-crackable encryption IN SPITE OF *THEM*.
posting to USENET, open source OS projects, and the various www archive servers is a good start...
[at one time the BEST encryption resources were FTP sites in FINLAND - back in the 90's]
it would be somewhat trivial to write an Android application to provide strong encryption for use in a mounted file system using existing algorithms, let's say PGP and IDEA for starters. All it would need to do is look like an external storage device plugged in via USB. Not that hard to do with Linux. I think there are already file-baed mountable file system drivers already for Linux. Just adapt one of those... run it in userland (like Fuse FS) and voila!
dunno if you'd have to jail-break a phone to do that... but it would certainly be possible if you did.
/me has experimented with native libs on Android already. The next step is a userland file system like Fuse FS and the ability to mount them. Then *ANY* application could store files in an encrypted file system with strong un-crackable non-back-doored protection, a HUGE hash-based key, and maybe even biometrics and/or bibliograhical pass phrases - your favorite book chapter X and paragraph N, as an example!