* Posts by bombastic bob

10507 publicly visible posts • joined 1 May 2015

80-characters-per-line limits should be terminal, says Linux kernel chief Linus Torvalds

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Code... WHO CARES!

(the way you mention me, I must be living rent-free inside your head...)

Limiting to 80 columns of 'actual code' works well if you use a lot of per-line comments, maybe indent the comments to column 80 so they line up. But yeah that makes the lines longer, but you'll still be able to view all of the code within that 80 columns and scroll over for the comments if your display is too narrow.

And while you're dong that, use 2-character indents (not 8), with NO hard tabs, so that excessive indenting isn't the cause of going past column 80. Solves EVERYTHING!

(you're welcome, heh)

Visual Studio Code finally arrives on ARM64 Windows. No, you haven't woken up in 2017, sadly. It's still 2020

bombastic bob Silver badge

If Node.js is supposed to make "cross platform" easier via JavaScript...

If Node.js is supposed to make "cross platform" easier via JavaScript, then WHY did it take so long for the internals running Node.js stuff to support ARM64?

I'm just a _bit_ confused, here. Java is cross-platform as long as there's a JVM. But we're talking SCRIPT here, which is interpretive. Just what hardware-dependent things are the Node.js and other supporting libs DOING that you can't just re-compile them for ARM64 and be done with it?

In my opinion, Micros~1 might as well JUST USE C/C++ and be done with this kind of "unexpected incompatibility". You could use it with wxWidgets, Qt, or GTK for cross-platform compatibility, too. Or, maybe fix MFC so that it SUPPORTS LINUX... I think that would be _AWESOME_ !!!

_SO_ many OTHER possible solutions, yet they chose something based on Node.js ...

Got $50k spare? Then you can crack SHA-1 – so OpenSSH is deprecating flawed hashing algo in a 'near-future release'

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Two hashes are better than one

"are two hashes more secure than one?"

even with one of them being weak, like MD5 or SHA1, a two-hash collision attack would be virtually impossible. Add file length comparison, even more impossible. BUT... if the cost of producing a "poison packet" for torrent is based on randomly generating blocks of bytes until you get a match, and THAT determines the cost, it would only be slightly slower to test against 2 algorithms than against a single one, for each pass.

I'd give it "a qualified yes" - it's more secure. Maybe the chances of even finding a hash-collision where BOTH algorithms collide is the saving grace here... so you won't get as many successful attempts with two hashes, even if they're weak, regardless of the length of time needed to find the collisions.

Better: just use SHA256 and other more secure hashes. Maybe two of THOSE, even.

Raspberry Pi Foundation serves up an 8GB slice of mini-computing goodness

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Further back than that....

in theory, all you need is a 64-bit capable processor which _is_ what the later RPi2Bs were using.

However, for the OS to work properly, the hardware peripherals need drivers, and configuration for all of that is in the configuration files (DTB) and overlays (DTO). If these do not exist within the 64-bit OS, then you'll have to make your own, including corresponding device drivers if the hardware is even slightly different. I've done this kind of work for FreeBSD and it's not for the faint at heart. Additionally, it may not be compatible with the video core stuff [which on the RPi 2 might not be able to load a 64-bit kernel]. I have run FreeBSD's 64-bit kernel on the RPi 3, and it seems to work ok with some minor caveats. Official support for FreeBSD would be nice from the RPi foundation but they haven't done this much and sometimes just "change things" and expect everyone else to react.

But yeah those hardware config files, the rough equivalent of a Plug & Play BIOS setup on a PC, are crucial to getting the OS to work. And it's hardware-dependent, so it's unlikely the 2 will ever be supported (officially) with 64-bit.

Info on this can be found here and elsewhere: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/device-tree.md

In Rust, we lust: Security-focused super-C++ language still most loved among Stack Overflow denizens

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Basically tells you all you need to know about Stack Overflow users...

According to the article: Those taking the survey are not a particularly diverse group

There is more than one kind of 'diversity' in my view, particularly when doing a sample for surveys, which is actually more along the lines of "representative sample" vs "whatever they had". If the sample represents Stack Overflow, then I suppose it MIGHT be a good survey.

But as for programming languages in general, I tend to believe TIOBE, if for no other reason than they've been doing this a while and have a pretty scientific way [it seems] of getting programming lingo popularity out of whatever data set they use. interestingly, C jumped over Java a bit this month (Java was neck/neck #1 vs C #2 for quite a while again) and so Java and C run close to one another in popularity and continue to do so.

As for Rust it was down at 21 on the TIOBE index, with a 0.7% rating. By comparison, C is around 17% and Java around 16.3%. Next in line are Python (~9.1%), C++ (disappointing 6.1%), and C-pound (4.3%). javascript is around 2.7%. And so on [for others you can visit tiobe.com/tiobe-index - pasting a link brought up CAPTCHA so I stated it as text instead].

In any case when you see survey results that are "this different" it makes you wonder how accurate the survey is.

bombastic bob Silver badge

C++ and backwards compatibility

with the exception of 'auto' and some other minor 'nits', C++ code using the old style from the early days SHOULD still compile and run as expected, even with the newest/shiniest C++ standard supported by the compiler.

(At least I haven't run into anything, though a few sloppy constructs "you used to get away with" might cause a bit of grief and require some fixin' with things like explicit casts and proper rvalue/lvalue handling).

Can't say the same thing about Python 2 to 3, now can we??

Linux-loving Windows 10 May 2020 Update squeaks in with days to spare before June

bombastic bob Silver badge

Virtual Desktops

"Those who have discovered the Virtual Desktop feature can give them names more helpful than 'Desktop 1' and 'Desktop 2'"

That's a welcome feature. Windows needed this back in the XP days. I'd like to mention that multiple desktops have been available in the Linux world since around 2006-ish (gnome 2 and KDE both had this feature as I recall) and I've been able to name them as well for some time. So "welcome to the club" Micros~1 and glad you've caught up to the X11 desktop world!

(now if you could catch up in a different way, like letting us CHANGE the appearance of our desktops to something 3D Skeuomorphic like I can do with Mate and Cinnamon, then I'd actually consider using Windows 10 for more than just testing my windows applications to make sure they run on it...)

Embrace and kill? AppGet dev claims Microsoft reeled him in with talk of help and a job – then released remarkably similar package manager

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Microsoft jus' gonna be Microsoft

"That was a common habit of theirs in the '90s."

Ack. back in the 90's I wrote a desktop trash-can application for Win 3.x. When '95 released, it had a similar trashcan built-in, that operated in a manner very similar to mine. There were other trash cans, though, each probably operating in a similar way. Mine used a directory to move all of the files into before emptying so you could un-delete them. I'm sure others did the same. You could also change icons with mine [the default was a toilet, which had green water if something was in it, blue otherwise].

But this is the world of competition in software, so it's no surprise, really. MS loves to employ "N.I.H." policies and "invent their own" instead of using someone else's thing, and will no doubt continue to "invent their own", even if they occasionally get sued for it [like dblspace/drvspace vs Stacker].

Google brews up a fresh pot of Java for its serverless Cloud Functions service

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Java ?

yeah well I suspect that Java, as well as Python and Node.js and other "interpretive" run-times, aren't the only possible code thingies that you can run in response to web events. I suspect that all of this is simply an expansion of "offerings".

That being said, I would choose to use C/C++ for everything, for efficiency, to limit costs. But well written Java code might be nearly as efficient as C/C++, and a LOT of people like Java [it's the #1 programming language, according to the TIOBE index, for the last few years].

So can you blame them for OFFERING it? I don't.

(the REAL problem might be on the client side - why use Python? JavaScript? Java is DEFINITELY an improvement, In My Bombastic Opinion)

Boeing brings back the 737 Max but also lays off thousands

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "more than a dozen initiatives focused on enhancing workplace safety and product quality"

all good questions. Hopefully they have. We're not hearing this, so I'm guessing "yes"? Otherwise, why would they resume production?

While waiting for the Linux train, Bork pays a visit to Geordieland with Windows 10

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Need a bit of Raspberry Pi action

yes, an RPi 3 with the official screen and chromium in kiosk mode can usually do everything a simple digital sign actually needs to do. If you need more, you can use a bigger screen with HDMI output and USB touch screen. RPi 4 also works but consumes a bit more power.

been there, done that, didn't write the book but many others are doing this, too. Yet, if it weren't for SystemD and a few other OS quirks that need SHUTTING OFF (but SystemD makes more difficult to do), it'd be pretty easy for even a NOVICE to make a touch screen system. So like everyone else, you spend time reading Stack Overflow and other places, piece the usual hacks together, and voila!

cmd.exe is dead, long live PowerShell: Microsoft leads aged command-line interpreter out into 'maintenance mode'

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Up

Re: Microsoft only have themselves to blame

"Powershell would be more popular if it had been backwards compatible with the Command Prompt."


(snide comment: if it's not "The New Micros~1.WAY" then it's the HIGHWAY)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Bash

"Does anyone remember the original POSIX subsystem that came with Windows NT?"

I installed this on XP and 7, but with limited usbility. i tried working with it (it had X11R5 libs!!!) and tried to get configure scripts to work properly [oh the horrors...] and gave up out of frustration.

It did change names a few times - Interix - then SFU - then SUA. I think that's right. The original version would work on 'Home' versions of XP though, as I recall.

Cygwin does NOT have those "Home vs Pro" restrictions. Sensibly.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Bash

use bash instead - yeah I was thinking that, too.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: simple shit so much easier with cmd

YEARS ago I wrote a command line interpreter for windows 3.x that extended COMMAND.COM commands with a bunch of power-shell-like things (task lists, poking character strings into windows, starting windows applications in the background or synchronously, and so on). When Win '95 came out I abasndoned it for a couple of reasons, not the least of which was being able to type in a windows program name in '95 and still have it run in windows (as you might recall, this did NOT work in 3.x).

I suppose I could "resurrect" some of that code if an open source maintained version of CMD is still needed.

Worthy of note: I actually implemented the 'format' command to format diskettes within windows, and it did so efficiently (you could format while using the computer for other things). I also found a bug in either '9x or NT 4 where it wasn't actually low-level formatting the diskette, just "checking the format" if the track was already formatted [the OS did this internally, beyond control of the API calls or whatever it needed]. I reported it but I don't think it was ever fixed.

Alternative: use the CMD.EXE from ReactOS

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: WTF?

most likely:

a) it was written by a contractor, "the lowest bidder"

b) it's been working for YEARS

c) nobody in I.T. (read: PHB's or a contract with an I.T. management company) has a clue how it works or what might be going wrong

I find myself in the position of being "the contractor" and having to deal with incompetent "I.T. management company/contractor" at times. then you try and document everything as best as possible, and the contract ends, and they may call on you some time in the next 5 years to fix some problem like that. Hopefully you didn't write such fragile code, though...

Microsoft blocks Trend Micro code at center of driver 'cheatware' storm from Windows 10, rootkit detector product pulled from site

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Perhaps update the certification requirements

I can't agree with MS's "driver cert" requirement at ALL. The certification "through MS only for a fee" is JUST WRONG and indirectly harms open source drivers. That being said, writing software that deliberately alters itself to pass a test shouldn't be done, either (right VW?).

US cable subscribers are still being 'ripped off' by creeping price increases – and this lot has had enough

bombastic bob Silver badge

"bundles" are subsidizing unpopular channels

One of the unfortunate side-effects of cable "bundle deals" is the subsidizing of unpopular channels. And yet, their cable revenue doesn't seem to reflect actual audience. Examples like CNN and MSNBC come to mind. On my cable, at least HALF of the channels are things I never watch, would never WANT to watch, and would just as soon NOT pay for having. And the ones I _DO_ watch are CRAMMED with ads. If we were to make ALL channels 'premium' content, and then tell the cable providers which ones we wanted (and ONLY pay for THOSE), it's a fair bet that MOST people wouldn't pay NEARLY as much for the service as they're paying NOW.

US lawmakers get a second shot at forcing FBI agents to obtain a warrant before they leaf through web histories

bombastic bob Silver badge

the unfortunate reality is that ANY government will become a tyranny if the people ALLOW it, in the name of "protection", "safety", "security", or "the children", or some similar excuse to allow your freedom and privacy go bye-bye...

Seeing at least "a token attempt" to reverse this trend is somewhat encouraging. Seeing actual RESULTS that REALLY WORK would be SHOCKING (but welcome).

'I wrote Task Manager': Ex-Microsoft programmer Dave Plummer spills the beans

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: It hasn't been able to kill lots of stuff

Yeah, the article mentions that he left in 2003, which also explains this:

"It is not Plummer's fault that Task Manager now opens in a near-useless minimalist mode"

What are the chances that they get HIM back and put HIM in charge instead of 'those other guys' ???

(Task manager has always rocked, in my opinion, until 'The Metro')

Microsoft brings WinUI to desktop apps: It's a landmark for Windows development, but it has taken far too long

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Sandbox

you really don't need a 'sandbox' to make that kind of access control happen. Having multiple logins helps a LOT. [but of course it's more difficult to do THAT with Win-10-nic, and you have to jump through hoops to avoid using a "Microsoft Login" for each one, especially when it's UWP 'apps' and 'The Store' yotta yotta]

Yeah, I'm sticking with the 'Windows Classic' way of doing it, anyway. Only one 'admin level' login, NO 'microsoft cloudy' logins, and 1 or more "user level" logins that only have access to things I want them to have access to. Works for me.

You have to wonder if _ANY_ value is added by ANYTHING that UWP claims to "improve" as far as security goes. Similarly, WinUI probably breaks the entire model anyway, so we're back to 'Windows Classic' methods.

That's right - my DESKTOP and LAPTOP computers are _NOT_ _PHONES_ so *WHY* do I need a bunch of "phone apps" with Android-like app-level permissions anyway??? the things that I _REALLY_ use the computer with are DESKTOP applications, which need FULL access.

(for anything that doesn't, log in as the 'games' user which would have no permissions except for game data)

bombastic bob Silver badge

"The day ReactOS is up to Win7 level"

Yeah ReactOS...unfortunately, without even BASIC NETWORKING functional, nor reliable hardware support, nor the ability to pretty much install anything that would run fine on Windows, it has no chance.

I've been trying to work with ReactOS ever since I heard about it, but I can't even use it for anything except playing around. I could try downloading the newest, but did so a few months ago and haven't seen any visible progress worthy of an emotionless 'Yay', let alone addressing the 'basic usability' deficiency. And there are other projects I'd like to contribute too, first.

So for now, at least, we're stuck with Micros~1.UWP and their attempts to cattle-prod the devs into using it via "new, shiny" WinUI. Wheee.

bombastic bob Silver badge

'Modernisation' - does not mean what you think it means

From the article: "The new WinUI is in effect Microsoft surrendering to compatibility above modernisation."

Yeah, about that... 'Modernisation' - I do not think that word means what they think it means. It has been my experience since the Windows 10 beta (and to some extent, Windows 8) that the term "modern" has been used more as a PEJORATIVE to GUILT us "old folks" (Read: 'The Metro' bandwagon resisters and defiers) into ACCEPTING something that is CLEARLY INFERIOR, by calling it "Modern".

Now, after MOST of the software development world has been regularly REBELLING against Micros~1.CMT [aka 'Constantly Moving Target'], by sticking with Win32 for the obvious (and sensible) reasons, Micros~1 holds the proverbial Lucy van Pelt football for Charlie Brown, AGAIN, and says "No, really, this time for sure!" by making it "Easier™" to comply with their DEMANDS on what a UI should look and "feel" like. But a boar is still a boar, and lipstick isn't going to change that fact, even if the lipstick is on the end that goes "Oink".

SpaceX Falcon 9 and Dragon cleared to hoist real live American astronauts into space

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Space Taxis

"people could live on the Shuttle - was very much like having a caravan parked at the side of your house. Not sure the Dragon has as much capacity."

It doesn't from the drawings I've seen. Apollo was "liveable" for 3 people for a week or so. Dragon would probably be similarly "liveable" for 7 for a week or so, but not like the Shuttle, which had actual sleeping areas, etc. - yeah, like a Winnebago in Space [sorta reminds me of a movie, what was it...]

One of the smartest things that could be done within the next year is to re-use some of those human launch boosters to put a 2nd station into orbit, one designed to be a fueling station and depot between Earth-launched vehicles and a pure space "moon shuttle" vehicle (designed to make the lunar run in a day or two, then rinse/repeat and do it again, staying in space). ideally we will want this eventually, but why not start something NOW ? An ISS2 maybe but specifically designed for the refuel+resupply and passenger/crew exchanges.

And yeah, let the Russian and EU and other space agencies contribute, too, maybe use it for their own exploration - way better than ground-launching a satellite to Mars, put the booster minus fuel into orbit, put the fuel into orbit on subsequent (or simultaneous flights), fuel up in space, send the thing to Mars, and have the Mars booster thingy COME BACK TO EARTH ORBIT to be re-used...

bombastic bob Silver badge

in theory all you need for a space suit is a balloon-like suit that you can crawl into and cinch up various parts to fit. I figured something *like* that would make a great emergency suit some day... though not exactly well fitting and pretty, it would keep your eyes in your skull and give you enough O2 to breathe for quite a while, I'd bet.

But yeah a retro 70's sci-fi look sounds pretty good, too. Best (looking) Hollywood space suit design might go to "The Martian". I have to wonder if that is protective enough, though...

Microsoft drops a little surprise thank-you gift for sitting through Build: The source for GW-BASIC

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: how long before we port GW BASIC to Linux?

"You may want to have a look at yabasic"

found it in 'ports' for FreeBSD. Thanks. [it's always good to check stuff like this out]

But I still think it'd be fun to port GWBASIC on my own. It's all 16-bit 8088 ASM files and most likely using direct MS-DOS calls, so making it work for 32-bit or 64-bit and more 'generic' I/O would take some time, but it should be possible (maybe fun, who knows!). Maybe if I wrap a 'main()' around it... and use portable C language I/O like 'read()' and 'write()' ...

bombastic bob Silver badge

how long before we port GW BASIC to Linux?

if it's on github, can we fork it with patches for Linux? keep it open source with all of the copyrights intact, but let us do GW BASIC on Linux, too?

I've always thought BASIC was a good learners programming lingo. We can keep it alive this way.

/me looks into this - 146 forks already!

The Register calls for aid, and Microsoft's Rohan Kumar will answer... our questions about SQL Edge and Azure Synapse

bombastic bob Silver badge

Micros~1 may be onto something here...

I'm in "wait and see" mode on this one.

DECADES ago I wrote a business analysis tool for Windows that (for whatever reason) didn't market well... but people who used it really liked it, saving them lots of time and letting them do ad-hoc analysis. The tool basically worked on some pre-crunched information locally on a PC, which allowed a number of ad-hoc reports and analyses on "the local data", including statistically derived stuff, etc.. It would have been difficult to manage that on the LIVE data.

So I "get" the concept. You pre-crunch some of the data in a way that you expect a LOT of clients/users/whatever to want, using an AI of some kind to figure out which should be pre-crunched or cached, and allow multiple "remote things" to report from the cache rather than the up-to-the-second live data.

This is also NOT unlike the reasons for DNS caching. So where appropriate, it's a good idea. AI would (in theory) allow you to get biggest bang:buck ratio.

So, "wait and see" mode. It might help, it might be cumbersome, and you're not gonna really know unless you try it out.

[another option, something else I've done before, is to cache any 'new' calculation results long enough to be re-used, and just age out cache entries to limit storage - this is simpler but less of a performance boost than a pro-active AI-based solution *might* be]

I would also NOT be surprised if many google searches have been pre-optimized in a similar manner.

IBM cuts deep into workforce – even its Watson and AI teams – as it 'pivots' to cloud

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: I'm not surprised

"conclusion that is really a segue into a vaguely related topic"

Fixed it for ya (but we all knew what you meant, yeah)

or, was it REALLY just a joking reference to the 2 wheel electric scooter? in which case, I failed...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: IBM has a cloud offering?

Red Hat's influence should help. I suspect RH has more influence on IBM than IBM does on RH.

Maybe that's why they're moving away from Watson... ?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: add high-value skills to our workforce

they should be moving people around within the company, just sayin'. Probably are, when possible, but I don't know since I don't work for IBM. A friend of mine did, for a while. They have their fingers in a LOT of pies.

To test its security mid-pandemic, GitLab tried phishing its own work-from-home staff. 1 in 5 fell for it

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: One of our vendor partners sent me a meeting invite last week

even with thunderbird and a non-windows OS, and HTML viewing disabled, if someone sends me an "invite" like that I still get click-on links to accept the invitation. Unfortunately the calendar application (which I use) has that "feature" embedded and I'd have to edit code to disable it.

I also have to wonder HOW MANY such phishing attempts would FAIL if the click-on link showed up with the REAL URL (insted of a fake one) by viewing the e-mail as plain text instead of HTML.

The longest card game in the world: Microsoft Solitaire is 30

bombastic bob Silver badge

Solitaire most likely sold MORE copies of Windows 3.0 than ANYTHING ELSE

I've said this before and I say it again, to make a point: Windows 3.0, with its 3D Skeuomorphic interface, virtual 80386 mode for DOS legacy applications, and the alltime favorite Solitaire game, was a TOTAL WINning combination for Micros~1 when it released in the early 1990's.

Perfect timing, JUST enough glitter to make people comment (in the stores, I heard them) about how much they liked the Solitaire game, and turn those positive comments into ACTUAL PURCHASE (not like "it just comes on the computer you bought, deal with it" but actually WANTING the thing), to be an all-time MARKETING SUCCESS! And my favorite version is actually 'FreeCell', which was first included with Win32s and the '95 beta "Chicago" (and maybe NT as well, though I can't remember if NT 3.x had it).

(Nowadays, though, I use Aisle Riot on FreeBSD and Linux)

Micros~1, *PLEASE* look at this past, INCREDIBLE success, and give us an OS that we *WANT* as much as we wanted Windows 3.0 - with Solitaire!

Forget BYOD, this is BYOVM: Ransomware tries to evade antivirus by hiding in a virtual machine on infected systems

bombastic bob Silver badge

Use of SMBv1 for XP compat may be at the core

Since the VM is (apparently) running a version of Windowx XP, I have to wonder whether or not the BLOCKING of SMBv1 would stop it dead in its tracks?

SMBv1 is known to have serious vulnerabilities due to weak encryption. In every version of windows since Vista it should be possible to turn SMBv1 compatibility OFF [and this includes any Samba servers or NAS drives]. Unless you need to run XP machines on your network with file sharing enabled, it's probably a good idea to do this anyway.

I would be interested, though, in knowing whether "disable SMBv1" is a possible mitigation for this ransomware.

Campaign groups warn GCHQ can re-identify UK's phones from COVID-19 contact-tracing app data

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Mandatory?

send some screen shots, and someone like ME could dummy up an "app" that looks and acts like it, but isn't.

bombastic bob Silver badge

well, the demand for ventiators is not as high as what was initially projected. New York started giving away their extra ventilators a month ago, and so did other U.S. states. The USA got on board with this a while ago with some emergency production orders, and Ford started building them. Now the USA is giving them to other countries on an 'as needed' basis, so Dyson probably thought there was no need, we have plenty now.

(hopefully not too 'off topic' for the discussion on the article)

bombastic bob Silver badge
Big Brother

Re: Nothing to hide here

"People with an aversion to being snooped on have a very high and inflated opinion of themselves."

No, the problem is when AGGRESSIVE government law enforcement people decide "they want to get you", and can ENTRAP you based on information they've collected on you, that ordinary people can be in DANGER of being locked up for the rest of their lives, over "process crimes" and things they may have only marginally been involved in. This is why EVIDENTIARY RULES need to be put into place AND enforced within the government itself, to protect the PEOPLE _FROM_ THE GOVERNMENT. (Right, General Flynn?)

I don't think anyone wants to go BACK to the kinds of governmental abuses that resulted in the creation of the Magna Charta (and subsequent documents), which were made, in order to help put a stop to the abuses. Parliament making a law to roadblock the abuses is "a good start".

So yeah back to the article - this is why you do NOT want your personal data hoovered up by government agencies, ever, EVEN simple "contact tracing". You think private companies tracking you is bad? GDPR helps put a stop to THAT. But private companies can not JAIL you. Governments CAN.

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Up

Re: Thank you

"Your gran's advice to wash your hands and not pick your nose is still best advice."

Heh - reminds me of a book title, something about learning everything important in kindergarten.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Thank you

"in the UK, the official death toll is currently 36042. The estimated excess mortality is in the range of another 20k, so probably at least 50k UK brits have died already:"

Just to keep things in perspective, how does this compare to a normal Influenza year? Additionally, there is significant evidence that 'cause of death' determinations here in the USA are literaly being "padded" for COVID-19 as the CAUSE of death, rather than something else like heart failure or a stroke. Although it is believed that COVID-19 _CAN_ (and probably HAS) resulted in stroke and heart failure, it does not identify it as a direct cause simply to have the virus test positive in a patient that dies.

In any case, "protect the vulnerable" is an obvious thing. Yet I do not see a phone contact app that makes arbitrary "decisions" based on distance and time to say "you are infected" or "you are not infected" would help protect the vulnerable at ALL.

Document? Library? A new kind of component? Microsoft had a hard time explaining what its Fluid Framework is

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Will this shite never stop?

interesting point - I started reading that and saw this: "What drives me crazy is that ever since my first job I’ve realized that as a developer, I usually average about two or three hours a day of productive coding".

It is generally my own practice to bill one of two ways: a) I'm on site and it's "on site time"; b) I'm at home and it's "when I'm productive" time. I can generally get a full week in with 'b' but sometimes must do 'a' to satisfy a client''s need. So I end up working "in spurts" when doing 'b' and it's quite effective to go for 2-3 hours, play some video games, get back to it, etc. until you've done your hours... but I digress.

So this is a typical "productive day" for a Micros~1.DEV ? And the article might say it all, it took him WAY too many paragraphs to get to the point. "A little every day" is interesting, but if his day starts with web surfing while "on the clock" his manager should restrict his browsing hours (or NONE at all).

There must be a ZILLION alternate projects at Micros~1 that people could volunteer for during those "think about it" periods that we all get. A prioritized list might help. Go down the bug list and submit a patch. That's a good start. Audit a function from the list of things that need an audit. Then get back to your normal assignment and you might have NEW inspiration. But then again, that's how I try to do things. Juggle mutliple projects so you can "stay manic" and pound out code all day long.

Even better, hybrid office/home work. Go in for 4-5 hours, to beat the traffic but make the meetings, then take it home with you for 2-3 hours a day. [that works VERY well for me when I need to be on site]. Surf the web while you drink coffee at the start of the day, check mail to see if anyone has a particular issue, drive in with MUCH lighter traffic, maybe think about stuff from morning mail, arrive, do meetings and get things done, leave before 4, drive home in relatively light traffic, then arrive home, read 'The Register' and comment on a few things, then finish up your day while eating your dinner and don't spill it on the keyboard....

A nice PRODUCTIVE day, where you're actually doing WORK for the hours you're being paid.

(pirate flag for being such a PRIVATEER, harrr)

Admittedly with the 'work at home' part, the ability to collaborate on documents now becomes a LITTLE more important. but chances are that you could do that BETTER by sitting in a room at lunch, with plates of sandwiches and with 2 or 3 people standing behind the fastest typist (or with the monitor contents on a projected screen), going over the collab document one part at a time and letting "that one guy" do the typing and combine things, fix it, etc. while you discuss the contents and "collaborate" the old fashioned way.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Fluid Shit more like...

maybe they're going with the Bruce Lee reference, being "like water". Still "market speak" though.

This is going to become a prime example of what happens when marketing tries to engineer stuff.

bombastic bob Silver badge

"JavaScript is essential for client-side scripting on web applications"

If it can't be done with just CSS and HTML5, or on the server end, you probably shouldn't be doing it on the client side. My opinion. But yeah no doubt C-pound devs are familiar with JavaScript, especially because C-pound was originally derived (like JavaScript was) from Java...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Will this shite never stop?

yet more client+bandwidth expensive "but light on the server" bloatware to ruin productivity for MOST things while claiming "uber-flexibility" to a targeted niche of customer 'wants' [not necessarily 'needs'], using (of course) JAVASCRIPT.

At least, that's what it sounds like to ME. I was LESS than 'unimpressed' with Google Docs and their alleged ability to do the same thing with their on-line editor (using JavaScript in a browser) that performs like a pregnant elephant in a tutu.

What is it about these "developers" and their OBSESSION with CLIENT-SIDE JAVASCRIPT? it's not "a solution"... more like THE PROBLEM with "online anything" these days.

And just how often are multiple people trying to edit the same document at the same time anyway? Normally a collaboration has people sandboxing their own stuff, and an "editor" or supervisor combines it all. I expect that online latency issues affecting the ability to even EDIT the thing are going to be worse for getting stuff done than doing things "the old fashioned way".

It's worth pointing out that we have methods that are well defined for working with source code in a programming environment. Perhaps using THAT approach makes better sense, when working on a collaborated document, provided that you bust it up into "work units" or similar so that .the results can be later combined by "the editor" responsible for it.

DirectX comes to Linux (via WSL2): Microsoft unveils tricks needed to flash a GPU at a penguin

bombastic bob Silver badge

agreed, OpenCL and OpenGL should be where the cross-platform development is done, and NOT some Micros~1.ONE "solution". But "Not Invented Here" for those things is driving the DirectX way of doing it.

However, if their DirectX drivers do what nVidia drivers do on Linux and BSD, that is having a GLX kernel module extension to access GPUs more efficiently via OpenGL, and the Micros~1 library gives you THAT level of performance with the SAME code on the Linux side, then I suppose what's under the hood or whatever name they give it doesn't really matter much.

Far-right leader walks free from court after conviction for refusing to hand his phone passcode over to police

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Astonishing that he is still a far right person

"it is foolish to foster far right ideas."

Distinguishing 'far right' as fascism, racism, etc. - then yes.

Howeverl, you should be able to have whatever ideas you WANT to have. I really don't care if people think things that are inappropriate by MY standards. In short: NOT _MY_ business.

On the other hand, if you ACT inappropriately, that's something else entirely.

I ALSO don't believe that "give me your PIN" types of surveillance at airports are all that effective anyway, and MOST people view that sort of thing as a violation of civil rights. Police are better doing "old fashioned" police work, where they can build a case that is NOT likely to be challenged later on as a violation of civil rights. Yeah it takes a *bit* more work, but the results are MUCH better when they convict!

And as others have also pointed out, simple measures like "dumb phone" "spare phone" "different SIM" "erase history" etc. makes this kind of surveillance completely worthless.

Worthy of note: the hypocrisy of protesting 'fascist' style surveillance techniques, from an alleged fascist...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: And the moral of this story is ...

keep the REAL SIM and SD cards in your pocket. switch 'em out with "spares" when you get off the plane or before arriving at the airport to depart... and figure out where the 'erase all data' button is, too. And change the PIN to 1234 [the same combination that an idiot would use on his luggage] for that short duration of time.

is it as easy to erase Chrome history on Android as it is in Linux? There's this one directory - just nuke it, all history etc. GONE. yeah, there should be "an app for that"...

Capture the horrors of war in razor-sharp quality with this ruggedised Samsung phone – or just lob it at enemy forces

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: It's ugly

I still WANT one! 'Coolness' factor.

Could it be? Really? The Year of Linux on the Desktop is almost here, and it's... Windows-shaped?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: If only!

It's probably some kind of locked resource being owned while libraries and other stuff all load up in the new window (not Firefox?). It probably related to FF's javascript engine. It's where I'd look first.

3rd party libs are also likely to blame for this, or just simply javascript (in general). It's also one reason why I don't play video in browsers, other than I don't like the stuttering due to bandwidth issues. 'youtube-dl' is your friend.

One of the things I've discovered about Linux applications (in general) and the HEAVY dependency on 3rd party shared libs, is that it takes TIME to load those shared libs whenever you load an application. I have been working on an X11 toolkit for years, when I have spare time between gigs [and am not SO ANGRY AT THE REASON WHY I AM NOT WORKING THAT I CAN BARELY THINK... like *NOW*]. The one thing I've discovered is just HOW much time a typical Linux application spends loading up all of those things. GTK applications with Bonobo and Cairo and all of those *kinds* of things are the 'bloatiest' and seem to take FOREVER to load all of that up. Firefox is NO exception.

I actually added a splash screen and a 1/2 second delay, to initialize the clipboard ahead of time instead of in parallel with startup, AND not "just pop up super fast" as it had initially. it was a shock typing the command and then *poof* it was THERE... it actually was a bit un-nerving seeing it run TOO fast!

But it was also clear what "everything else" is doing WRONG. And it's wrapped around the use of ALL of those SHARED LIBS, and how SLOWLY they all load up!

(so it's not Linux, it's most likely the applications that run on it, and the libs they use, that cause this problem)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: If only!

I'm using Ryzen+nVidia (though my CPU is AMD Ryzen 5 2600 6 core), built it just under a year ago. I'm running FreeBSD though. I don't expect Linux would give me any trouble.

Most likely in your case you simply did NOT install the correct kernel driver for your nVidia adaptor. That much is likely to give you some grief, yeah.

Hint: don't boot into a GUI. Boot into a console. THEN figure out how to get the GUI to work.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: If only!

"the only reason to run Windows is because you have an app that only runs on Windows"

Following NT4 and Win '98, this has been so, at least from MY perspective... [though i did not mind 2k and XP, later versions of windows have given us NO real reasons to WANT it other than to run the things we want to run]

History: Back in the early 90's, IBM and Micros~1 came up with a 3D Skeuomorphic look for a computer desktop for OS/2 PM 1.2 . Unfortunately, it only worked on a PS/2. *KNOWING* that this was the future of computing, Micros~1 updated Windows 3.0 to include the Win386 stuff as well as this 3D skeuomorphic look, all in a SINGLE package. This *MADE* *THEM*. Literally. People WANTED the Solitaire game, if nothing else.

Now we're STUCK with "take it or I shove it into your body via an unpleasant method without lubrication" Win-10-nic, with a new 'lipstick on the boar' feature - it will RUN Linux GUI APPLICATIONS!

Still, I welcome that last feature, and hope Redmond doesn't realize what they're doing: They're making it possible for DEVELOPERS TO TARGET LINUX and STILL have their creation be "runnable" on Windows!

What I'd REALLY like to see, and would PAY MONEY for: a subsystem for Linux that lets Windows (primarily Win32) application binaries run like a "blessed version" of Wine, with both 32-bit AND 64-bit simultaneously supported in that they can work together (Last I checked Wine only supports one or the other).

(That is what I was hoping this article was about, but I knew it would be the other way 'round)

And, for developers, a LIBRARY that would LET Win32 APPLICATIONS RUN NATIVELY for X11 would be even BETTER! Then "compile for Linux" would be a LOT easier, and no more excuses!