Re: What's up with non-.NET developers thinking?
you're "not wrong".
According to the TIOBE index, which confirms the "5th pace" ranking for July 2020's lingo popularity, C-pound is statistically tied with VB in lingo popularity at 5.25%. C is at 16.1%, having swapped places with Java again (15.1%) as the #1 and #2 lingos, holding steady with this throughout the 21st century.
Here's the thing: when you look at TIOBE's index, you see the top 3 lingos C, Java, Python. C++ is in 4th place and is really just C on steroids, for the most part. And so you say "where do I focus my efforts on mastering programming lingos" and it seems to ME you spend it on the TOP 4 and ignore C-pound.
So, do I spend ALL of my time "learning" and NOT get paid to do work? Do I spend all of my 'at work' time NOT being productive with things that make/save money for the company? How much spare time must I devote to "learn new/shiny lingo of the week"?
When C-pound first came out I used the wizards to generate a 'hello world' type of project. I was so horrified with the results I never looked at it again unless I had no other choice... THAT and being aware it didn't even compile to NATIVE CODE (back then; I think it does, now). The whole idea that it should be like Java and create a P-code [and ALSO require that monolithic umbrella-lib known as ".Net" to run, with shades of VB incompatibilities and installer nightmares from the 90's rapidly running through my head] I made the sign of a cross with my fingers, and commanded it to go straight back to the fiery depths from whence it came...
and even with mono, which evolved (sorta) into ".Not Core", I'm not convinced.
C-pound is like an undead horse, that's been beaten so hard it's no longer dead, it's undead. And therefore it will NEVER DIE... in a creepy not-very-nice kind of way.