Re: The Rust Evangelism Strike Force...
From article: "Memory-safe languages, like C#, Go, Java, Python, Rust, and Swift, handle memory management for the developer"
Handling memory management for the developer INEFFICIENTLY via GARBAGE {stall} COLLECTION...
{stall} {stutter} How's that responsiveness and performance working out for ya??? Even on the highest end platform a garbage collection stall/stutter can INFURIATE just about ANY user!!! Computing like it's 1999 with 4Mb RAM on Windows 98!!! (actually that probably did BETTER)!
NOT an improvement. Leave a web browser open for a week and check its memory footprint, if you do not believe me. But you'll have to use Linux or FreeBSD for that [not with Wayland] as OTHER configs are likely to crash+burn way before you can watch it happening. Yeah, when swap space usage maxes out for no reason other than GARBAGE COLLECTION MEMORY "MANAGEMENT", and applications go "non-resident" and respond like CRAP because SOMETHING ELSE ate up all of the virtual memory!
PROPER memory management in C is EASY. Just clean up before you leave (a function) and assign pointers to NULL after freeing them if there is a chance they''l be re-used. And for C++, do not go crazy with the 'new' and 'malloc'.
REAL coders do not need mommy and daddy to do things FOR them.