Re: Yeah, well…
AND... this may motivate me to FINALLY stop renewing MSDN - for I will NOT be able to run ANYTHING without virtualbox support.
10507 publicly visible posts • joined 1 May 2015
Iffen zie triun der runnin of 11 onner boxen verboten, und der virtual boxen specificallen, zie hammer makken und kopfen bangun uber allen zu blinken lights gehappen. (and they'll take away your birthday and whack your, uh, thingun).
Not only does Micros~1 tell you WHAT toys you MUST get, they ALSO tell you HOW to play with them and WHAT KIND OF SANDBOX TO USE, and PREVENT you from using ANY other kind!!!
from the article: They really fell in love with real books again. They wanted to be read to, to role play, and do drama.
Too much of one thing and they wanted its counterpart. They were, in their own way, seeking balance.
Not to get all "nauseatingly new agey" but I think everyone generally tends towards having at least a reasonably balanced life, which of course varies substantially from one person to the next (so no "one size fits all" nonsense).
(and being artificially kept away from others is VERY UN-BALANCED)
in pioneer days of 19th century U.S.A. local farmers and townspeople would often hire one teacher to teach ALL of their kids in a one room schoolhouse. They understood how valuable that was for their kids.
nice trick. I have not done a 10 install in a while and I always had to find the right stupid buttons to press in the correct order in order to set up the initial account as a local account. Micros~1 really DOES strong-arm you into using their privacy-violating "cloudy" logon.
I shall remember this trick in the future, next time I need a fresh Win-10-nic VM. Does it work with 11???
Connecting anything with a phone is such a brilliant idea: loose it, break it or may the phone be stolen, and then you cannot log to your PC anymore.
With this, when things go wrong, they go REALLY wrong
(don't forget to let your phone do credit card account purchases also, so that anyone stealing your phone has more access than if they stole your wallet and forged your identity - and let it stick out of your back pocket while you're at it so that you butt-dial and crack the screen sitting on it, and also make it easier to steal)
One observation: if you build for FreeBSD _ and _ Linux, your project REALLY needs to build with clang AND gcc
(at least if you do not want ports to force a gcc dependency)
But for Linux kernel code you can usually make assumptions about the "official" compiler that is to be used when building it.
And as long as people write code that does not simply use a (new, shiny) feature for sake of using it (as with the aforementioned rant from Linus) newer compiler versions should be welcome. Ideally the code will still build with the older compilers, too. (but loop var declaration would prevent that, yeah).
I think the standardization over gnu89 was because many older architectures (or maybe distros) did not have available compilers that were reliable enough to build the kernel. But if those older architectures simply do not get support from new compilers, they may get stuck at the previous kernel. (as mentioned in the article)
and, of course, no "new, shiny" as the only motivation for using a compiler feature...
I remember a specific comment/rant from Linux (that I agree with)
related to whatever the "new, shiny" compiler features kiddies want to use now that they CAN... (but 'can' does not necessarily imply 'should').
CO2 is plant food!
I understand that greenhouse farmers sometimes pump CO2 into their greenhouses for this reason.
It's also part of 'biological equilbrium'.
* CO2 concentration in the atmosphere goes up due to increased production rate of C02 by humans
* plant and algae growth is stimulated
* CO2 depletion rate increases due to additional plant growth
* CO2 stabilizes at a level just slightly higher than before.
Also worth noting that higher earth temperature ALSO causes elevated CO2 levels, since less gas can be dissolved in warmer water. I would think that the entire ocean's dumping of dissolved CO2 and carbonates through "effervescence" just might dwarf anything humans could due, because a natural temperature cycle caused an increase in oceanic temperature. Then plants grow faster, etc.
These kinds of principles are generally taught in college chem classes. Ever do a phosphate titration?
There is no longer any controversy that climate change is being driven by burning fossil fuels,
* CO2 is a lousy greenhouse gas. it does NOT in any significant way affect the amount of black body radiation sent out into space, which is the way the earth cools at night. Its IR absorption spectrum excludes the energies that correspond to ACTUAL TEMPERATURES FOUND ON EARTH.
* CO2 is only 0.04% of the atmosphere and is at equilibrium both chemically AND biologically. Greatly increasing its production (or depletion) rate will generally have an insignificant effect on the equilibrium concentration. Chem 101.
* CO2 concentration in the atmosphere varies due to temperature because the gas solubility in water varies THE SAME WAY. In other words, when it is colder, there is more CO2 in bodies of water, and less in the air, because the equilibrium reaction shifted due to the temperature of the water (and not the other way around). Soda goes flat faster when the liquid gets warm for this very reason.
* WATER, the "other greenhouse gas", absorbs a SIGNIFICANT amount of black body radiation that would otherwise cool the earth, keeping that energy in the atmosphere (and causing a 'greenhouse effect').
and so on
Hardly "settled".
(As for an app that actually helps you to lower your personal costs of fuel and electricity, that might actually be HELPFUL)
NOT the BACK pocket - I have actually seen people do this with phones. Cracked screens and butt-dialing frequently occur, no doubt.
iPhone in back pocket on a chopper, large 2 cylinder engine, no shocks, seat bolted to the frame. That'd do it, yeah.
Use FRONT pocket, or some kind of handlebar or gas tank shock mount for the phone.
/me thinks ape-hangers with a phone mount. heh.
(alternate concept, phone inside helmet)
I've even had some young whippersnappers complain that things like that are too hard to read.
They probably learned Python as their first programming lingo. Ask these kids the difference between a signed and unsigned variable type, see if they choke on 2's compliment math. Bring popcorn and beer.
I have to wonder if any of them could hand-optimize inner loop code by looking at the assembly code generated by the compiler, even when 'objdump' is readily available
bit shifting and bitwise operations used to be a lot more important back in the day, but are still VERY important in kernel drivers and microcontrollers.
the compiler should have a warning that using a single character name for a variable or other entity is incredibly stupid if you ever want to be able to review and/or refactor the code without additional (unnecessary) difficulty, particularly variables that can easily be mistaken for the number 1 or 0, or a vertical bar. Most people doing this sort of thing are old enough to require glasses to read or see the monitor, and slowing down a manager's gaze at your code because of bad programming habits is likely to PISS HIM OFF (let alone the maintainer that has to fix something 2 years from now).
And I'd rather not try searching for every 'i' in the code instead of 'ii' or 'iterator', Just because a particular IDE has "idiot hand-holding" features does not mean it is an excuse to have BAD HABITS in variable naming.
there may be a saner fix involving a cast to an integer as long as you know that the range checks will still work properly... or use a variable of the correct type instead?
I run into this kind of signed/unsigned comparison warning a lot with microcontrollers that have 8 bit unsigned integers as counters for "reasons" (like speed+range). I usually just type-cast the warnings away and make sure the code is sane. It's good to hand-optimize microcontroller code anyway.
NOTE: magic numbers in code should use #define or a 'const' type anyway, so you could fix it in the definitions.
and with the original argument
"if(thingy >= 0 && thingy <= llmit)"
where 'thingy' is unsigned, and you know it is unsigned, why leave the '>=0' in the actual code? At least use a comment if you need it there for some reference type of reason, maybe:
"if(/* thingy >= 0 && */ thingy <= limit)"
(then add a comment that says 'thingy is unsigned' or similar)
I sometimes do this with an ending 'else', comment out an 'if' following it that indicates the condition in the 'else' if the 'if' would always be true (and also indicate in the comment that it's always true), so that someone reading the code (including me a year later) will see that and go "ok".
Warnings in 3rd party libraries
If possible I'd rather leave -Werror on (or at least clean up ALL of the warnings prior to release) and if they are in 3rd party libraries:
* patch it in my own branch
* submit fix(es) upstream (and keep the patch files just in case)
this is ALSO related to why I do not like endlessly chasing moving targets in 3rd party libraries... especially when "upstream" suddenly decides to CHANGE THE API WITH NO BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY causing the use of "new version" (to get the most recent fixes) to be EVEN WORSE.
(and propagating "worse" up/down the dependency chain, the stuff of nightmares)
I would like to think this would be LESS of a problem in kernel code, though
FreeBSD has its own branches of contributed 3rd party things that are in the base distribution (including llvm). Fewer moving targets this way.
we'll have electricity from nuclear fusion in ten years.
actually that could theretically be done NOW but the efficiency and reliability would really SUCK
(stupid 2nd law of thermodynamics, stupid limitations of construction materials)
so you wanted to say PRACTICAL electricity being generated by nuclear fusion, I think.
(PRACTICAL fusion may happen whenever scientists stop RESEARCHING and start GETTING PRODUCT TO MARKET - good luck with THAT, yeah, especially if you're paid to RESEARCH and NOT develop a marketable product)
As for quantum computing, I still have NOT figured out how it could be used in actual practice. Are we using entangled q-bits to transmit data instantly so we can clock at zillions of Hz or ?? or is it like a 'maybe gate' that hopefully collapses into the correct solution once its quantum state is known...
(I have read a number of documents regarding the creation of qbits, but very little on practical algorithms that can actually USE them, and of course they don't seem to live very long and so you'll always be creating more, in VERY large numbers)
AMD seems to have done a fine job at making "something that customers want" inexpensive, and yet perform like something that IS expensive.
At some point trends will probably move around again, but I suspect there will be a need for MORE server-side horsepower SOME day. The trigger COULD be a technological leap in faster internet routing.
The ARM server decline surprises me a bit. Is this because of K8's and cloud? Not enough ARM support?
if they had continually improved the power station and kept the reactors running (by replacing old parts, improving capacity, etc. etc.) instead, it would FUND ITSELF. Waste disposal, like for anything, is part of the operating cost. So other plants would send their waste to Sellafield (for a fee), let's say, and it would get stored and/or processed there, and the site would have its own operating reactors, and no "saddling of expenses" on future generations because it would be SELF SUSTAINING.
and "clever engineering" might even make use of the decay heat.
however, blocking power generation and scientific and engineering progress because "PHEAR NUKE THINGS" is NOT helping... and is CREATING the "saddle expenses on the next generation" problem you pointed out.
(I know something about fission reactors, having operated one for the U.S. Navy back in the day)
icon, because, facepalm
I would not call that a LOW bar. Ask an average 15 year old educated in California to express his current physical or emotional state using a simile or a metaphor, and the LACK of response might surprise you.
Or not.
What we would call "basic language skills" seem to be LACKING. Schools used to teach people to express themselves in writing. I'm not sure WHAT they teach in these schools, these days...
I guess that wraps back to the "mime-like warning signs" "picture only instructions" and use of emoticons by physicians instead of the usual "show me where it hurts" or "let's have a look at it, then".
"My Brain Hurts"
or as a simile "It's like someone inside is jack-hammering his way out through my skull"
or as a metaphor "It's PURE HELL in my HEAD"
(where's the "My Brain Hurts" emoticon? It probably looks like Michael Palin)
Japan switched to using phonetic alphabets long ago, yet kept a subset of the Chinese characters (kanji) because they have a LOT of homonyms in the language and chinese characters probably disambiguate things well enough to keep using them (either that or tradition). But it DOES take a good part of Japanese and Chinese schooling JUST to learn to read and write. And everyone I've ever seen reading any significant amount Chinese writing (like a book) has to carry a dictionary and refer to it often.
This is why nearly EVERY language uses a phonetic alphabet. It just makes more sense. Humans generally communicate vocally. And our writing reflects that.
(and emoticons are NOT CUTE - they are MOSTLY NAUSEATING unless explicitly used for humor)
Icon, because there's not actually a VOMIT icon.
Without having REAL daily enemies to slay, just to stay alive, it seems that an IDIOCRACY filled with compliant sheeple of lower average intelligence (and tyrannical "leaders" of even LOWER intelligence) may be INEVITABLE... (no need to be smart and/or clever just to survive)
If I must use an emoticon, see icon (that, or the middle finger)
I suppose it is to be expected if you want to use a BLOB/TEXT column to store JSON, or maybe XML, or any other "does not really require a schema" thing. OK I've seen schemas for XML but just about every time I use XML data it's treated as free-form.
(I would have chosen XML though, as I do not like parsing nor creating JSON and for various reasons [such as 'embedded'] I usually end up rolling my own)
In any case they SHOULD support as many formats as possible, especially for extended properties for things inside the table.
/me wonders if the SQL can select on it directly - all records without a "fubar" property or "where 'foo'='bar'" [and those things are stored within the BLOB/TEXT as JSON or XML or something] or maybe you need their special tools to assist...
i should create a special e-mail address just for them...
"Up.Yours.Porker at example.com" (whatever my domain is subbed in for 'example.com') although the DMV already _does_ have my regular e-mail address from when I renewed driver's license and car registration online...
claim "4th ammendment" and "5th ammendment" to the rest of 'em.
(YMMV in the UK or elsewhere in the world)
here's some snark to go with that
* you apply for a job requiring high intelligence and technical skills HR has no clue about
* your application/CV/resume is scanned and filtered by AVERAGE intelligence (I am being kind) individuals with NO knowledge of the job or its REAL requirements
* hiring manager gets list of resumes with irrelevant experience, recent graduation from college, and "bolloxed up with BS" buzzword lists at the top of the page
And you're not "on the list". So to get through you do what recruiters do, find the hiring manager's name and sneak your custom-written CV/resume in directly to that manager, by snail mail. Still far from 100% but it has a MUCH better chance of working than going through H.R.
This whole scenario reminds me too much of the infamous drowned rat experiments from the 1950s.
* rats were drowned in buckets of water. Wild rats did not live long, several tame/domesticated ones lasted for quite a while
* At the point of dying, in a subsequent experiment, several wild rats were rescued, allowed to rest, got dried off, etc. and were THEN put back.
* The rescued rats lasted WAY longer (a separate source suggested DAYS vs MINUTES)
(I'll leave any conclusions open-ended)
Samantha could have been someone eventually.
How about the basis of AI for actual robots? 'Nandroids' perhaps?
"Sorry, not in MY sandbox" they say - and why is that exactly (when you dig deep down enough)?
"THAT toy MUST be played with the way I tell you or I'm taking it away" - another possible snarky comment to illustrate a point...
without freedom, there is no more innovation.
if Linux is (or can be) affected, are there MORE DETAILS on this?
I am mostly curious how it got there, but I suspect that my Fail2Ban logs would indicate a likely source.
(since 4:00 AM this morning, i.e. about 5 hours, there were 11 attempts on ssh blocked by Fail2Ban)
I will gladly forward this information someplace if it will help stop it. Unfortunately sending complaints takes time. if I could (easiiy) automate the complaint process I'd probably do that, too. I bet that most of the victims' IP addresses are infected Linux machines trying to crack in via ssh.
(my 'root' mail gets re-directed to an IMAP directory that I can view and clean up whenever i want/need, so it might be trivial to write a Perl script to deconstruct the reports and figure out who to complain and forward info to; however de-ciphering the correct complaint mail address could be tricky)
Specifically, a SQL server database is permanently locked by the server so how would thieves encrypt it without bringing the server down immediately.
It could be done by first dumping all of the data into an encrypted file, THEN issuing "DROP TABLE" and other commands on the actual database. Restoring would do "CREATE TABLE" and "INSERT" commands (hopefully along with indexes and stored procedures and so forth)
accountants probably edit (or at least copy to) files on a share. Then, malware ANYWHERE on the network that has write access to that share can pooch it.
A Linux server could make and store backups of the share using a cron job and store them where windows machines cannot (easily, or even remotely easily) access it. THEN, you restore the latest backup after you clean the malware off of the various computers, and go from there.
And proper directory-level and file-level security would help to keep EVERY windows computer from having write access to those shares.
it is naive to believe Linux makes you safe.
When you apply the correct security-related thinking to setting up a Linux server, it's pretty frickin' solid as far as security goes.
SO yes, and no. YES it is naive, so you need to hire a Linux admin (or consultant) who knows what he's doing, and then you should be as prepared as you can be for any kind of malware storm
Uber-security might involve putting the server and data into a VM, and then have the host machine buttoned up tighter than a bullfrog's behind (and host the recent backups, with offsite storage for the older ones).
There are a LOT of things you can do with Linux (security-wise) that aren't so easy in the windows world, and they are VERY effective. But yeah, it cannot be set up by an IDIOT or you'll be pretty bad off when the storm hits.
By adopting Linux across the company.
At least some of us agree with you in principle, and enough evidence exists that the changeover WOULD save you money. Convincing every employee in a large company to switch to Linux desktops might be difficult.
HOWEVER, on the server end you'll have better luck. You could, for example, do automatic daily (compressed tarball) backups of a data share, with weeks' of history and frequent-enough offsite mirroring (so you can go back > a year if you have to) and at least protect important data assets THAT way. And unless the Linux machines were set up by an IDIOT, the likelihood that a windows malware application COULD affect the servers (aside from pooching data on shares) is SMALL.
(important note, non-SMB-shared directories will effectively be shielded against malware attacks from windows systems, assuming an IDIOT did not set up the servers)
Unfortunately someone may some day figure out how to crack Linux security, and the "inside job" is ALSO not protected against, at least not completely.
But with a good BOFH and properly configured LINUX or BSD servers, you'd have a MUCH better chance of weathering a malware storm. In My Bombastic Opinion of course.
You made me read that article.
In reference to various security concerns, It DID say this: Two months later, in June, it pulled the whole thing: the LSE software is no longer included in new laptops.
just thought I'd point that out. So unsurprisingly, Superfish AND this LSE thing suggest Lenovo has TRIED the potential backdoor thing before, got caught, and reversed their policies.
So is there any proof they're doing it AGAIN, NOW?
proof please. "sauce" please.
If UEFI has spyware in it, prove it please. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying that you need to prove things of this nature if you are going to make a claim like this, Because if the allegations ARE true, it has wide sweeping implications.
not saying CCP does not WANT this. But other stories about China manufacturing and malware-on-board have been made before WITHOUT any conclusive substantiating evidence, right Bloomberg? Still waiting for the proof... (and their credibility has been damaged)
I did a rebase once. It was stressful. I think I triple-checked every command. Had no choice. I was working on an automated e-mailer shell script [sends analysis files from an SQL database within a zip file attached to an automated e-mail to several people via a crontab entry using shell and Perl] and forgot to sanitize the script first. Ooops. The script, I must say, is brilliant. My mistake unfortunately ruined my moment of triumph.
As many of us probably already know, ALL git history is available for anyone with access to the repo. So if you accidentally commit something you should not, a key, a token, a pass phrase, peoples e-mail addresses, whatever it might be, if you do NOT rebase to a point before that commit, it will be visible FOREVER, even if you do a subsequent edit to remove it.
(So at least the option to do a 'rebase' was there to fix it)