* Posts by bombastic bob

10507 publicly visible posts • joined 1 May 2015

GNOME 42's inconsistent themes are causing drama

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: I've loathed "themes" and "skins"

And FFS stop changing things just for the sake of change. We learned that lesson a long time ago...

Once a project has been maintained long enough for original developers to retire (or move on to other projects), such that the inexperienced CHILDREN take over, because "It is OUR turn now", the end result is likely to be a series of UNWANTED and UNNECESSARY changes, which [for something like Gnome] has been nothing but DISAPPOINTMENT for a LOT of us.

2D FLATSO interfaces, in general, fall directly into this pattern. It is a BAD trend, and has been since Gnome 3 as far as i can tell (when it seems to have begun).

(I could easily use CSS to make buttons and stuff look 3D skeuomorphic, or at least have a nice shadow effect, if they INSIST that everything be like a web page based on CSS... but CSS requires a bloatware browser engine to render it. i rest my case on that one)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Arrogance reminiscent of Microsoft (i.e. just suck it up).......that would be the GNOME folk!

A *BRILLIANT* collection of links. Thanks!

From the 2nd one (Linus): "I want my sane interfaces back. I have yet to meet anybody who likes the unholy mess that is gnome-3."

From the 3rd one: GTK 4 is a major new version of GTK that breaks both API and ABI compared to GTK 3.x (Yes - they REALLY! SAID! THAT!!!)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: I hate "modern" UIs.

From the article, regarding libadwaita: "The purpose of this is to help developers conform to the new GNOME Human Interface guidelines"

One look to rule them all

One look to find them

One look to bring them all

And in the FLATNESS, *BIND* *THEM*


(or that's how I imagine their arrogantly top-down 2D FLATSO UI design tyranny to have become this way)

GTK4 - you can take your Adwaita and SHOVE IT UP YOUR UI!!!


I'm sure Mate and Cinnamon will continue to get the REAL support, while these ARROGANT LOONS jump off the 2D FLATTY "modern" CLIFF. Enjoy your 'customer base' of fanatics. The rest of us that want to get REAL work done will install something ELSE.

(Worthy of mention, Devuan to eliminate systemd for Linux, and the BSDs as well)

The wild world of non-C operating systems

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: extensions to VMS

DEC operating systems at that time were not the most secure. RSTS/E had a program called 'init' that would often be publically runnable and (necessarily) with the privilege bit set. As a college student I experimented with it and discovered that you could send it commands like "LOGIN KBxx" and it would log KBxx in with whatever account you specified, and NO password required. Ooops. Ginormous security crater built right in. (this program runs the RSTS/E startup sequence - another simh exercise and you'll see it in action - somewhere there is an RSTS/E image you can DL and run under simh, i found one)

A lot of RSTS/E was written in BASIC and compiled into a kind of P-code. But I am pretty sure the kernel was done in the MACRO assembly language.

bombastic bob Silver badge


As I recall, RT-11 (Dec PDP-11) is also written entirely in assembler. It's quasi-open-source in that you can compile in your own device drivers along with the standard ones. As a runtime OS it was designed to control equipment and so i understand that the 'Unibus' and 'Q Bus' architectures were designed with custom peripheral boards in mind. RT-11 had foreground and backround capability and with memory management hardware, could swap blocks of memory in and out of visibility. Anyway, experiment with simh if you are so inclined (I have). Built the kernel a couple of times from source even, making fixes here and there for various things. But some of the userland programs may have been written in FORTRAN or some other lingo. Still kinda fun to toy with. And then when you see PDP-11 op codes doing post-increment and pre-decrement you can easily see how that ended up in the C language.

1,000-plus AI-generated LinkedIn faces uncovered

bombastic bob Silver badge

back when I was in high school...

(somewhat of a joke alert as well)

Back when I was in High School some students made up a fake student to mess with the substitute teacher's head. They turned in homework, and did other things to make the student seem real. I had my picture taken as this student and it ended up in the yearbook. (another guy did something similar, when he saw me doing it, someone who had a real chance at a sports career in baseball, though i never actually saw his name on any team)

So, why not just create fake profiles for fun? (not like nobody ever did this with a fake name on some platform someplace...)

(Still leveraging them for profit is an odd twist, but not an unexpected one)

C: Everyone's favourite programming language isn't a programming language

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Annnnd...you completely missed the point of the article

a very good distinction. This is correct, you cannot jump into the middle of a 'scope' or it will throw an error if you try to do or access anything that is "out of scope". It's also why I tend to avoid using goto except for error handling.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Annnnd...you completely missed the point of the article

Parallelism, hardware threading, systolic arrays, NUMA, immutibility of records, transactional memory, mailboxes, caching, segmented memory architectures...

Ah, I haven't written that kind of stuff in quite a while, though my past experience in the 90's comes in handy working with microcontrollers.

I wrote a nice sort demo tool (first wth MFC, then later adapted to wxWidgets, but for all practical purposes C code with some C++ thingies in there for the GUI) that has a multi-threaded quick sort that uses a bit of what you mentioned. Multi-thread quick sort, DFT, and even a 'value of Pi' program, all somewhat trivial multi-threaded algorithms. Not hard, 'CreateThread' for Win32 or 'pthread_create' in POSIX and you can do it, too. And do not forget background IO processes, semaphores, queues, and all of the other stuff that goes with it.

All in 'C'. Not a problem.

(I even wrote a cooperative threading library for 16-bit windows, to help solve performance issues, and it worked VERY well - and I solved the segmented memory issue by use of USE32 code but of course by then 8086/88 and 80286 processors were no longer in use)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: C int

don't forget that on ARM the char type is unsigned, but signed nearly everyplace else.

For this reason I have been using the various sys/stdint.h definitions like 'int32_t' etc. for a while now, to avoid the kinds of ambiguity that can arise from various CPU architectures and implementations.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Umm

At least C did away with the execrable 'GOTO <line number>'

Now it is 'goto code_label;'

this construct is highly useful for error handling where 'error_exit' is the label after the main 'return' path, and you clean up resources and display error messages or whatever. VERY useful when doing systems programming, and you'll see it used that way in kernel code

Example on FreeBSD: grep -r goto /usr/src/sys

(over 30,000 lines were generated by this)

I used to be an anti-goto purist. Made a few convoluted code constructs to avoid using 'goto' even. Then I saw it used a lot in kernel code, realized the error of my thinking, and started making things tight and efficient instead.

(did come up with a cheat, to use 'do {' and '} while 0' as macros, where I could use 'break;' to escape it - effectively a 'goto' to the line following the end of that section of code)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Other languages....

I think you could justifiably categorize programming lingos (that aren't assembler) into a few basic categories:

Procedural: This would be things like FORTRAN and COBOL and old-style BASIC

Algol-like: C, Pascal, and all of the derivatives from C++ (and maybe Delphi) to Java and (possibly) Rust

Scripted: shell/Bash, Perl, PHP, and probably Python (though some of this may be debatable)

and maybe another category for object-oriented, but that's debatable, too.

And so the difference between C/C++ and Rust might simply be semantics, unless you are a fan of garbage collection memory management (which should be drawn and quartered and embedded on pikes at the edges of the realm as a warning to those who might DARE to try that AGAIN...)

the real horror began with trying to make scripting lingos "object oriented" though I admit a Perl module can often solve problems that are otherwise VERY difficult, simply because someone else did a LOT of work to make it possible...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Some incorrect assumptions

I looked at the link in your post under 'decent set of rules' and gave it a quick glance. Not only did it advocate the use of Allman style indents and braces, it also said "The tab character (ASCII 0x09) shall never appear within any source code file.".

It has my approval!

(that way the editor or merge tool or viewing tool you use does not affect the appearance of the code)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Annnnd...you completely missed the point of the article

C programmers are so entrenched in their belief of superiority that they dismiss the inherent problems in the design and (current) implementation of the language on modern computers, computers that are logarithmically more complex than the computers the language was originally designed to run on

Computers made of 'straw'? OK that was a different kind of 'logic'. [Bad PUNishment. yeah]

I noticed you also used the word 'modern'. I am reminded of how THAT has been misused to describe "fad of the week", usually another FLATSO user interface or some "new, shiny" something that's trying to become relevant.

Seriously I have not seen any CPU or system designs, with the exception of quantum computing, where a programming lingo like C would NOT be useful. (for quantum computing I'm still waiting for a programming model that actually works)

(If it can run Linux, it can be programmed in C)

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Up

Re: Nothing new, kinda pathetic really

Language purity is for academic papers, not doing work in the real world

see icon

Beijing to build Communist training college in a metaverse

bombastic bob Silver badge
Big Brother

Virtual Reality Communism indoctrination theme park?

This gives "Social Credit Score" an entirely new meaning (and level of intrusive Big Brother-dom)

I imagine seeing Stepford smilers and dystopian imagery, everywhere.

Do not forget the subliminal brainwashing and use of music and flashy lights to condition "good comrade" behavior.

[this goes WAY beyond slapping lipstick on a boar, oinky end or not]

(the fine print in the VR thingy says: this session may be monitored for future reference)

Debugging source is even harder when you can't stop laughing at it

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: I missed a lot of fun.

Regarding only n-characters of variable name uniqueness...

I think they fixed that in FORTRAN 77 but in earlier FORTRAN 66 that was probably true for most compilers. 77 added other more structured syntaxes, like if/else and so forth [if i remember correctly]. i haven't worked with FORTRAN since the 90's but even then you had cases of older 66 code being used alongside 77 code simply because earlier machines only had 66 compilers... (and so the original code had been "maintained" for long enough it still had 66 syntax in a lot of places)

[the code in question ran on VAX and HP3000 systems)

I forget if Pascal and early MS C compilers did the same thing, but with more than 5 or 6 characters...

bombastic bob Silver badge

I can't stop laughing after reading your post...

Kaspersky, China Telecom, China Mobile named 'threats to US national security'

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Dummies’R’Us ....... Sign Up Here, Please

Did YOU just compare Trump to Putin?

Sealed, confidential IBM files in age-discrimination case now public to all

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Experience

We'll be in caves again in the next few hundred years if we allow them.....

Maybe, but they'd be Caves™ and "new, shiny!" ones, at that

Samba 4.16 release strips away more SMB 1

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Symlinks are the underlying problem.

symlinks have ruined the POSIX filesystem API

I completely disagree. There is NO other way to alias a directory except with a symlink for "reasons".

/me uses symlinks a LOT and it's integral with programs like busybox (common for embedded) that have to use the program name you invoked it with in order to determine what functionality to implement.

Symlinks have been around since before UNIX anyway. Data General used them, for example.

(or did you mean something different?)

bombastic bob Silver badge

well if a machine config'd to use SMB1 were compromised, it's theoretically possible to crack the rest of your network, depending.

This is why I would not allow any Samba SERVER to support SMB1, but would stlll want at least a version of smbclient to support it to access legacy windows computers that have no SMB2 support.

bombastic bob Silver badge

I cannot remember if Cygwin supports NFS but the old Interix/SFU/SUA does. Is that even available any more? I think the last version ran on XP and maybe 2k3 but that was it.

perhaps a legacy client-only version of SMB1 could continue (so you can use smbclient to access shares on legacy versions of windows that do not have SMB2) but as far as operating as a server, I do not want it configured to use SMB1 for any of my Samba daemons...

From the article: Though SMB 1 is disabled by default in today's Samba, there's an ongoing effort to allow the project to be built without it entirely.

Yes. A configure option would be PERFECT.

(And maybe also an option to build an SMB1-friendly version of smbclient for those who might want it, maybe call it smb1client)

Complaints mount after GitHub launches new algorithmic feed

bombastic bob Silver badge

and THEN putting lipstick onto the non-oinky end of the boar

bombastic bob Silver badge

No. Just No. NO "FEEDS". No.

Programmers just want to program

That SOCIAL SHIT just gets in the way

How legacy IPv6 addresses can spoil your network privacy

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: I don't care what the experts say....

Maybe to prevent anyone on the Internet to initiate a connection with devices on your internal network

true but a decent firewall (rather than some form of NAT) would do the same job, and probably with lighter resource requirements...

Those firewall settings could be generic enough, basically block the usual things such as SMB, RPC, telnet, ftp, X protocol, VNC ports (unless you REALLY want that and I strongly discourage it), etc. as well as anything that shows up when you use 'netstat -an' on a windows box...

[so yeah your average El Reg reader's firewall].

A typical NAT router _could_ (and IMBO *should*) implement this out of the box.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: I don't care what the experts say....

there are free IPv4 to IPv6 tunnels out there. I've been using he.net for a long time.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: I don't care what the experts say....

no NAT for IPv6

well there IS a spec but I have not heard great things about it nor widespread use (other than NAT-PT which is IPv6<->IPv4 and not what you were looking for, probably)


bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Underwhelming

All IPv6 addresses (with a few exceptons) are public.

For privacy, it looks like we should use VPNs or SOCKS proxies.

An ISP could provide this service or you could just use the Tor network so long as it has IPv6 exit points (I do not know, probably does, my guess).

Seriously though if you have a fixed IP(v6) address (like a home office or a business) you just assume you're being tracked, and an IPv6 /64 will be trackable based on the prefix anyway. So yeah, for true privacy, Tor or a proxy or a VPN..

And tracking is the LEAST of the problems. A windows box with an IPv6 address that is NOT firewalled by a non-windows "something" is like being promiscuous in a series of adulterous activities. NOT a matter of IF you get a virus (or whatever), but WHEN.

(I remember WinNuke, and I still see ALL of those open ports on any windows box connected to my network, and Micros~1 firewall does not, In My Bombastic Opinion, inspire ANY sense of confidence and/or security for stopping malware or outright attacks)

Oracle's compliance cops now include Java in license audits

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Hope this kills Java quickly enough...

replacements like Kotlin suck even worse.

Kotlin... *urp* whew that was close! (where's that pink liquid at...)

I've been using OpenJDK and OpenJRE for quite a while now, on FreeBSD. Builds from source, bo problems noted.

How not to attract a WSL (or any) engineer

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: The motivation?

or WORSE, demands a LARGER HR DEPARTMENT managed by the same people who think up questionaires like this. After all, if they're not finding enough applicants, they just need MORE PEOPLE in HR to read and filter MORE RESPONSES!

Wow a train wreck! Let's fix it, by sending MORE TRAINS!! (saw that in a Futurama episode when every human except for one got really stupid when the giant brains invaded)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: This process is widespread at Canonical

I have to ask who is wasting time reading the responses to those questions... and what silly questions were THOSE PEOPLE asked in order to be hired to read people's answers to even SILLIER questions... and it goes on and on and on and on in my mind, like a bad bureaucratic nightmare from HELL...

(how can a company like this make money?)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: This process is widespread at Canonical

The blatant use of "singular 'they'" (i.e. BAD GRAMMAR in the name of political correctness) would have put me off immediately.

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Down

Re: high school

If I were interviewing candidates I would have questions like "what would your close friends/family say is your most annoying trait"

If someone asked ME that, I'd probably say something with the words "Fuck" and "OFF" embedded within. You should ask something relevant like "How would you solve a problem like ...' and skip the amateur psychology.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: high school

playing in a jazz band isn't going to win me the job.

From MY perspective, you should gain a LOT of points for that one (creative people do creative things, and Jazz implies improvisation, which is EXTREMELY creative In My Bombastic Opinion). But the way in which the questions were framed leaves too much ambiguity as to what they're looking for. You could add to your Resume/CV that you are a musician and achieve the same effect.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: high school

maybe the recruiters were extemely unpopular in school when they were teenages and are secretly out for some warped kind of revenge (like an extreme grudge coupled with cancel culture) ? You know, TW[A,I]TTER [ab]users!!!

"*I* am in charge now, and *I* can EXCLUDE YOU now, because *I* have *Da POWAH* !!!"

(or something else equally psychotic)

New Linux kernel bolsters random number generation

bombastic bob Silver badge

DH key exchanges probably the best way to leverage this

during a DH key exchange there's a random value, your "secret" that is only known to you, and the other side should have a similar secret.

If one side re-uses this secret, it can severely weaken the DH key exchange.

Using /dev/random. if the algorithm is both fast AND random (using entropy), each DH key exchange could ideally use its own random "secret" which is ideally also a prime number. This is why some servers _might_ choose NOT to look up new "secret" values and re-use them, from a pool or for everyone (whatever).

So KUDOS to the Linux devs for doing this. Crypto-safe random numbers from /dev/random: a VERY good thing.

(as for the symmetric encryption keys themselves, they too can be generated on the fly via /dev/random if it is crypto-safe)

How experimental was Microsoft's 'experimental banner' in File Explorer?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Usual answer

not designee FOR next year's computers just designed inefficiently and ASSUMING that with next year's computer you will not notice it as much...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Usual attempt to see how far they can go before causing real outrage...

Go all the way to installing explorer++ Linux

Fixed It For Ya

China's tech hub relaxes COVID restrictions to restart industrial production

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Covid's done, the vaccines work

Vax'ing is MEDICALLY UNNECESSARY if you have antibodies.

And after OMICRON, it's likely EVERYBODY does.

(If I had genetically designed a COVID-19 variant to at least "partially immunize" EVERYONE such that if you were exposed to ONE variant that had VERY LITTLE deadliness and you got ANTIBODIES for it because it was SO contageous, yet had VERY LITTLE CHANCE of you dying from it, that you would ALSO have enough immunity to protect you against OTHER variants BECAUSE of it, I would have designed something _LIKE_ OMICRON to do just that... but it looks like maybe nature did it FOR us, and not like it was not already predicted by immunologists that a virus would typically mutate into a variant like that based on how OTHER viruses do the same thing already)

Time to stop cowering in fear. Time to stop masking like SHEEPLE. Time to stop SHUTDOWNS especially from TYRANNICAL DICTATORSHIPS.

Just get on with our lives already... no more panic, no more lockdowns, no more shutdowns, no more masks, no more draconian VAX mandates, none of that. The population is IMMUNE ENOUGH now. It is OVER. Let it GO AWAY.


ExoMars rover launch axed over Russia tensions

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: I guess

with a couple o' years to expedite, maybe time for SpaceX to expand a bit and ramp up some capacity...

(should be easier in Texas, not California)

Heaps of tweaks and improvements incoming with GNOME 42

bombastic bob Silver badge

I would suggest maybe a site like this full of tech geeks doesnt really understand modern user interface design and would rather use a terminal.

a) while getting work done, I have a LOT of mate-terminal sessions running on multiple virtual desktops under Mate - and each has a specific name and a specfic purpose. (I count 9, only one of that has no application windows open on it at the moment)

b) Mate terminal sessions are often ssh'd into other things, so I leave them open out of convenience. And since on FreeBSD my default shell is 'csh' it's nice to have all of that easily searched command history there.

c) pluma with syntax highlights and 'trim extra space off the ends of lines' is my go-to code editor, for everything from C and C++ to php, html, and javascript/css. If you have a hybrid project, that's kinda necessary.

d) if you set up your Xorg correctly (and do not forget to firewall port 6000 if you do this) you can use 'export DISPLAY=some-workstation:0.0' and run pluma natively on THAT machine, with no need to (let's say on an RPi) use an 800x480 touch screen to edit code. Just have it run on your big bad workstation with it's yuge monitor and keyboard and mouse, edit away, use a git repo to manage source files across the multiple machines.

(yeah probably described how a LOT of productive people get things done)

Oh, and that word modern - probably does NOT mean what you think it means!

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Community consensus

You can try Mate's Caja and Pluma. They work fine for me.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: SystemD

Slackware's audience probably won't miss having Gnome, and may not even have noticed...

"There's no Gnome? Really? Whatdya know! I never noticed!" (or similar)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: All your...etc.

Ugh, systemd

And now I have Burt Bacharach singing the theme song for "The Blob" running through my head....


Beware of the Blob it creeps, and leaps, ...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: GNOME themes are CSS stylesheets

middle click still works. But I want non-hiding scroll bars that show me about where I am on the page based on their relative position. When searching through a doc or source file or whatever for specific text, and it wraps around, the scroll bar will bounce back up to the top and let you know you've "wrapped".

That and I tend to grab the thing and scroll it like was intended.

Besides - it IS my computer and my theming choice. They SHOULD respect it!

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: They want to trash everything

pluma does everything I want. And if it ever "sells out" I'll FORK IT.

AI drug algorithms can be flipped to invent bioweapons

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "I want [to synthesize] something that does not use [anything] on the watch list"

wait until the AI spits out a recipe for making the molecules, and/or the equivalent of an organic chemistry C&C machine.

Then someone accidentally leaves it on "auto" and the next thing you know...

Another thing that came to mind while reading the article:

D O _ N O _ E V I L

(that goes double ++ for the medical and pharmaceutical professions)

JavaScript library updated to wipe files from Russian computers

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Any sanctions?

I'd expect him to be kicked out and get a lifetime ban or something,

If he's lucky, that's all that would happen.

It could go as far as CRIMINAL CHARGES and/or EXTRADITION.

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Up

Re: Stupid is as stupid does

So, this Miller is an asshole.

I was thinking 'criminal' but in my mind, you are "not wrong"

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Stupid is as stupid does

the war is not universally popular there

It is my understanding that the war is universally UN-popular in Russia, among the regular people. Why would they want to become the SOVIET UNION again?

I have to wonder WHAT LAWS WERE VIOLATED in the (alleged, reported) intentional publishing of MALWARE with the intent of causing damage and copying unwanted files onto people's computers...

because if THIS is TOLERATED, then WHAT'S NEXT?

(think of every wacko out there who ever did things in protest that simply IRRITATE everybody and even cause various forms of damage, from throwing paint on people's fur coats, to filing predatory and/or malicious lawsuits to halt a project over some political or environmental pet pieve... (and YES, I'm talking 'new form of cancel culture' and WOKENESS being a major factor here)