Re: Content moderation
SOME moderation, such as for harassing, pejorative, and libelous/slanderous posts, is needed. These should be "moderated" (or even deleted) with the possibility of banning repeat offenders. "Trolls" in other words, whose goal is simply to be a pain in the ass, need to be "gleaned" (more or less), sorta like a bouncer ejecting them from a bar.
And of course, harassment lawsuit information (like who to serve with the paperwork) needs to be readily made available so that INDIVIDUALS who have been harassed or libeled can have a legal remedy, especially if being stalked. That would be CRIMINAL in some jurisdictions. (I am never against moderating against criminal activity)
However, In My Bombastic Opinion, everything ELSE (whether accurate or not according to their standards, approval, or "liking") needs to be ALLOWED and NOT FILTERED nor FLAGGED nor in ANY other way HINDERED.
This should be OBVIOUS. Otherwise, speech is not "free", nor can it be.
(Why is "the extreme" always inflated to become the alleged intent of free speecdh advocates? because THE LEFT FEARS FREE SPEECH, that's why!)
[it is a fair bet that THIS is what Elon wants, and I'm 100% supporting his efforts to TAKE OVER TWITTER]