Another one 'swallows the coolaid'
Yet another corporate CEO going over the Lemming cliff along with microsoft, looks like.
Funny how Apple isn't trying to converge THEIR stuff like that. I think the recognized the market a long time ago - there's PHONES, and there's PC/Desktop/Laptop, with slabs being an interesting fad and more like phones than PCs.
But only MICROSOFT has really really really tried to "converge" them. At their own peril. Sinofsky's Cluster-Blank known as "Windows 8" totally *BLEW* it, primarily by turning desktops into glorified phone OS platforms.
Meanwhile, Microsoft (believing their own hype) has forged ahead into phone-land merge with Continuum. Joy. Now Canonical wants on board, too.
Thing is, Canonical might actually SUCCEED whereas, of course, Windows phone will be FAIL after FAIL after Win-10-nic FAIL.
Intel's recent experiment is also interesting. I think Intel wants to sell CPUs. Perhaps they should back DESKTOP LINUX a bit more, seeing as Win-10-nic is *KILLING* new computer sales.
Integrating phones with PCs always makes sense. but NOBODY is going to carry their phone around and expect to GET WORK DONE ON IT while waiting in a line, or on a bus or a train or an aircraft. That's what *NETBOOKS* are good for. Tiny, portable, DESKTOP computers with a small footprint. Most of them run a version of Linux from what I can tell.
Then, there are the SLABS. It's a compromise for the 4" screen, but you're more likely to see a "convergence" with THESE than with a 4" phone. But we've already seen the slab trend. They're good for CONTENT CONSUMPTION, but not CONTENT CREATION. So they're oversized phones, with phone OSs on them. Good for those who want them.
The problem with the PC market is that people don't view it as a DERIVATIVE. They view it as an INTEGRAL. New PC sales are a DIFFERENTIAL in the PC market. Some are replacements, many are new purchases. That's the point.
So when you look at desktop GROWTH, people are still buying desktop computers. They're often replacing old ones, but also buying new ones. But, of course, with Microsoft releasing a *GARBAGE* CLUSTER-BLANK of an OS to replace Windows 7 (or even XP), can you BLAME people for *NOT* buying a new computer with "Ape" (8) or Win-10-nic on it?
At least you can get 7 Pro until September or so, from what I read from the last 'The Register' article that mentioned it.