"uneducated" users? Try "indoctrinate" ones!
"I only used Trump because of his statement that he loves the 'uneducated voter' "
well, it's been MY view that "education" is highly overrated, ESPECIALLY if the 'education' is merely 'indoctrination' into a specific method of thinking. Self-taught programmers are GENERALLY BETTER than the drones that colleges excrete. Well, I'm generally self-taught so there you go! I took night classes to improve my skills, of course, but no paper pedegree, just decades of experience that PROVES I can ACTUALLY get the job done. Too bad the snooty-snobs think that a paper pedegree is important. They can continue with their 'mediocre hires' and skip the truly great ones over that. I'll just do work for the startups that need someone who's fast, efficient, and gets things DONE, and can't afford to pay an "occupant" to effectively just sit there filling up a chair.
that being said...
It's not "uneducated users" that would fall into the Win-10-nic trap. It may, in fact, be the INDOCTRINATED users that "feel" that Win-10-nic is so great, and are WILLING TO TOLERATE the advertising.
As one of the first posters pointed out, "slowly turning the screw". Or, the classic 'frog in a pot' that doesn't notice the water heating up until he falls asleep from the nice hot bath and ends up as frog soup.
If Linux distros were to try that, the distro forks (and widespread competition) would force them out of the way.
It's really time for the computer makers to solidly consider shipping Linux-loaded computers at the REDUCED PRICE that "no Win-10-nic" would allow for, so that people MUST pay extra to get Win-10-nic. New computer sales WILL rise, though slowly at first, as more software makers get on board and produce Linux versions. BUT... the "consumer only" crowd will QUICKLY LEARN that their favorite browsers can STILL access Face-barph and Tw[a,i]tter, they can read their e-mail, they can watch YouTube videos, and do it WITHOUT Micro-Shaft's intrusive ADVERTISING.
(ok they'll still have ads within the browsers, but you can filter that more easily in browsers like Firefox by using things like NoScript)