* Posts by bombastic bob

10507 publicly visible posts • joined 1 May 2015

Splunk: Why we dumped Perforce for Atlassian's Bitbucket of Gits

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Saucy!

my experiences with "all of the above" suggests that p4 doesn't really give you any advantages in any way, and of course with svn vs git they seem similar. except, of course, git seems to "cloud" well and so public projects on github [and even occasional private ones] make a lot of sense.

one thing I really liked about p4, back in the day, was its support of FreeBSD [though it was binary-only and sometimes required that I install binary compatibility for earlier kernels]

Google nukes ad-blocker AdNauseam, sweeps remains out of Chrome Web Store

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: What would you expect

I guess it may be time to 'fork' Chrome and maintain a 'totally free' version...

(you gotta admire the fact that it's open source over on chromium.org)

China to Donald Trump: Twitter diplomacy 'undesirable'

bombastic bob Silver badge

If China wasn't filtering tw*tter

If China wasn't filtering tw*tter... they would object a bit less.

But their diplomats CANNOT SEE THE TWEETS! (because of the Great Firewall)

Put walls around home Things, win $25k from US government

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Leave them...

I was hoping to invent some 'wireless cutters'

Muntzing to the max!

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Didn't Norton just secure world+dog from IDIoT devices?

"Strangely, there's no sarcasm alert icon"

how about this one?

(or maybe just 'all of them', depending)

Lenovo shows off 'Microsoft-friendly' VR cosplay at CES

bombastic bob Silver badge

"Nobody wants Windows 8, 8.1, or 10..."

ack - they should support OSX, Linux, Android, iOS, ...

(there are more Android devices, by far, than Win-10-nic devices)

Those online ads driving you bonkers are virtually 'worthless for brands'

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Puzzled

"Subliminal ads do not work as desired. They just annoy the crap out of anybody with half a brain."

I'm at the point I don't even *SEE* the banner ads, whether or not 'NoScript' is causing them to not appear in the first place. And if your macula isn't trained on the ad, you don't see the content, either. It's just "a blur".

Busted Oracle finance cloud leaves Rutgers Uni unable to foot bills

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Deserve Each Other?

"while the other is a third rate state university."

yes, but the co-ed in the photo has a nice pair of jugs. If I go there, can I find a girl with a nice pair of jugs?

bombastic bob Silver badge

poor widdle snowflakes

poor widdle snowflakes, don't know what to do on their own. Things like this USED to be handled by accountants and accounting staff. But now it's Oracle cloudy something. Maybe it's time to hire a temp for the interrim? Someone who learned how to add and subtract would be a plus.

and 1 more reason why "the cloud" is HIGHLY overrated... and 'higher' education as well.

Internet of Sh*t has an early 2017 winner – a 'smart' Wi-Fi hairbrush

bombastic bob Silver badge

now I know why I can't think of a single useful IoT gadget...

and NOW I know why I can't think of a single useful IoT gadget (to invent, that is). I mean, look at what's already OUT there!

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Incredible (Talking Toilet Paper!!)

it'd probably criticize my diet, and report details to the NSA

The Zucker Mister Social Club: Facebook's daddy wants to be your friend, for realsies

bombastic bob Silver badge

the LAST thing we need...

Great. The LAST thing we need is *YET* *ANOTHER* techno-wealthy guilt-motivated "silly valley" LEFTIST invading the political sphere. Only THIS time, it would be more OVERT than COVERT.

The 'guilty rich'. Always ready to "make that sacrifice". And *MAKE* *THE* *REST* *OF* *US* *SACRIFICE* *EVEN* *MORE* !!! [to selfishly assuage their personal guilt]

And he'd just be ANOTHER puppet for SOROS anyway...

New Android-infecting malware brew hijacks devices. Why, you ask? Your router

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Infection Vector

it sounds to me that if you were to disable wifi configuration of the router (i.e. requiring an ethernet connection, rather than a wifi connection, to admin the thing) it would disable the vector...

just a thought. probably a good idea to configure that [no wifi-connected admin'ing], when possible.

‘Artificial Intelligence’ was 2016's fake news

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: AI is as AI does

"after seeing the insides I started taking a large flask of coffee every day in preference to the risk of flavourless botulism."

"New, Shiny!" Now, with LESS BOTULISM!

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: AI is as AI does

or you could have a bot dispense hot water, and add your own tea bag. Bigelow is pretty good here in the US. they get a measurable chunk of MY money...

(let the bots do what they're good at, and people can do the rest)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Please rearrange these words

your sentence structure, more sense it makes, mmMMmmm

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Great to see.

also 'photographic reading' takes too much practice and has limited benefit. better to just allow your mind to run at high speed, don't audio-lize the words but let it flow phonetically into your mind faster than you could possibly vocalize. that's what I do. unless I'm trying to absorb the context better. and yeah, I miss the spelling errors, dyslexic letters, and things like that.

/me thinks: Do you suffer from 'dylsexia'?

[in the 1960's, some mensa candidate decided to teach children to read using look/say rather than phonics. the result was a bunch of kids who couldn't read]

Folders return to Windows 10's Start Thing

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "Classic Shell"

"But apparently marketing people rule the roost at MS and are notoriously hard to educate."

Ack.. Let me into the Halls of Redmond carrying a Clue-By-4, a Clue-bat, a Cat-5-o-9-tails, and a few other odds and ends, and maybe I can "educate" them a bit...

or not. they may be beyond hope.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "It’s a mystery why Microsoft..."

I think there are several explanations, all converging:

a) Ballmer's "take over the world" approach, wanted something unique and patentable that could be used to squeeze out competition forever

b) Sinofsky's "new, shiny" approach to the GUI created the tile screen, because he failed to see EXISTING INSTALL BASE as "important". _EVERYBODY_ was on a slab or phone now, right?

c) The marketing guy who was canned early last year [forget his name] was a big part of this. His market research was *WAY* too narrow in scope, basically interviewing shills and fanbois to get feedback, and ignoring "the rest of us". Keep in mind THAT guy was around for several F-ups, including Vista, "The Ribbon", Silverlight, Win "APE", _AND_ Win-10-nic.

d) Senior development staff "now retired" - and ONLY! ARROGANT! MILLENIAL! CHILDREN! seem to be running the asylum... (it's THEIR TURN to do it THEIR WAY, now, and those old guys just DID NOT KNOW WHAT THEY WERE DOING, so NOW it will be done *PROPERLY* by YOUNG people!!! W00T LOL text-text-text 4" rules)

e) FIRING of the testing groups, so that end-users become "the new testers" for Enterprise. Not even PRO users escape, THIS time!!!

yeah, all of that ARROGANCE and WRONG THINKING had to come from SOMEWHERE, and it happened right there in Redmond, with a capital T and that rhymes with 'C' and that stands for CRAP (which is what Micro-shaft has been EXCRETING these past few years)

bombastic bob Silver badge

"Maybe it's because I like cutting edge hardware and have a lot of it, but no Linux distribution is as out-of-the-box ready to run as Windows 10"

thanks for the 'shilling'

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Stardock Start10

even if I use that, or classic shell [which is FREE last I checked], it DOES! NOT! FIX! THE! 2D! FLATSO! FLUGLY! [nor does it fix the 'settings' vs 'control panel' horsecrap]

and the adware+spyware and FORCED UPDATES are _STILL_ there

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Can you imagine Windows 95 going at the speed of today's hardware?

you know, 7 works just fine on a 10 year old laptop. thing is, the software that RUNS on 7 is just as piggy as evar... (like devstudio, for one)

I had FreeBSD running on that same machine, at one time. It ran fine as well. The gnome 2 desktop does well enough on the older hardware, *WITH* nice 3D skeuomorphic appearance (the way 7 is). That laptop came with XP on it [also worked well].

So _WHY_ do we need Win-10-nic ???

Prez Obama expels 35 Russian spies over election meddling

bombastic bob Silver badge

if Russia WAS behind the e-mail hacks...

if Russia WAS behind the e-mail hacks...


Thanks, guys! Cheers! Das Vadania! (or however you spell it)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Evidence it was the Russians what dunnit

"There is something wrong with the system when a Lame Duck President can be issuing Executive Orders from his holiday complex in Hawaii three weeks before he is made redundant."

more like irrelevant.

Obaka's just doing whatever damage he can on the way out the door. Of course HE doesn't see it that way, but that's the overall effect. Hell, might as well screw Israel as much as possible to placate the Islamists while we're at it, blame Russia, make a stupid lame attempt at "retaliation" like we're on a kindergarten playground or something.

What a Maroon! Well, some people at least expected this kind of thing. So you have a pile of executive orders being issued, while he can, without a care as to the consequences, since the election is OVER and HIS SIDE LOST. So he'll get his "digs" in anyway.

Let's see how long it takes for Congress and Trump to undo it all...

How Google.org stole the Christmas Spirit

bombastic bob Silver badge

deductable "charity" and the very wealthy

It's well known that the VERY wealthy often "give" to charities, with significant tax deductions, because they're "buying something".

In Google's case, as a corporation they appear to be "buying customers" and getting a nice fat writeoff in the process. Can you blame them?

In George Soros' case [and other wealthy lefty-libs], he's buying POLITICAL INFLUENCE by "giving" money to "charities" like MoveOn.org etc. (and politicians).

The problem here is not how "giving" is being ABused. The problem is the TAX CODE that not only allows it, but appears to PROMOTE it.

I would favor a flat tax with a standard per-person deduction and THAT IS IT. Same rate for everyone, regardless. Combine all incomes in a household, then subtract the standard deduction (for each person), tax anything over that at a flat rate. NO other deductions.

Then, "charity" would TRULY be CHARITABLE, and NOT just a way to limit your tax bill (and also, "get something" in return).

Tesla set to up prices by 5% in new year because of 'currency fluctuations'

bombastic bob Silver badge

wait until corporate welfare is shut off...

wait until the 'corporate welfare' for electric vehicles (like Tesla) is shut off... THEN you'll see prices actually reflecting the cost of producing the vehicle.


I don't think the free market supports electric cars anyway, at least not until the price of "all those batteries" etc. drops below the price for a gasoline engine, the charge lasts for more then a handful of miles, _AND_ you can fully recharge in under 5 minutes. Hybrids, on the other hand, tend to pay for themselves by the spectacular improvement in fuel economy, while NOT losing the ability to drive for hundreds of miles and 'recharge' (i.e. fill up the tank) in only a few minutes' time.

gasoline = liquid energy, stored in a form that's size/weight efficient and relatively easy to make use of. It's why we've been using it for over a century, and will continue to use it, for decades to come.

And anyway, only the "very rich" can AFFORD a Tesla, so why is anyone complaining?

Netgear: Nothing to see here, please disperse. Just another really bad router security hole

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Since we're kicking Netgear

some of the gripes I've had over Netgear in the past, are their ridiculous wifi G solutions with multiple antennae. OK I worked for an antenna company that helped to produce the Siemens SE568, which did REAL antenna steering for 2.4Ghz G wifi back in the day, but I still remember all of the crap performance that was MEASURED by the techs at Airgain, which slapped in the face of Netgear's ridiculous claims. They even claimed 'MIMO' for their "solution", before the pre-N spec even. what a crock! And I never liked the way their cardbus software worked on windows boxen. It was always a bit of a pain to set up a netgear client on a windows laptop, and their access point configuration wasn't much better [as I recall].

One of the Netgear devices (from the late noughties) actually sent most of the signal STRAIGHT UP, due to its overall shape. Antenna pattern basically STANK. And that was MEASURED in an anechoic antenna chamber designed specifically to measure radiation patterns. It looked like an oversized chip clip. Yeah, THAT one.

Some of the easiest things to set up: DLink. Linksys installs their crapware and it "takes over" too much. Netgear is difficult to work with, and doesn't [or didn't] play well with others [i.e. don't install another Atheros-based card in the computer, or driver conflict may ensue]. Admittedly, however, if you didn't use THEIR DRIVERS you'd be ok [and that includes Linux or FreeBSD].

But the DLink was usually one of the easier ones to deal with. /me has an older DLink wifi router that I bought for cheap online and it's still working. Has its bugs but they've been dealt with. If it angers me, at some point I'll just put OpenWRT on it or something.

US healthcare under siege: Got good insurance?

bombastic bob Silver badge

"Any premium increase you had when the ACA came into effect will be dwarfed by the ones your insurance company will introduce if it's repealed."

that is SO wrong on SO many levels, it's hard to find a starting point.

Say that AGAIN, 6 months from now. See how "smart" you look.

On a related note, having everyone's medical records in a national [crackable] database isn't a good thing, either. I don't care HOW damn convenient it is for medical pros to get your records "that way". It's also possible for those who have NO DAMN BUSINESS knowing ANYTHING about you or your medical history to get information that COULD be used against you [including perhaps knowing what kind of pacemaker you have... so it can be *cracked* and ransomware loaded, let's say... and would you DARE *NOT* pay it?]

Twas the week before Xmas ... not a creature was stirring – except Microsoft admitting its Windows 10 upgrade pop-up went 'too far'

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Next OS

VMWare has a Linux version, FYI

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: 'We want people to be running Windows 10 from a security perspective'

"my old card doesn't let passing strangers read my banking details or take up to €20 without asking"

you need tin-foil in your wallet to act like a mini faraday cage and block the RFID.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: 'We want people to be running Windows 10 from a security perspective'

That entire statement deserves dissection:

"We know we want people to be running Windows 10 from a security perspective"

i.e. Micro-shaft "more secure" in their pwning you as a revenue generator

"but finding the right balance where you're not stepping over the line of being too aggressive"

i.e. not getting caught nor being criticized too much

"is something we tried and for a lot of the year I think we got it right"

i.e. didn't rock the boat enough to make water come in

"but there was one particular moment in particular where, you know, the red X in the dialog box which typically means you cancel didn't mean cancel"

i.e. "we got caught and it's obvious now"

Everyone who gets caught is SO sorry afterwards...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Microsoft has been getting it wrong with user interfaces

"How is Win10 so unusable?"

the 2D FLATSO FLUGLY bugs me to the point that it affects my productivity. "Ape" is the same way. I actually gave "Ape" a fair try (with classic shell, even!), then QUICKLY went back to "XP or 7 only" for Windows-related things to avoid the unnecessary nausea.

Microsoft scores nearly $1bn non-compete contract with US military

bombastic bob Silver badge

waste, fraud, and abuse - no need to look further

seems to ME that this has been an example of 'waste, fraud, and abuse' rather than ensuring readiness. Micro-shaft's last-minute reward for contributing to OBAKA and Mrs. Clinton, perhaps?

As the old guard leaves the white house, they get in some last minute return of favors. "Corporate Welfare" indeed.

Chinese boffins: We're testing an 'impossible' EM Drive IN SPAAAACE

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: It works this way:

"thus the speed of microwave photons is slower there"

yeah, the 'venturi' effect except it's photons... no, wait.

sounds just as plausible as any OTHER (B.S.) explanation, aside from just shining a light/heat and letting photon impulse push you the other way

(you forgot the joke icon)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Nothing but the universe comes for free

"The mass lost is quite small but not nonexistent so it could be used for thrust in the production of EM waves."

exactly. shine a light, and you accelerate the opposite way in space, with nothing to stop it from working. problem is, photon rest mass is tiny, and it just takes too much energy to make them [compared to the tiny thrust they provide].

"impulse drive" indeed.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Ridiculous power for a result

I expect that it's like shining a light to get thrust. rest mass of photons * speed of light = momentum change, or similar. It's incredibly inefficient because of the fact that the energy it takes to accelerate a propellant is proportional to the SQUARE of its velocity, but the momentum it generates is proportional to velocity NOT squared. So faster moving propellant, less efficiency. The propellant in this case is photons, which could be radiated from heating by the microwave, or could be the microwave energy itself. whatever, same effect.

So, the most efficient rocket would accelerate 100% of its mass, one time, as the propellant. Not a very effective design. So yeah it's a balance between propellant mass and the energy it takes to accelerate it.

the only way to get around this would be to generate gravity waves or graviton particles and make a warp bubble, which would eliminate the mass:mass interaction related to relativity, gravity, etc.. Yeah all that science-fictiony stuff. In theory you could create gravitons by spinning things [apparently at the center of a rapidly spinning disc you get a 'reverse gravity' effect that's barely measurable] though I expect that physical properties and required energies are the reason why we don't have warp drives yet...

We've been Trumped! China's Alibaba is a 'notorious' knock-offs souk, says US watchdog

bombastic bob Silver badge

"Great examples of this can be found in the Canarian Islands electronic shops, very dodgy purchasing experiences."

back in the 80's, Hong Kong [then a UK territory] was infamous for its knockoffs. Being in the Navy at the time, when I was there, we were warned *not* to purchase ANYTHING outside of the China Fleet Club for that very reason - you just couldn't tell what was real, and what was fake! Apparently, there was also a risk of getting something like a name-brand camera that was only a shell [no workings], and so on. Or, so we were told...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "complaints pages were often not available in English,"

"Chinese website for some reason must have English language on all it's pages."

Ah, hell, just run it through google's web page translator, right? If nothing else, the comedic factor alone will put you in a better mood.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "threaten America's creative industries"

"Living wage" rant... <facepalm>

if these things were made in the USA, instead of China, they'd be built by robots. And usually the 'knockoff' part is harming the ENGINEERING side, not so much the manufacturing side.

I saw a knockoff of an antenna once that, when X rayed, showed the original company's logo. The antenna was designed such that having the logo affected the tuning. So the cloners made a copy that looked like it was made FROM an x ray, complete with the logo [which was only visible in an X ray]. Clever, but not so clever. So the antenna cost MAYBE a penny to actually make; selling the knockoffs really only hurt the engineering side of the business, where all of the R&D and whatnot wasn't being paid for by antenna sales.

Anyway, that whole "living wage" thing is ridiculous. A job is worth the money that the employee earns for the company. Paying someone MORE than what his job earns is bad economics. And that includes all of those "other costs" from payroll taxes to "OBAKACARE" (which is thankfully GOING AWAY). So you factor in how much it costs for an employee, and how much work that employee does, and what that work is worth to the employer. And if it's a net loss, you go elsewhere, or invent a ROBOT to do it.

Virgin America mid-flight panic after moron sets phone Wi-Fi hotspot to 'Samsung Galaxy Note 7'

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: How about...

I can think of SO many wifi hotspot names that would be funny as hell. Best to have them randomly cycle through a list of no-no-names automatically. Should make things more interesting that way. Calling it "Explosion" for example... or "Trigger"... or "Revenge"... or maybe "Aloha ACK Bar" might raise a few eyebrows.

Then there's "Get Ready For A Surprise" (a little 'Total Recall' reference), and "Oh, HELL, No!" and then ANY movie line spoken by Samuel L. Jackson [particularly one with profanity in it]. "Snakes on a Plane" might just draw some fun attention, too.

Still, if you ask me, there's JUST TOO MUCH PARANOIA OUT THERE.

That calls for another worthy mention: "DON'T PANIC!"

/me considers writing "an app for that" for 'droid phones. just download the APK from wherever the hell I post it online, enable the appropriate developer mode, and you're good to go. No "store" to get in the way, etc.. You provide the name list to rotate through every few minutes while nobody's actually using the hotspot. Might as well rotate mac addresses, too.

What gifts did ol' kitten heels May get this year?

bombastic bob Silver badge

how about...

how about a copy of Margaret Thatcher's book?

(a used version might be 'under the limit')

/me ducks as mentioning the Iron Lady is likely to get me more downvotes than a Trump or Brexit supporter... no, wait.

Firefox to give all extensions their own process in January

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: I dream..

you dream of a day when developers stop "feeling" and start THINKING again! You dream of a day when it's not necessary for junior dev #483 to get HIS way this time! A day when [FR]Agile development goes back to a top-down system with actual CODE REVIEW from a MANAGER (think Linus), instead of a "junior guy gets his way, too" daily SCRUM. Yotta yotta yotta.

[I bet I _nailed_ it, too!]

The code is being written by _INEXPERIENCED_ _MILLENIAL_ _CHILDREN_. Like Win-10-nic. Must. Go. Back. Path. Going. Over. Cliff. Must. Turn. Away. From. Edge. [pun intended]

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Please Mozilla

"I miss the old Firefox that had clever new stuff."

wouldn't it be AWESOME if they'd just PATCH the old versions for security vulnerabilities? I can't run auto-updates anyway - I'm using FreeBSD and it's BUILT FROM SOURCE. But a patch would be nice, not "latest and greatest new/shiny that I don't actually WANT".

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: From memory...

"My gripe isn't so much that FF will hog a lot of memory, but that it usually fails to give it back properly when it's no longer needed."

when I see background firefox CPU load at 100% of one of the cores [or higher] I usually do a 'killall firefox' - which so nicely saves its open tab/page state - then I reload it, putting the windows/tabs back the way I had it [on specific desktops, etc.] . yeah, I'm NOT running Windows, heh.

I'm actually running a 2 year old Firefox, on FreeBSD, with gnome 2. Who needs "bleeding edge" ? Stable has its advantage, "not a moving target" being one of them. "New, shiny" is _HIGHLY_ overrated! [that goes DOUBLE when a 'hamburger' menu is added, or other "touchy-feely screen" so-called *ENHANCEMENTS* are added that decrease the amount of crap I can cram into a single desktop instance, or make the menu require more space than my ancient, yet fully functional, monitor can display]

Yeah, "new, shiny" "up"grade is HIGHLY overrated. Unless it's ACTUALLY something worth UPgrading to.

(how about security-patching the OLD versions instead? hmmm?????)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: From memory...

"So unless an HTML6 comes along demanding lean, mean web pages that can be downloaded completely over a dialup in less than a minute, with all content being required to fit a local domain hierarchy tree before it'll even be requested"

THAT sounds like an EXCELLENT proposal! I vote we move that one forward, NOW.

On a related note, I hope that putting NoScript into its own process won't negatively impact page load times - though I expect that NOT running the script would be a POSITIVE that could easily make up for it.

Raspberry Pi Foundation releases operating system for PCs, Macs

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: What's the point?

it's not JUST about schools; it's about having an operating system that's tweeked to run WELL on a lightweight system. Micro-shaft tried producing those lightweight ARM-based surface machines with WIndows "Ape" on them and it *TOTALLY* *FAILED*. Some Linux netbooks have done 'ok' but none really seem to be that prevalent in the market.

So this may be the first truly successful attempt to make a desktop suitable for lightweight computing, with updated versions of things *like* Libre Office pre-installed, a nice stable Linux on the back-end, and NO! MORE! DAMN! BLOAT!!

and 3D skeuomorphic _DESKTOP_ instead of 2D FLATSO "phoney". *much* better!

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: And it appears to be 3D skeuomorphic!

"You've actually managed to get MS Office running on it?"

it appears to have Libre Office pre-installed (see graphic). I abandoned MS Office for Libre Office and/or Open Office some time ago. [it does everything I need]. Assuming PIXEL is like Raspbian, I would expect it to work just fine on an RPi, particularly one of the newer model 2/3 versions.

/me most recently put FreeBSD 11.0 on an RPi model 2 and a 1B, and with my [submitted] kernel patch [needed for the ATX Raspi power control board], everything appears to work just fine.

bombastic bob Silver badge

And it appears to be 3D skeuomorphic!

I was moderately pleased when I zoomed in on the screenshot and saw actual BUTTONS for minimize/maximize/close and other 3D skeuomorphic features. I'm also *REALLY* glad to see a 3D skeuomorphic appearance being referred to as a "modern interface". I am *SO* *SICK* *AND* *TIRED* of the 2D FLATSO FLUGLY being excreted by Micro-shaft for windows "Ape" and win-10-nic, and the equally irritating fat-finger-friendliness of gnome 3, Unity, etc..

_SO_ _REFRESHING_ !!! Well done, RPi Foundation. You deserve a beer!

This has the real potential of becoming the operating system that _UNSEATS_ _WINDOWS_, particularly with the potential backlash against the spying and the 2D FLUGLY. I hope this happens. I really, really do.

/me trying to imagine a name that relates 'Pixel' to an exit from windows... maybe rhyming with the word 'exit' (and perhaps a few other things).

Non-existent sex robots already burning holes in men’s pockets

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: I want one.

you reminded me of Harry Mudd and the original Star Trek. His X wife ('Stella?') and the gift that Kirk and the others left for him...


Uber's self-driving cars can't handle bike lanes, forcing drivers to kill autonomous mode

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Not Surprised

"there is a tendency to rush the technology out too early forgetting that software problems almost certainly will kill people."

Win-10-nic comes to mind, when you say that... [except maybe for the 'kill people' part]

"Microshaft Uber". Or "Microshaft Drive". ew.