"Fat Boy Kim may even just fire artillery at Seoul as well to make it a total party."
that's pretty much a guarantee, in the minds of most of the people I've heard discussing potential scenarios.
Kim Jong "Fatass" "Cartman" Un is basically INSANE. He rattles his saber, and expects people to pay him to shut the hell up and go away for a while. Unfortunately this used to work for his predecessor, but his predecessor knew when to shut the hell up. I'd expect him to act like Cartman and say things like "Respect My Authoritah!".
We're talking about a tin-horn dictator of an oppressive regime that stuffs his face and gets FAT while his people STARVE (and then hates being called 'Fatass'). His biggest concern is his own EGO. He wants to show how large his penis is to the rest of the world, in the shape of nuclear bombs and missiles capable of hitting his neighbors.
Now, here's what I think: they don't have any stockpile. Whenever they get one built [read: whip the minions harder to make them go faster until something's completed] they launch it. Or blow it up. Or do a 'nuclear test' with it. (but they DO have mobile artillery already pointed at strategic locations in S. Korea).
I suspect they have NO stockpile of WMDs, though. After all, this is ALL about Fatass. When he "feels powerful", he's happy. When the world calls him "Fatass" and proves how powerless he REALLY is, he gets all bent out of shape and launches something (or does a nuclear test) to show how 'powerful' he is.
Now, with a little amateur psychology, someone THIS unstable is VERY likely to launch everything he has in one "stand alone" strike against EVERYBODY at the same time, knowing full well that a) he'll never win, b) everybody WILL attack back, and c) the only outcome is a bunch of craters, a lot of 'glassed' cities, and enough fallout over N. Korea and surrounding areas to cause problems for the next several years.
OK - armchair world leaders, how do we deal with this?
I think that the G20 summit may be well timed. I think China and Russia will get on board with whatever the USA [and S. Korea and Japan] end up doing. And China may even help. But yeah, it won't be pretty, because the N. Korean people are SO indoctrinated, they'll fight down to the last man, woman, and child.
And we've seen what the solution to one of THOSE situations was before, a little over 70 years ago. I don't think we want to go there. (but MOAB and conventional cruise missiles might prove to be a nice substitute)
/me wonders what the effect of a MOAB dropped on Fatty's head would be...
(icon because of the topic)