using Dobbs decisoin to demand something that really SHOULD be demanded...
From the article:
campaigners want to ensure that people's chats discussing procedures outlawed at the state level can't be obtained by the cops and used to build a criminal case against them.
I personally believe that the Dobbs decision (which allows states to restrict or outlaw abortions, but would not prevent you from getting such services in another state) is being over-hyped with a LOT of the usual FUD, during an election cycle.
The concern seems to be centered in the idea that state law enforcement would "come and get you" by scanning your private communications looking for "violators" in some kind of electronic fishing expedition. Granted, we should ALL fear that "in general" especially with recent cases and warrants against high profile people including the "My Pillow" guy.
So, I am *ALL* for better end to end encryption! And, I believe that this needs to be SERIOUSLY considered by all service providers, with phone applications and password prompts (and/or biometrics or even FOB keys) and so forth when needed.
Still it's a bit disturbing that the people driving this may have at one time been FOR all of that snooping, until it scares THEM for whatever reason...