Re: Bye
"as it breaks backwards compatibility"
/me accidentally ruins keyboard after doing a "spit-take"
10507 publicly visible posts • joined 1 May 2015
normally it would be north up, where "north" is defined by the ecliptic plane and what 'north' would be on earth in relation to it. or something like that, with the planets all revolving in roughly the same direction around the sun, and rotating in roughly the same manner [with notable exceptions]. Assuming they all "follow the standard" north would be up, and planetary rotation would be west to east, in whatever photo they show, even for exoplanets [ok no photos of THOSE yet but still...]
yeah some IOT devices have WPA2 support on SILICON
and thinking of content injection - TCP protocol would limit its effectiveness and you'd likely get framing errors on both ends [rendering it ineffective], unless there's a true MITM going on where the packet stream can be edited, in both directions [netfilter does this for NAT FTP, for example, and has some helper functions to assist you in modifying a TCP stream - but netfilter IS "the man in the middle"]
" they could, I suppose, make some sort of prediction that we could use as a guideline."
in 2040, you'll see cold temperatures similar to 1970's and 1900's, just like the mid-2000's were similar to the mid 1930's. ~70 year cycle. Prediction should be accurate. You're welcome.
Fixed It For Ya.
There are also long cycles in the northern hemisphere of about 500 years. 2000'-ish was at the peak of one of those, oh by the way. The last "warm period" was 1500'ish. The mid 1700's [think valley forge and frozen-over Thames] was the last major cold period. In the ~1000's (or so) there was a warm peak. That's about the time that Eric the Red gave "Greenland" its name because it was, well, GREEN. Unfortunately 100 or so years later, NOT so green, and Viking settlements did rather poorly as a result. Yeah, he found Greenland just after a warming peak, while it was on its way over the hump.
So let us learn from actual history and pay attention to these normal temperature cycles, and base our predictions on THOSE, instead of bogus computer models that were rigged for an outcome by AlGore's religious zealots [who are probably just corrupt political elitists trying to manipulate people].
ACK on the title.
From the article: In other words, our planet's temperature changes are linked to the Sun and the seas, and not necessarily manmade, in Bridenstine's mind.
And in MY mind. And in REALITY.
From the article: He doesn't outright deny climate change is happening, just that it may not be the fault of our fossil-fuel mania, air travel, and so on.
It's because the alleged mechanism, CO2, can't work if you know even the SLIGHTEST amount of fact concerning its real effect on Earth temperatures. The mechanism for a greenhouse gas is infrared absorption. CO2's absorption spectrum is PATHETIC when you compare it to IR black body energies associated with temperatures actually FOUND on the earth. CO2 is also at equilibrium, and like anything at equilibrium, shifting the production or depletion rate on one side of the equation causes a large shift in the depletion or production rate on the OTHER side. Translation, you could pour MEGAtons of CO2 into the atmosphere, and it would cause rain, and it would precipitate out in the ocean and become a layer on the sea floor.
From the article: Meanwhile, on NASA's own website you can find data showing human civilization has likely had a profound effect on our world's climate.
2 words: FAKE NEWS [not doubting it's there, it's just that NASA was engaging in FAKE NEWS]
OK I'd bet ACTUAL MONEY on THIS one: 1900 - cold. 1935 - warm. 1970 - cold [iced over puddles in San Jose]. 2005 - warm. 2040 - COLD. each of these numbers is 35 years apart. This is an obvious trend. See how obvious it is? guess what's going to happen in 2040? It's gonna be COLD. That "massive warming" from 1970-ish to mid 2000's, the "hockey stick" on AlGore's chart, was the upswing of a NORMAL CYCLE. And guess what has happened since the "noughties" - NO WARMING, THAT'S WHAT! It's _PREDICTABLE_, and I have PREDICTED it, using REAL STATISTICS, REAL SCIENCE, and NO BULLSHIT.
So I'm very HAPPY that the Trump administration is putting someone in charge of NASA that is a "climate change" REALIST - not "denier", not "skeptic", but REALIST. Because REALITY is that it ain't happening like the Chicken Little Doom/Gloom AlGore cult says it is. It's NOTHING. NOTH-ING. And _I_ should not have _MY_ freedoms curbed, energy prices increased, economy threatened, or SIZE OF GUMMINT INCREASED, to "solve" something that is _NOT_ _THERE_.
"if you've never had the displeasure of working with a city authority in California it's hard to understand just how absurdly obtuse they could be"
Want an example?
My phone line had a LOT of problems until the phone company decided to re-build it end to end. It's still a bit problematic for the DSL [which throttles to <384k every time the phone rings, and I have to manually reset the modem to get "somewhat under 1Mbit" again, being at the limit of wire miles, LITERALLY on "the end" of the line - neighbor's phone line goes north, mine goes south - yeah], I asked about the 'undergrounding budget' and when the lines were going to go underground.
Well, snarkily the tech admitted that they couldn't get things done in a REASONABLE way. After all, for every 'nice neighborhood' or simply upper-middle or middle-class neighborhood [like mine] that they do, they'd have to do a POOR RUN-DOWN GHETTO neighborhood "to match".
So it's all about THE POLITICS, and not getting the work done efficiently, nor in a timely manner.
There is most certainly a budget for putting the wires under ground. But progress is BARELY moving, even ~20 years after I first heard about it. Remember "the tank" that went on a rampage in San Diego? I lived acoss the street from the National Guard armory at that time, the one where that guy stole the tank from. That's when I heard about the 'undergrounding' budget, as it became a matter of discussion due to all of the phone poles that got knocked over by 'the tank'.
Well, they fixed the phone poles after the tank broke 'em, but undergrounding the lines? It *STILL* has not happened!
It's amazing, clearly surprising, just how much GUMMING UP that gummint can do, when it puts it's filthy little "mind" to it. The political correctness, the vote-buying, the payola, the scams, the scandals, and ALWAYS pandering to "some group" to get votes. These people are truly APALLING, in the worst kinds of ways. But then again, we had Mayor Bob "Feelner" Filner, who went through a Harvey Weinstein experience a few years ago, basically did the SAME KIND OF THING, and finally the libs were FILLED UP with "Feelner". One of his biggest former supporters (a Demo-Rat woman, former city councilman named Donna Frye) basically went on a crusade to CRUCIFY him.
So yeah, here we are 20 years later, and NO UNDERGROUNDING, and my phone line really SUCKS because the 1970's copper wire is slowly deteriorating to the point where it doesn't right work any more. And re-building my line helped, but my DSL speed is still 25% below what it SHOULD be, even at THIS distance from the DSLAM.
And if they underground, they can run FIBER while they're at it, right? Or you'd like to think so... but THAT would make TOO MUCH SENSE, wouldn't it?
"We have the legal right to take it because we are the biggest bully in the playground."
That's why we have courts, elected legislators, and written constitutions, to put the reigns on an otherwise power-hungry out-of-control oppressive gummint. Mostly it works, but sometimes you end up with cases like THIS one where it's not so clear, and is likely to go too far if you don't stop it NOW.
HOPEFULLY the Supreme Court "gets it right". This will be a nice test. There are details about this case that I do not know, and no doubt all of that will be included in the decision (which is generally made public).
From what it sounds like, the D.O.J. is going on a fishing expedition. Otherwise, wouldn't an Irish court tell Microsoft to "cough it up" ? Then this would have been over with and done.
anyway, the actual decision should be an interesting read.
turbofan 'bypass thrust' - a brilliant idea, because thrust (essentially) equals mass flow rate times exhaust velocity, expressed as force [similar units to acceleration]. To double thrust, you can either double mass flow rate, or double exhaust velocity. if you double exhaust velocity, it takes 4 times as much energy [from KE=m*v^2/(2*Gc) - double velocity, multiply delta kinetic energy by 4]. Hence, turbo prop and turbo fan engines increase the mass flow rate instead. Then you only need to DOUBLE the amount of energy to double the thrust, a much more efficient engine.
"from striking a goose"
geese have no concept of laws, rules, regulations, etc. regarding controlled air traffic zones. Drone pilots at least have the capability of understanding (and obeying) them, and ignorance being no excuse etc..
I don't know what the potential engine damage inflicted by a drone would cost in repairs, but it's probably more money than most people would earn in a year. That assumes that on descent and landing approach [one of the more critical times during flight] the plane doesn't lose control and crash+burn.
Drone operators should just stay away from controlled air-traffic zones with their drones. We all know where the airports are, you can see [and hear] the planes taking off and landing. Just stay away...
WPA and WPA2 are handled by the main CPU and not the radio, so it's unlikely that radio firmware would need updating [that's typically about modulation and frequencies and things of that nature].
Normally the WPA supplicant (like you mentioned) would be involved.
Radio baseband processors don't (usually) handle anything beyond recognizing where the preamble and the data begin, and sending data out of the antenna. If they do, then the entire firmware would be like one image for all of it [I think there are one or two ARM-based solutions like that out there].
In SOVIET RUSSA [read: modern USA], TV watches YOU!
how many set top boxes will contain a barely visible camera hole that uses various "patented by Micro-shaft" (I kid you not) technologies to determine HOW MANY PEOPLE are watching, maybe even attempt to guess at sex, age, etc., and SLURP all of that info to market commercials DIRECTLY SELECTED FOR YOU, etc. etc. and even figure out when you go to take a whizz or grab something from the fridge...
forcing a NEW round of "smart" TVs and set top boxes may just be another way of slipping THIS in. yeah. Think of it as political Astro Glide...
"The broadcasters are just hastening their own irrelevance."
by behaving like MICRO-SHAFT???
I already have to 'rent' set top boxes, even for a 3 year old LCD TV. It has HDMI output (and composite for older TVs). But, the remote control is a piece of CRAP, and 3 or 4 buttons practically don't work after only a couple of years of useage. TV remotes last 10 times as long. But "the cable" went to DIGITAL a while back. So I _have_ to have it.
So I expect "more of the same" then, a special box to decode whatever the hell they broadcast at you. Nothing different except the details. and the increased monthly bill. And not wanting to see anything on 3/4 of the available channels. And too many FEELING commercials injected into the content.
[I had to edit the topic, it was too long with the 'Re:' prepended]
disabling scripting will make this kind of crap *meaningless*
but I'd probably NEVER go to their web site anyway.
and that pretty much sums it up.
"Pulitzer Prize" is when left-wing journalists do the equivalent of sexual favors to one another by awarding prizes for being the same kind of left-wing hack-job fake-news propaganda mill as the rest of them... it's as bad as academy awards for sucky art/croissant high-brow films that nobody watches.
"You're making a big assumption about the mental health of the average american gun carrying individual."
Those who think like wildebeasts have a hard time understanding those who think like LIONS. And they're too willing to judge, point fingers, and try to legislate them away. Except, without some who THINK like LIONS [who aren't necessarily lions, but understand them] you're at the mercy of the REAL LIONS. And that's the point.
My balls are just TOO BIG for me to think like a prey animal.
"A large fraction of those who end up doing it in real life do require extensive psychological and psychiatric councelling later on - even when the person they killed has been trying to kill them."
not me - I'd make sure they stared right into my eyeballs as I stare into theirs, watching the life drain away. I'm the last thing they'd see on the way to HELL.
[THAT, by the way, makes me a *HARD* *TARGET* - meaning I'm in the house they avoid, or the person they avoid on the street or in a crowd - the one who FIGHTS BACK]
Sorry, I can't by into your "prey animal" kind of thinking. I think like a predator. A self-disciplined predator who doesn't kill without reason. And I spent time in the military, and have been prepared to take a life in self-defense [or defense of others] since then. No problem.
The point is *TO* fight back. Make it hard for the criminal. Even if you're passive-aggressive about it, it's still fighting back. I prefer "active aggressive". And *revenge* is a GOOD thing. enough people do it, and you see crime go WAY down, because their's now a PENALTY [potentially] for the bad behavior.
[this is not how SHEEPLE think. This is how men with BIG BALLS think.]
"how in God's name is an individual or and other entity going to bring about a legitimate counter-hack result."
it's been done before [locating the perp]. An enterprising and intelligent operator of a router system did it once, back in the 90's. I can't recall his name, but he got the FBI involved because he was seeing some really unusual activity... and as it turned out, it was someone trying to crack into gummint computers, if I remember correctly.
Someone at an ISP could assist a company in doing the same thing, or if you have your own routers [that can display the right kind of info], you could do it yourself.
even WireShark can be very helpful.
auto-redirect routing to a honeypot server - even better. make it nice and sweet. download that trojan, yeah! let it phone home, and we'll see who you REALLY are! back-door THAT machine, looks for back doors already there, and keep digging until you find the perp. chances are, he's not protecting himself very well... thinking "TOR" will anonymize him. Uh, huh... and then you examine his facebook cookie, his twitter cookie, his microsoft login cookie, ...
"So we can all hack the US Government back now without worrying about getting extradited?"
you have MY permission, if they're invading your computer without probable cause, and without any kind of legal approval in the UK. They should get a UK warrant first. Then it would be _legal_ in the UK to do that. Or let the UK gummint do it on the US gummint's behalf. Then it's all above-board diplomatically.
But invading your computers? bad idea. hack 'em back. [if you don't mind the legal fees associated with defending yourself, anyway, and IANAL so my legal advice is probably worthless]
well, if you do things properly on YOUR end, researching the hack/crack, it becomes obvious when a web site is being used as a "pure re-director". A little research may lead you to the REAL web site (or person doing the shell access cracking, whichever), especially for things _LIKE_ when the POST transactions in a fake web page reveal exactly where that is [for getting your credit card info, for example]. If your server is the re-director, then you study the logs to see where everything is going, and go from there. That kind of thing. Or if it's someone else, you can often determine where it REALLY came from through various means.
From that point, the lazy coder's or incompetent script-kiddie's ass is YOURS. Just "follow the money" (or in this case, the IP address of the server doing the credit card stuff or intrusions). Notifying the credit card companies along the way is an extra added 'bonus'.
(I would normally expect crack attempts to come in via web site requests as a vector, unless you allow ssh access for more than 1 or two obscure user names with either proper pass-PHRASES or cert-only, or both)
most people understand the 'joe job' problem. I've been Joe-jobbed a couple of times. Fortunately the web service that handles domain e-mails added the ability to put the correct MX DNS info records in place to specify which servers are authorized to send e-mail for the domain, and I haven't seen it happen since.
in one joe-job case that I allegedly heard about, the alleged perps allegedly had an alleged server running in an alleged country that is well known for having compromised servers and NOT responding to alleged abuse reports because alleged mail service was filtering the abuse reports as "spam". Allegedly. And it allegedly had the usual "fake rolex" and "fake handbag" web sites on it. And it allegedly got flooded with specially crafted (not illegal) HTTP requests that shut it down for a significant amount of time (allegedly exploiting a bug in the way they were re-directing via the "probably compromised" web server), on multiple occasions, with "stop joe jobbing XXX" allegedly being PROMINENT in the logs, allegedly. Yeah, no retaliation THERE, right?
"Bob announces that he will hack back against anybody who attacks him."
heh, I wouldn't announce it, just do it.
That's where the liability comes in - if you don't cover your ass and get the right target, you're as bad as the perp [and so YOU get in trouble]. Unless it becomes a ginormous free-for-all, in which case, popcorn please.
(from the article>
"Before hacking back, the IT department would have to submit some homework to the FBI's National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force so the Feds can make sure national boundaries are being respected and that any action wouldn't interfere with an ongoing investigation."
And I wanted to have a bot do it, automagically. DAMMIT!
This is like "the 2nd ammendment" for cyber-self-defense. Works for me.
A cop cannot be everywhere. Citizens have to take it upon themselves to report and stop crime. I don't know about the U.K. but here in the USA we have "citizen's arrest" laws, where if you catch someone "in the act" you have the right to arrest that person with REASONABLE FORCE [but criminals have black eyes, broken bones, missing teeth, and if he doesn't look like a criminal, the cops won't believe it, heh]. So yeah, if you witness someone stealing, raping, murdering, you have EVERY right to use deadly force in many cases, and that's the point. Citizens are as good as cops at stopping crime.
In this case, it's citizens with computers who could, in theory, do their OWN investigating. But seriously, if you detect an intrusion, putting up a shield may not be enough. You might have to do something to damage the other end, like trick them into downloading a trojan horse that wipes their hard drive or similar. If a bot kicks in a URL re-director that fakes them into going to the wrong web pages [for example], they end up downloading the trojan horse.
I'd be all for THAT. As an extra added bonus, the law contains liability insurance, so if you destroy some innocent person's computer, you have to pay for it. No biggee. It's the same if you shoot the wrong person. You're liable for that, too.
/me gets bumper sticker for PC: This Computer is Protected by Smith & Wesson
even though YOUR posts were miraculously "un-deleted", the alleged "evidence of Russian meddling" and any OTHER collusion will conveniently *disappear*. Into the bit bucket they go!
This has 2 effects:
a) give the "russian collusion" independent investigators more ammo to keep digging [eventually to find something to use against Trump in the next election, or even sooner, they hope] in their FISHING EXPEDITION, and
b) help them perpetuate the "Russia, Russia, Russia" narrative. indefinitely.
But what if there was NOTHING TO FIND in the FIRST place?
"This is why people despise Microsoft: the way it does its business, the way it lies about the unpalatable aspects of it."
and the way they act like an evil dictatorship...
Maybe it _IS_ the 'NorKs' after all! [or their equivalent]
They certainly aren't acting like a CAPITALIST organization any more.
"and have in the past actually had to distinguish them in speech."
when someone first mentioned "Sequel Server" to me ~1990, I couldn't figure out what it was, where to find it, or who to buy it from. IBM allegedly made it, but no literature on it in the back of PC mag or anything even REMOTELY related. If it had been called "Es Queue El" Server, then I might have been able to find it. But the "Sequel" thing was I.B.M. "Market Speak", in the worst possible way.
And I stop conversations in order to correct the pronunciation of 'Es Queue El'. And it's 'My Es Queue El' no matter WHAT anyone says about it. .Calling it anything else invites me to become a GRAMMAR NAZI.
"how can G(raphics) be pronounced as JIF."
it could be worse - they might be pronouncing SQL as "Sequel".
Yeah, it's pronounced Es Queue El for those who didn't know. The other pronunciation, which is _REALLY_ IBM market-speak from the late 80's/early 90's, is like nails on a chalkboard in intelligent or technical conversation. Yes, I'm compelled to stop things and correct the error, and have done so on a few occasions...
And yeah, it's "GUIFF" with a hard 'G'. Soft-G fascists simply can't figure out what the G stands for...
[I'll continue to use PING and JAY-PEGG files anyway - they're better for my needs]
"Scott Adams is a bit of a dick. He admires Trump ... He's a climate change denier."
a HUGE DOWNVOTE from me, for being so transparently PEJORATIVE, as well as ignorant about REAL science. And steering the topic to Trump and man-made climate change.
[deserves a topic heading]
The article said that. I say "_REALLY_???" Because I don't believe it.
Recently I was invited by Micro-shaft to engage in an on-line survey with respect to business-related computer usage and Win-10-nic features. There were several 'comment' areas in which I vented my spleen. I outlined, in detail, how they basically drove me, a long time customer, who USED to be a fan of Microsoft and Windows back in the 90's, AWAY from them, by things like the 2D FLATSO, adware, spyware, forced updates, "start thing", GWX, etc.. ( 'TLDR' and I don't remember it all, so just the summary.)
In any case, their "new,shiny" "business friendly features" aren't really helping business, from what I can see. But their marketing will SAY SO, and I think that trickled into the article.
I have a few legacy applications that require windows. If Micro-shaft continues circling the drain with Win-10-nic, I may be forced to fix WINE so that they'll all work. [some of them are multimedia applications, particularly Cakewalk, and that might take a bit of work, but if I can get XP to run on an old computer that has enough horsepower to do it, or get my W7 machine to work properly with respect to certain device drivers, I may not have to]
"Ah yes, COBOL meant the PHB class and users write their own code, then SQL meant management could directly query business data followed by the great white hopes of VB and Delphi. "
don't forget "Forest and Trees". that was an interesting thing. It died, like similar things. I think MS Access may have killed it.
And one more point: SKYNET programmed itself, didn't it?
Icon, because, SKYNET mention.
"sometimes they aren't [ok] and you need to check."
on a DEVELOPMENT server. With a mirror of the production database(s). And a good simulation of realistic activity. for at least 2 or 3 days prior to updating the production server(s), with automated test suites or interns or students or dedicated testers who will report problems immediately and even TRY to produce them.
(the choir says "amen" right?)
"There is this nifty new idea some are using."
yeah, and some of them set up DEVELOPMENT servers to test things on, before moving them to production. but you'll need TESTERS to evaluate it properly, or maybe make everyone at Micro-shaft use the DEVELOPMENT server to help work out the bugs...
'master' and 'develop' branches on github. do a merge when you know it works, cross your fingers, hold onto your ass, and hope you didn't break something. And do it at zero-dark-thirty when few people are actually using it [so you don't cause massive outages]. And then TEST the damn thing, to make sure you didn't break it.
yeah, "standard operating procedure" for competent IT people, right?
"Facepalm" icon for how dumb MS was for putting this on the production server without testing it properly, first.
"What would a closed source language be?"
In some ways, Java. but only because Oracle owns everything about it, and dictates what people can do to it. But there's OpenJDK, so it's not entirely "closed". You do not have to use Oracle's JVM or JDK.
That being said, the only thing I really hate about Java is the LACK of "unsigned integer" types. Yeah. They arrogantly leave that out, deliberately. It makes certain things *difficult* in Java. but when you're doing device control, or reading binary data from a device with 64-bit unsigned integers and bit flags to go with them, it becomes a bit tedious, ya know?
yeah, rather short-sighted of them, isn't it?
I only use Java for 'droid anyway, and only because it's easier at the moment...
"AMD even removed the feature in x64"
you sure about that? I'm pretty certain that x64 has executable and non-executable page flags...
edit: found this quote on wikipedia
"The No-Execute bit or NX bit (bit 63 of the page table entry) allows the operating system to specify which pages of virtual address space can contain executable code and which cannot. An attempt to execute code from a page tagged "no execute" will result in a memory access violation, similar to an attempt to write to a read-only page. This should make it more difficult for malicious code to take control of the system via "buffer overrun" or "unchecked buffer" attacks. A similar feature has been available on x86 processors since the 80286 as an attribute of segment descriptors; however, this works only on an entire segment at a time."
thought so