Re: All this to avoid installing ssh and usable command line tools
"What a lot of effort MS goes to to re-invent a wheel" (etc.)
yeah, they've had the '' square tires since MS-DOS days, and didn't want to shift over to something like csh or bash (an obviously superior, yet similar-enough way of doing command shells).
".Not" is a symptom of a paradigm that is ANTI-PRODUCTIVE, unnecessarily "detail-complex", monolithic, bloated, vogon-bureaucratic, inefficient, and BASS-ACKWARDS. And PowerHell is NOT helping by effectively "wrapping" it like a boar in a naughty nightie (and lipstick not even on the oinky end].
Give me something like bash, ps, awk, kill, grep, sed, and top, along with stdin/stdout piping THAT ACTUALLY WORKS, and it's a fair bet that I can admin your system without spending hours and hours trying to figure out the details and the nuances of PowerHell and bass-ackwards BLOAT like ".Not".
You know, like, maybe, CYGWIN???
(if, that is, CYGWIN could manage some of the windowsie nuances that seems to fight against it, things like permissions on files, for example... but Micro-shaft COULD fix this. They just DON'T.)