Re: The question begged is...
if it had been me, it would be on the grave of my ENEMY[ies]
10507 publicly visible posts • joined 1 May 2015
what's a good word for someone who's SO irreponsible and careless, he is frequently getting cured of a sexually transmitted disease, yet is also frequently, carelessly, and irresponsibly engaging in behavior that easily contracts and spreads these diseases?
THAT is what Adobe Flash is. I'm thinking "skank".
does GVFS (or, ahem, MVFS) even WORK under non-Micro-shaft-OS's ???
THIS thread suggests very little has been done:
maybe fusefs or similar might be a possible solution, but I'm not aware of anything significant being done here, and couldn't find easily with a quicky online search. (gvfs-fuse-daemon is apparently for gnome's VFS of the same name, not for the Github one).
I fear that this will become like EXCHANGE with it's own "Microsoft windows API" for windows, and potentially broken things for IMAP and POP and basically "everyone else". I remember actually seeing something like this happen where many API-related things were just 'not available' if you used Linux or FreeBSD and had a regular IMAP e-mail client like Thunderbird - people would try to send me files, they'd show up as a link I couldn't access, things like that. "But if you use Outlook for your e-mail". No. Just no.
Nice way to ALIENATE over half of the people on GitHub! We won't do our dev work on Win-10-nic no matter *HOW* or *HOW* *MUCH* you beg (read: coerce)!!!
one of the advantages to the big ocean 'heat sink' is for power plants also, which must (generally) put 75% or so of the energy they create into the cooling system (for typical steam plants, YMMV with other technologies).
2nd law of thermodynamics being what it is, cooling is a necessary thing in the engineering world.
But it's just as convenient to put a power plant near the ocean as it is to put a data center into it, I'd think. So with all of that infrastructure nearby, it just makes sense to locate the data centers close to the power plants. Keep it from being ugly, and surfers and beach combers won't mind. They may actually LIKE the nearby data center and infrastructure (cell towers in particular) with respect to smart phone usage, etc.. Yes, people use their smart phones on the beach. Who knew?
However, back to a previous point: never underestimate the "wacky protesters" and their money-grubbing l[aw]yers when it comes to OBSTRUCTING EVERYTHING, for bogus B.S. and irritating touchy-feely reasons. Maybe LESS of that without actual buildings being constructed, but still. SOME "bright bulb" l[aw]yer will come up with "a way" and EXPLOIT it.
seems like someone "forgot" to use the "modern" 2D FLATSO rhomboid version. thankfully. (or was that the previous one in the photo?)
yeah, it's got a windows 7 style logo on it
But apparently it's easier to set one up underwater, than it is on land. I wonder _WHY_ that is??? [I can think of reasons, most of them political]. Natural cooling is a good thing, of course, but I think there's a lot more to it.
"This was the best choice for GitHub. Suck it up."
no, not the best. just the easiest, most expedient one.
When the company's owners OVERVALUE a company for the purpose of getting purchased, and the top level management gets their golden parachutes, then buyer's remorse and angry customers are the most likely outcome.
1 word: Nokia
But the VCs will get their money. Oh, yeah.
/me awaits the potential of 'MariaGit'. I can hope!
also they COULD have monetized things better, by offering various levels of premium content and services. But they really didn't, except for private hosting, as far as I could tell.
"But don't let me interupt your echo chamber."
echo chamber - that's what Micro-shaft shills do.
I'm no echo chamber. What I say is genuine. And I suspect that what most of the other people have said is genuine, too. And it's overwhelmingly similar, isn't it?
No echoing here. Just a lot of loud, genuine, 'grass roots' protests from actual GitHub users. And without the users it wouldn't be WORTH the several billion would it?
@Just Enough
Actually the definition of a 'shill' is someone who pretends to be convinced by the con man in order to draw in the 'mark', specifically being that he's 'in on it' from the beginning. In 3 card monty, he'd be the guy that's constantly losing when it's "obvious" to the mark, who then bets and loses. The 'shill' drew him in. Alternately a 'shill' might be someone who argues an opposite point in a way that makes the con man look brilliant, etc.. The common factor here is that he's 'in on the con' and is acting as if he's not.
In this context, the 'shills' would be MS paid and/or dedicated fanbois that pretend to be 'regular testers' or 'regular insiders', or 'regular users', but then engage with anyone that has an opposing opinion or complaint, in a manner that is deliberately intended to silence, intimidate, etc. including the use of pejoratives and even beligerance. Yes, I've seen it. And when you "engage them back", _YOU_ get the ban. Well, I was careful and never got banned. Several others DID, however.
Yes, it _IS_ Micro-shaft's forum, which means they CAN do this. However, they're being dishonest about it by using 'Shills' instead of just plain telling you "do not say bad things about us or our products". I have to ask why they're trying to HIDE it, or at least obfuscate it.
Also associated with that would be the 'sock puppets', aka multiple logins for the same person and/or using bots to make a single line of thinking look "popular"
"the latest Windows 10 update trying to claim that not linking your local account to a Microsoft account is a security risk"
Did it ALSO offer to sell the Brooklyn Bridge?
[first I'd heard of THAT one. Now, how can a 'cloudy' logon that TRACKS YOU be NOT a security risk?]
Sorta like that "Genuine Advantage" thing that was a GENUINE ADVANTAGE for MICRO-SHAFT, and _NOT_ the CUSTOMER!
icon, because, facepalm the lame
"XP is over 13 years old. How long is MS suppose to support an OS?"
How about 'Forever', by way of incremental development and fixes, not re-re-re-inventing it 3 times, then CRAMMING IT UP OUR, er, DOWN OUR THROATS, and calling it "the last windows", complete with a FLUGLY 2D FLATSO UI, auto-updates that you can't shut off, SLURP, ADS, and TRACKING via a "Microsoft Logon", whether we want the "new, shiny" or NOT. Oh, and "The Store".
And if THEY aren't going to maintain XP, they should RELEASE THE SOURCE so that OTHERS can! I think the people over at ReactOS would really love doing that. They've been trying to write their OWN for YEARS.
Yeah, FAT CHANCE of THAT happening. But it would be GREAT for proving their intentions with GitHub are NOT EVIL.
Now, take THAT past behavior and consider/extrapolate what WILL happen to GitHub now that they'll have their GRIMY PAWS all over it...
I've seen the "Microsoft Shill" (aka sock puppets) at work in the past, particularly during the Win-10-nic beta. Dissenting voices were true 'grass roots'. The obvious fanbois [and howler monkeys] behaved in a "silence the opposition" mode nearly ALL of the time. A good number of THEM were probably shills, either people paid to do that sort of thing, or one person (or bot) acting as many.
Lesson learned: With respect to Win-10-nic, Micro-shaft asked for input, ignored what they weren't already going to do, and did what THEY wanted to do, anyway. They did not care about the existing base of users. They did not care about introducing slurp and ads as part of the OS. They did not care about driving development towards UWP and "The Store", both of which have effectively been FAILURES no matter how much lipstick they keep trying to put on the (non-oinky end of the) boar. They took away features people wanted, REFUSED to support (and in some ways, by deliberately breaking it) features that people wanted in order to customize windows 10 BACK to the way they wanted it, BANNED people from their forums for speaking out, and created a set of EULA's that are some of the WORST possible privacy violations I've ever seen.
What I fear in the future MOSTLY involves my logon, and how it would be used to track me, SPAM me, and otherwise MARKET TO me. My "coding fingerprint" for example, might tell them more than I want it to.
And, do we REALLY want Micro-shaft to be able to see what THEIR COMPETITORS are working on within a PRIVATE REPOSITORY? This includes patentable technologies as well as technologies that potentially involve "one of THEIR patents". Some of the implications here are obvious.
Perhaps it's time for independent developers to produce a REASONABLE alternative to the things that make GitHub very convenient, something considerably better than 'GitWeb' (the stuff that's included with 'git'). If it's an open source project, you could have MANY public or private 'githubs' everywhere.
/me wonders what Linus will do with HIS github repo for Linux
With Qualcomm and PC makers "hitching their wagons" to Win-10-nic, it is a recipe for FAIL, regardless.
In case nobody ELSE noticed, Windows "Ape" and Windows 10 are _THE_ _BIGGEST_ reasons for slumps in the new PC market. For why would ANYONE _WANT_ to replace a perfectly good working Windows 7 machine with something that runs Win-10-nic?
Yeah, I understand that hardware breaks over time, and this fact is going to force people to replace 'otherwise perfectly good' computers with "something off of the shelf" when they go titsup. But the fact remains (and this is based on me observing and reading news articles about it, etc., not just some rectal extrapolation): There is no real "wow" factor for Windows "Ape" and Win-10-nic, people aren't lining up to get it, they just tolerate it and generally shrug their shoulders over it, because THERE IS NOTHING ELSE, like when ONLY vanilla ice cream is on the menu at some restaurant.
This is unfortunate because ARM64 is a pretty cool thing. PC makers need to STOP letting THEIR success rely on the success of their COMPETITOR, aka Micro-shaft (the makers of Surface).
"they do charge money for private repositories"
and it seems to be cost-effective for small development projects in which you have one or more people working from home (or even more remotely). it's actually pretty good that way, as you can use issues and pull requests to manage collaboration, and the wiki to manage documentation.
I have a previous customer that managed their project this way. For the most part, it worked well. When done right, you could test a change in a branch, then commit it, and do 'git pull' and re-build things [as needed] in a very short period time, to update the production system. Down, git pull, build, up. pretty fast. And private repos, so the 'secret sauce' was kept secret [still had open source but it was in the form of taballs that were snapshots of firmware releases, not day-to-day history visible to the public].
I am writing my own. it's taking too long.
In the mean time I use pluma and csh/bash to do things. Sometimes I even edit with ee or nano [especially Makefile where you need hard tabs].
newer pluma has a built-in that lets you trim the extra characters off of the end of a line, too. Unfotunately not yet in devuan (last I checked), but FreeBSD's ports system has had this change for around 2 years.
who needs devstudio? I don't, not for open source on non-windows systems at any rate (or in cygwin).
"I don't consider VS to be 'great'."
*ESPECIALLY* versions after 2010. 2010 is the _LAST_ VS I will _EVAR_ use.
1. The newer ones have a 2D FLATSO look, jammed down your throat (or elsewhere)
2. The newer ones are oriented around 'The Metro' and UWP, from what I can tell
3. I thought the BEST IDE was DevStudio '98 where you could do EVERYTHING without lifting your hands of the keyboard, including the class wizard and dialog editor. It's been DOWNHILL since "DevStudio .Net" in the early 2000's
The _ONLY_ feature that I like in VS that's NOT in anything else is "virtual space". That's it.
Autocomplete gets in my way [I shut it off]. Background code scanning (for class info, etc.) is irritating, but I haven't had to shut it off (yet). The VB-ness of the UI, particularly 'property' displays for things like dialog box entries, are CUMBERSOME and require TOO MUCH "mousie, clickie, mousie, clickie" and moving my hand between keyboard and mouse, finding home row again, etc.. PAIN IN THE ASS.
VS is an example of what _MIGHT_ happen to GitHub, too. Wait until it becomes all 2D FLATSO and "touch friendly" and CIRCLE-JERKS you around when you try to find something in the help system (like MSDN has become). Too many pages with too little information, and ginormous 2D FLATSO "buttons" on them to go elsewhere, ending up back at themselves after a few mis-directions. Circle-Jerking.
"We're shutting down our repository"
I'm going to play 'wait and see' for now. My business does not require github (or anything like it) for success. However, it's probably an enhancement. A lot of open source code projects will remain, at least for a while. I'll wait and see where they end up, since I'd probably need to do pull requests on THAT system anyway if I wanted to submit anything.
Then I'll probably leave my stuff 'as-is' (for now) on github, and make them a "clone" of the _REAL_ repository "elsewhere" [sort of what I had done with stuff I had on sourceforge], continue to update it, and so on.
THEN, if things become 'really heinous', I'll dump my 'clone' repos [since they won't be "the official site"] and say 'why' on the MAIN site.
In any case, no need to 'rage-quit'. Not yet. Wait and see. And watch my ass.
" not all forked trees in GitHub are dead. Some are still twitching."
well, I had Arduino forked at one time to submit a pull request (since it was kinda necessary). A few months after the change was accepted, I deleted the fork. I wonder how many OTHER people do that?
Having to fork a repo to do pull requests may be efficient on the back-end, but it's "noisy" on the web end, especially when searching for stuff.
" If someone didn't have a Linked in profile we could verify them from we wouldn't usually consider making an offer."
You should cease with this NARROW MINDED THINKING immediately!
Just because a potential employee is NOT WHORING HIMSELF on a "social media" site, does NOT mean the employee isn't WORTH SOMETHING. How about if this person has HIS OWN DOMAIN? If you have your OWN DOMAIN, you do NOT need LinkedIn, FaeceB[ook,itch], Tw[a,i]tter, or anything similar. Granted you won't need Github, either [except for its ease of offline storage and issues tracking, wiki, etc.].
So why should "buying into THOSE things" affect whether a candidate is employable or not?
There are 2 basic things a potential employee should have: 1) demonstrable skills, and 2) no serious reasons to mistrust. The resume covers the first. A simple background check covers the 2nd. And I _GUARANTEE_ that online presence on LinkedIn, Faeceb[ook,itch] etc., can be a bunch of LIES, if hiring managers are too lazy to do things the RIGHT way.
LACKING "all of that social media", in MY view, would make someone a better candidate. Why? The future employee won't be WASTING TIME ON SOCIAL MEDIA AT WORK!! [similarly, not hiring smokers so they're not constantly taking "smoke breaks" - same idea]
How will they FUBAR github? They'll implement the #1 thing that Micro-shaft seems to be interested in at the moment:
Use your github login to TRACK YOU online.
Or worse, they'll make it a "Microsoft Logon", so it ties in with _EVERYTHING_ _ELSE_. Same with LinkedIn, no doubt.
One login to rule them all, one login to FIND YOU. One login to track you all and in the darkness BIND YOU (to Micro-shaft's "services" and slurp and tracking).
"YOU are 'the commodity'"
a lot of chip makers aren't in S.E. asia. just pointing that out.
But yeah, there are work safety and environmental issues in S.E. Asia, with China being high up on that list. They've been grossly polluting their cities, not just 'the occasional violation' as it would seem. fortunately the western world has made such irresponsibility illegal. Nobody wants dirty water/air. And don't try telling me Republicans are FOR it, either. (That's just FUD).
Some of the worst examples of employee exploitation, dangerous working conditions, and environmental pollution are in a COMMUNIST country. Think about it.
[A strong labor union or two, as well as some noisy environmental wacko groups, might actually do them some good... I hate to admit]
Still, the ONE thing that will render nearly all of that irrelevant will be automated chip factories in the USA and EU. Then the price can be low WITHOUT throwing a "mass of low wage bodies" at the manufacturing side. Instead you'll have a handful of technically competent well paid people managing the robots, and it would make more sense to have these factories "over here" for cost, transportation, and potentially political reasons.
Cheap chips will remain. The way their made, not so much.
From the article: "major original results are lacking"
this is a key point. Question to ask: 'Why?'
From earlier comment: "President Xi has a different definition of communism"
I'm pretty sure I do not like *HIS* definition of it, either. Communism is what it is. It claims to try and "equalize outcomes" while [in reality] GREATLY ENRICHING a small elite at the expense of mediocrity for "the masses".
In Communism, individuals become "the masses", a bunch of pseudo-equal 'bricks in the wall'. but of course SOME bricks bear more load than others, as is ALWAYS the case. The difference is that with COMMUNISM, unless you're a favored member of "the elite", your reward is HARDER WORK with no benefits other than the extra stress and tiredness.
So why bother working hard at ALL? Under communism, this is the way it REALLY is!
Continue this mentality where there is *NO* chance at self-advancement or "a better life" by working harder, or inventing something. So, WHY BOTHER? WHY should anyone do ANYTHING 'outside of the box', especially in a society where THE NAIL THAT STICKS OUT GETS THE *HAMMER*??
In a communist dictatorship, WHY should you RISK your slave-wage job by suggesting IMPROVEMENTS? In China, you can have a factory filled with workers making pennies by comparison to a Capitalist country. If anyone 'dissents' from the norm, yer OUTTA there! We do what we are told and do not make waves, so we can take our pathetic slave-wage paychecks home and maybe have a slightly better existence as a result of it.
THIS kind of OPPRESSIVE environment is *NOT* conducive to INVENTING!
So, is it any wonder WHY President Xi would say "major original results are lacking" ???
To get 'major original results', ABANDON THE COMMUNISM FOR FREEDOM!
The only reason that people would vote _FOR_ a takeover of GitHub by Micro-shaft is that they are SOCK PUPPETS and/or BOTS "voting". We've seen this before, especially in recent times.
"Astro turfing" (mentioned earlier) is one of the descriptive terms.
This is often how MINORITY opinions and policies get "MAJORITY" APPROVAL, these days (and are THEN crammed up our as down our throats). And Micro-shaft is a MASTER of it.
(wait until Micro-shaft and Google merge, and THEN buy FOX NEWS - nightmare fueling station!)
funny how these people decide for THE REST OF US what's "moral" and what isn't...
I think the value of bitcoin these days tracks the cost of producing more of them. That being said, if it costs less than the value of bitcoin, you make a profit by mining them. Simple economics.
Back in the 80's there was quite a bit going on with respect to "Co-generation", that is, using otherwise wasted heat from generating electricity for things that made sense, like creating hot (and chilled) water from the engine's jacket heat and exhaust heat. it works pretty well, and you get electricity and hot+chilled water for the cost of maintaining the machinery as it tends to pay for itself.
I suppose that peltier devices and other kinds of heat pumps could be used in various ways to do the same thing with the heat dissipated by a bank of CPUs mining out bitcoin. This would make ECONOMIC sense (which is ALL that matters when you are trying to make a profit).
"Morality" with respect to energy usage - that just *SICKENS* me! If I buy something, whether it's a computer, or electricity from the local utility, it's MINE, DAMMIT! Who _CARES_ how it's used? M.Y.O.B.!
"how do you remember to forget them on a restore?"
Ironically, you'll probably need to "remember" them in a "forget" data set. Google will have to "remember" them in a "forget" algorithm, too, so that search results don't show whatever it is that's supposed to be "forgotten". And don't even get started on www.archive.org [it's a GREAT resource for 'forgotten' data files and web pages that you might want to research, but are no longer available].
I guess www.archive.org could just make it impossible for EU people to access it... or "remember" to "apply the 'forget filters'" if you have an EU IP address or something.
I like the idea of GDPR in principle, but I think the actual mechanics of it will have too many unintended consequences [like for backups].
"inadvertently breaking a bit of code from some third party who was not following the rules"
more like "deliberately breaking a bit of code from some third party who was not following the NEW rules"
yeah, fixed it for ya. Rapid direction changes, and demands that everyone ELSE keep up, is what Micro-shaft has been infamous for since ".Not" and C-pound.
someone probably knows where the plane (or it's beeper) is or was, but isn't telling because it might reveal classified capabilities of (let's say) Navy sonar equipment.
And saying "search here" just wasn't enough.
Well the Titanic was found after almost 100 years. So eventually, this too will be found. There will always be at least SOME interest in solving this mystery.
maybe they should just use an operating system that NEEDS no anti-virus!
something "other than windows" at any rate. I have a couple of suggestions (FreeBSD, Linux). And the source is already publicly available.
Kaspersky's lawsuit had one major flaw: they were trying to COMPEL the CUSTOMER to NOT to drop their services and products. That's just silly.
"Why would they need to write another law to say something that is already covered in the 4th amendment of the US bill of rights?"
Never underestimate the ability of politicians and crooked "gummint anyone/thing" to pervert what is in the Constitution, twist it to their own "definition", say it's "living/breathing" so they can interpret things INTO it, and so on, instead of looking at it in a common sense way, as intended, and ALLOW it to limit what gummint can do and how they must share power between the 3 branches.
Hence, you get a law that reads like "common sense" and basically re-states what the Constitution already says. And it gets "snuck in" with other important legislation that NOBODY wants to go on record as having NOT voted 'yes' on (no 'no' or 'abstain' allowed this time, re-elections are in a few months, primary elections underway).
I have to wonder whether the 'insurance' will PAY THE RANSOM and _NOT_ prosecute to the full extent of the law. This has been the case in the past, with car insurance in the USA, where "at fault" drivers were sued for various extortion-level "pain and suffering" claims [like in Cali-Fornicate-You, where "at fault" insurance still exists], and insurance companies "just settle" and have various terms in the policies that try and limit customers from using the legal system for that purpose, etc.. example, you may NOT be able to sue in small claims court for your 'deductible' amount, without having your insurer take legal action against you.
And of course, this kind of "policy" by the industry would only ENCOURAGE the 'fender bender' scams. In some cases, people have been known to deliberately walk out into traffic and "get hit" [or fake it really well] to scam insurance companies. (A lot of this was happening in the Monterey area a while back).
Anyway, my biggest concerns here are that "the insurers" will PAY OUT MONEY to scammers, hence making it lucrative for the scammers, while simultaneously making THE INSURED pay for it, even if it's indirectly.
I'd rather take the chance on the ransomware instead, practice "safe surfing", and do frequent backups and offline storage of anything important.
ack - like homeowner's insurance might require you to get some kind of inspection done, or life insurance might require a physical. This is _reasonable_ cost cutting on the insurance company side, which generally means more affordable rates for customers.
But I can't help thinking of cyber insurance being similar to, let's say, a bunch of thugs smashing up your home or business, then "the mob boss" asking you if you want to buy an insurance policy, which is basically "ensuring we don't come along and smash your home/business up again".
So it's still extortion, just on a different level. probably earns more money for the mob boss, too...
wait until the equivalent of GWX "happens" - your exchange mailboxes suddenly 'migrated' and you're like W.T.F. just happened? [especially when it breaks and/or you get a 2D FLATSO TheMetro config screen]
just sayin'.
FYI - I migrated several-year-old Cyrus IMAP on a FreeBSD server late last year with no hitches at all. Had to replace the hard drive, that's why. it's all running happy on ZFS with compression and replication enabled, and no data losses, EVAR.
just sayin'. again.
(so, WHY do you need Exchange?)
"We have become a safety obsessed society"
unfortunately so.
That, coupled with the desire to "not let kids feel bad" because "someone else does better", even by taking away grades and sports scoring, to "protect" them. Sad.
"Helicopter parenting" too. Whatever happened to "go outside, and play, don't come back until dinner" ? [this made it possible to get things done without kids constantly underfoot].
I think that "real heroes" are being DISCOURAGED nowadays. This is because it's "not fair" for one person to excel, because it makes "everyone else" "feel bad about themselves" [in the minds of the elitists that are trying to 'groom' our children into becoming easily herded 'sheeple'[. From eliminating grades and scoring in sports, to attempting to "equalize outcomes" from a socialistic/communistic standpoint, if you want to be "hero" nowadays, it's a MUCH! STEEPER! CLIMB!!!
So yeah, we need more heroes. MODERN heroes that REALLY ARE heroes. Examples to us all [especially the youngest generation].