Re: And this is news how?
I _ALWAYS_ use startx. I prefer to boot into a console. Many reasons exist. The fact is "boot into a GUI" irritates me on POSIX systems. I don't know what 'bright bulb' windows and/or systemD lover insisted on THAT as "the default", nor made it more difficult to "turn that @#$% off" in post-systemD-world, but that's another rant for another day...
I checked my FreeBSD server and it's an earlier Xorg (from slightly more than a year ago, 1.18.something). I did chmod 4554 on it anyway to prevent non-GID-0-members from running it. [just in case] This makes me very happy that I'm not addicted to "bleeding edge everything".
a simple 'right now' fix could deny users NOT in the appropriate login group from running the thing. Some re-assignments via chmod and chown would do that, yeah. Maybe create a new 'xorg' group if one does not exist, assign that to the 'Xorg' binary, and anything else 'suid' that's related to it.
I just checked the 'ports' trees and they've been using 1.18.4 for quite a while now. Looks like FBSD has dodged a bullet by NOT being "bleeding edge" on the X server.