Re: “lose the trust of developers for a generation.”
the 'latest generation' of developers seems to have started with windows "Ape" and gnome 3 and systemD.
That would be 2010-ish as I recall, shortly after the widespread sigh of relief when Windows 7 released... [2010 would be the beginning of the development cycle, more or less, confirmed by systemd's history on the wikipedia page]
It began with the release of gnome 3 in 2011. Linus' response to it was *PERFECT*. Gnome 3 has angered users AND developers for changing the rules and cramming it down our throats, among other things.
It more or less coincided with the release of systemD. That, too, has angered devs and users alike, for similar reasons.
Then, it culminated with the release of Windows "Ape", with Sinofsky taking the heat for a design made by THE SAME PERSON THAT INVENTED THE RIBBON, along with a 2D FLATSO look that just hasn't gone away (like it should have) in Win-10-nic.
And let's not forget Chrome and Firef[u,o]x - 'Australis' was the official encircling of the drain for the UI.
Strangely, this period ALSO corresponds (astrologically) to the entry of Pluto into Capricorn, and the election of Barak Oba[k,m]a. [last time Pluto entered Capricorn, it was the 1770's, and the U.S. revolution happened]. [for a brief pause for thought, consider that tidal bulges on the sun are relative to planetary positions as seen from Earth, in their effect of solar output on the Earth - tidal bulges would alter the reactivity of the nuclear furnace - and for what it's worth, if it has an effect on the psychology of the human mind, it makes sense - not as a way of predicting the future, but as a means of explaining generational trends, etc.]
For good or ill, this astrological 'coincidence' seems more compelling than otherwise. If the pattern is to be believed, it covers "a generation", marked by the following: for the first 1/3 or so of the period, there is a general overreach and upheaval of the institutions (governments, banks, corporations) that motivate their overthrow (2nd 1/3), followed by the re-establishment of something new (final third). This is my opinion but I'm sticking with it anyway.
It suggests that the current generation of developers, who are responsible for things _LIKE_ windows 8/10, gnome 3, and systemD, are in fact, shooting their own feet. Their actions (like the presidency of Oba[m,k]a] motivates a YUGE rebellion (electing Trump), which is then followed by "something else to replace it" (referring to gummint policies as one example).
For the software developer 'generation' effect, it could be a restoration to old ways, such as going back to the WIMP interface with 3D skeumorphic appearance and System V 'init' [such as releases like Devuan, desktops like Cinnamon and Mate, etc.]. It could be a return to "customer-centric".
in any case, it'll be the kind of "STOP; go back" revolution, followed by an "even more of THAT, thank you".
/me removes tin foil hat now, and grabs popcorn.