* Posts by bombastic bob

10507 publicly visible posts • joined 1 May 2015

Talk in Trump's tweets tells whether tale is true: Code can mostly spot Prez lies from wording

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Covfefe

"stop tweeting at 2AM after working from 6AM the previous day"

(I think that's what actually happened, or something similar)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Accuracy

think of it this way: 70% accuracy, and 30% of the tweets were deemed "untrue".

If the statistics are correct, then the 30% "untrue" on a list of 100 perfectly truthful tweets would be "about right" for an algorithm that is 70% accurate.

Just doing the maths...

(and yes, I _DID_ imply that 100% of Trump's tweets are true, just to poke the hornets' nests)

Net neutrality is heading to the courts (again): So will the current rules stand or be overturned (again)?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Yes, this will happen

actually, according to the U.S. Constitution, it's CONGRESS that makes the laws, NOT the bureaucracy nor the courts. ESPECIALLY NOT the courts.

Infosec's Thanksgiving turkey triumvirate: Tesla, Tumblr, Trump (as in Ivanka)... and tons more

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Slow decline ?

I'll wait for the "dead cat bounce" on bitcoin

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Lock her up Lock her up!!!

I beg your pardon?

coat, please...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "Succumbing to 'gotcha' headlines."

I know - let's just hold EVERYONE to the SAME standards. works for me.

So if Mrs. Clinton stays out of jail and isn't prosecuted for 'just that part', ok I'm good. Let's treat Ivanka exactly the SAME way as Mrs. Clinton gets treated. Hell, Ivanka could RUN FOR OFFICE in a couple of decades, or be SECRETARY OF STATE - why not!

Now about all of the 'hammer-smashing of devices' and not coughing up the 30,000 e-mails and pretending KNOWN classified e-mails weren't because "I did not know what ' C' meant"... (I don't think Ivanka did THAT now did she?)

so, in summary:

* use of private e-mail for non-classified yet gummint-related things: hand slap

* trying to hide everything, use private e-mail for classified things, and obstruct justice by physically destroying the evidence: lock up and throw away the key!

3 is the magic number (of bits): Flip 'em at once and your ECC protection can be Rowhammer'd

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: You are thinking far too narrowly

how easy would it be to discover enough about the VM host that you could predict how a rowhammer would affect your ability to "do something useful" to it? Unless, of course, you're just trying to be disruptive...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: They're not knocking ECC

"I would think the odds are significantly higher that the whole computer would be stolen"

As a matter of fact...

At a used-to-company, miscreants threw a heavy object through the front window of the office building, ran in, cut cables with wire cutters, grabbed the CPU boxen, and took off with the alarm blaring.

Then they did it again 2-3 weeks later, after the company got "all new computers". [I did the majority of the work from home and therefore had plenty of backups for my stuff and related projects].

Snatch-n-grab using low tech "steal a manhole cover and throw it through the window" and "cut all of the cables with wire cutters and run with the CPU boxen" is difficult to stop, but you CAN slow them down by using these lock & cable things [which I recommended after the 2nd theft, and bought some for myself].

That being said, thieves and miscreants will ALWAYS come up with a brute force and/or low tech way of defeating the highest tech security that you can possibly think up, like chaining up an ATM machine to a stolen towtruck and yanking it out of the bank office's wall.

The best security plan is to make sure that you slow them down as much as possible so that you're no longer "an easy mark".

ECC RAM apparently slows them down.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: The obvious message here is...

doesn't rowhammer require really good knowledge of the kernel internals to make use of it, at least for bypassing security? You'd need to hammer permission bits, for example, to access things that are normally not accessible, and for that you'd need to know where the bits are located (etc.) as well as a good idea about the RAM architecture is set up. I'd say that ECC still (at least) makes that harder to do, though obviously NOT impossible, like the lock on your door just slows 'them' down if 'they' REALLY want to get in, but of course I'm not going to be leaving my door UNlocked any time soon...

Talk about a cache flow problem: This JavaScript can snoop on other browser tabs to work out what you're visiting

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Seems to suggest JavaScript has some kind of access to the CPU cache

when I skimmed the article for interesting info, I somehow interpreted that as 'browser cache' which would also work in a timing-based attack.

(facepalming myself because I deserve it)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Practising Safe Hex

I've been calling it "Safe Surfing" for a while. It includes things like:

a) don't use internet explorer or Edge or MS Outlook [aka virus outbreak]

b) don't be logged in with admin credentials for e-mail or web surfing

c) if possible, don't use windows to surf the web or read e-mail

d) run noscript or its equivalent

e) only (pre)view e-mail in plain text, NEVER with attachments inline

f) always save attachments to disk, then open with "the application" (not double-click) by running the application FIRST and then using 'file open', and have SCRIPTING TURNED OFF when you do it.


bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: JS - just for a change

"do a search for 'cache: $URL' to get a plain text version of the page & read the content anyway."

see icon

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: JS - just for a change

"Back to Web 1.0"

preferable to the bandwidth wasting script intensive bell-whistle-new-shiny market-platform track-via-ads bright blue on blinding white 2D FLATTY "shit show" we're exposed to on a daily basis.

yeah, been here a LONG time. You can make things look good without cat video ads playing in every corner of the page.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: JS - just for a change

"problem is most sites which "rely on JS", use it for functionality that could be achieved without JS"

The WORST ones send back an error from nginx - some CDN out there uses javascript to load their pages, and when the load/redirect (via script) fails, you see that 'FORBIDDEN' error from nginx.

It's a filter that KEEPS ME FROM USING THAT WEB SITE. I'll go elsewhere, and flame them every chance I can, for doing that. [if it's a web site rental, I'll ask the owner nicely to use a different service provider, with a nice easily understood explanation as to why]

/me considers a javascript in some of my pages that loads the "you are an idiot" flash, infinite instances of it. So if script is OFF, you are fine. If you enable it, "you are an idiot, ha ha-ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaa!" with a rapidly growing number of instances filling your screen. It'd also be an 'idiot detector' for people who still have flash player enabled.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "Computer science boffins"

oops I forgot to hook my o-scope up to my computer...

bombastic bob Silver badge

actually, I run noscript, ONLY allow a very small number of domains, and if a web site is persistent and for some reason I _must_ use it, I do the following:

su - differentuser

export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0

firefox &

then the firefox settings for 'differentuser' are:

a) dump all history on exit

b) allow script anyway

c) don't keep login information in the browser's settings either

then paste the URL into the "other user" browser, and run as usual. expect longer delays [loading all of that scripty crap and no cache]. When done, exit the browser, kinda like flushing the toilet when you're done with "whatever".

(NOTE: you'll need to allow TCP for X11 and NOT be running windows for this to work; windows may alternately let you use 'run as user' with firefox for a similar effect, but I haven't tried it, and I always recommend to NOT run a web browser and surf the web in windows, ESPECIALLY not a user with admin privs)

secondary point: to allow TCP on an X server these days, you may need to set up your system for "multi-user" (i.e. don't boot into the GUI 'gdm' etc. and use 'startx') and have a '~/.xserverrc' file that looks like this:

exec Xorg -listen tcp

then make sure you block port 6000 at the firewall, so nobody else tries to connect to you. Also will need to execute "xhost +localhost" so that the 'export DISPLAY=' trick will work

Big data at sea: How the Royal Navy charts the world's oceans

bombastic bob Silver badge

submarine positions are classified, including where they've been. makes it hard to transfer it to sea charts that have public access.

what makes more sense are robot subs like the ones that found Titanic.

Also worth mentioning: as you go deeper, and pressure increases, that also affects the speed of sound in water. So submerged sonar nearly always travels in a curve... and the sonar scanning result COULD be 'ghosts' like old-style TV antennas often got.

When you're submerged in deep water, surface sonar pings sound like you're inside of a giant cave. It'd actually be pretty awesome for recording music with how 'large' it sounds. Yeah I'd heard a few of them in my day... [and what's funny, if I whistle 'like that' with my eyes closed in a room that echoes well, it's like I can 'feel' where the walls are - the human brain can process it]

Fancy Bear hacker crew Putin dirty RATs in Word documents emailed to govt orgs – report

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Here we go again

"Attacks like this just would not work, if the macros were sandboxed DISABLED properly."

Fixed it for ya.

Also, gummints should just STOP using Micro-shaft office stuff. Just stop. A 'hardened' version of Libre Office, blessed and maintained by the nation's intelligence and security agencies, would be an ideal replacement.

And "click to open" from an e-mail? How about PLAIN TEXT ONLY on e-mails, and no auto-view inline attachments, either. And mail servers AUTO-STRIPPING attachments that can be executed from ALL e-mails going into their department's e-mail server.

(or maybe they're already doing that and the attack ain't so "Fancy"... ?)

Being hit by 20-year-old exploits like WORD MACROS would be an EMBARASSMENT.

Merry Christmas, you filthy directors: ICO granted powers to fine bosses for spam calls

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Not a bad return

they'd still have a burden of proof [most likely] that "the boss" either ordered his employees to disobey the law, or made a policy of it (etc.) so they can't feign ignorance. Hopefully it works well enough to make nuisance-calling disappear. Here in the USA we need something *VERY* *SIMILAR*.

Downside: many of those responsible for violating the USA's "do not call" list use subterfuge and overseas lines to hide who they are until they "make that sale". Robo-dialers are illegal (except for politicians, don't get me started on THAT one) and yet I still get obvious robo-dialed calls when I'm on the do not call list [they talk over the answering machine message].

It's bad enough (especially during election seasons) that I have turned off the ringer, and just let the answering machine answer. If it's important, I'll return the call (or pick up during the message).

But that BREAKS the idea of having a telephone, doesn't it?

It's as bad as... as... as having an OPERATING SYSTEM SHOVE ADS IN YOUR FACE. /me self-slaps for bringing THAT one up...

New era for Japan, familiar problems: Microsoft withdraws crash-tastic patches

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Is this a ruse to get you to upgrade

Is a patch JUST IN TIME before Windows 7 stops getting support?

I have to wonder what effect a mass migration of OS versions would do to Japan's productivity...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Looks like MS cannot actually patch its own code properly any more

"nobody's going to switch to Linux because of this."

Well, with the steady 'drip drip drip' and "froggy in a pot coming to a boil" analogies, there will be a breaking point eventually. Just not now, apparently.

Micro-shaft is simply acting like the MONOPOLY they are. Time for some trust-busting, I say. We'll start with their patent portfolio and licensing practices for new hardware vendors [what I perceive as the 2 major roadblocks to getting a proper windows competitor going].

For starters, ANY OS maker that wants to allow windows applications to install and run, when MS's EULA's *PREVENT* you from doing so legally, has "that" as an automatic roadblock. MS would be able to legally disable functionality or perform poorly ON PURPOSE, "fail to run under Wine", things like that. And refusing to license windows [at reasonable prices] for computer makers that pre-install Linux (or 'dumping' such licenses at unreasonably low prices in special "deals" for computer makers that do NOT have Linux pre-installed, same thing I'd say) is a PREDATORY PRACTICE (identified back in 2006, not sure if they can still get away with this or not). This archived article discusses that, lest we forget.

So the problem is less about Linux, and MORE about "predatory practices" by Micro-shaft, that STIFLE Linux being a major factor in desktop operating systems.

Germany pushes router security rules, OpenWRT and CCC push back

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Both sides

I'm not a fan of heavy-handed gummint action, SPECIFICALLY when it's obvious that gummint LACKS anything resembling "a clue".

That's ALSO because gummint mandates only apply to 'today' and 'politics of the day'. Tomorrow, something may change that completely invalidates "all of that" and we're stuck with some gummint mandate that doesn't go away as quickly as it was applied to the citizens' lives.

A better standard would be LIABILITY. Simply pass laws (and clarify existing ones) that make manufacturers LIABLE for being sued over inadequate security, and let the lawyers and courts decide how that goes.

And in this latter case, you'll see a SCRAMBLE by vendors to make the claim that THEIR system is the MOST secure, with frequent updates and 'disabled by default' and everything ELSE you might want to see, and THEN some, out of FEAR of getting a bunch of fat lawsuits that they're inclined to LOSE.

Big Falcon Namechange for Musk's rocket: BFR becomes Starship

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Starship

should've picked "Thunderbird 6"

Or, alternately, 'Millenium' (ok I'll get my coat now)

Busy week for ISS as Russia resumes flights and vies for parking spaces with NASA

bombastic bob Silver badge

making appear commonplace

when people start yawning about the tail-landing re-usable 1st stage boosters for Falcon rockets, that's when "the disaster" happens, like a Murphy's Law. Just sayin'...

I hope things NEVER become "that complacent" again, or at least not until it becomes like everyday scheduled taking off and landing at an airport with your favorite airline.

Until then, anyway, GREAT news about re-usability and tail-landing rockets. Another beer for SpaceX!

Microsoft confirms: We fixed Azure by turning it off and on again. PS: Office 362 is still borked

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Still stuck for me

maybe the hard-coded SMTP password [to send an e-mail to the 'email to text' gateway] got changed and nobody fixed it in the server code...

either that, or nobody fed the pigeons

bombastic bob Silver badge

This deserves a theme song...

To the tune of the "Car 54 where are you" theme...


There's a network bottleneck

Routers blinking all those lights

Network traffic jams are forming

Backup data not in sight

Users screaming like a child

Workload forms a monstrous pile...

Office 364 where are you???

Windows 10 goes into the Light and Cortana MIA as Microsoft buys chatbot bods XOXCO

bombastic bob Silver badge

insert your own file deletion joke here.

From the article...

"according to Microsoft, is 'we want everything to be exactly as you left it before you did the update'."

see icon. Also from the article, the title: "Insert your own file deletion joke here"

Settings too??? how about the 'start thing' if I went and took the mousie-clickie time to REMOVE all of those @#$%'ing TILES for [CR]apps I'll NEVAR use? Will that "stay gone" or can I expect them "they're BAA-AAACK" to just 're-appear' because, Micro-shaft?

I'll believe it when I see it. But I probably won't. I only use Win-10-nic to test application compatibility, in a VM, and have no plans on allowing it to update itself. And since it's a VM I did an "export" on everything to a backup once I had it set up semi-sane [best I could do with Win-10-nic] to minimize the irritations... (and I do *NOT* *EVAR* want to see those irritations *AGAIN* !!!)

Scumbags cram Make-A-Wish website with coin-mining malware

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Check the annual reports

"The Chief Information Officer earns $246,821; and the VP earns $263,972"

well, $250k-ish for a CEO or VP is kinda small, actually, compared to the rest of the industries out there. It has to do with what kinds of decisions that someone in this position can make, and how much they can benefit [or harm] the organization. You get what you pay for.

Seriously, though, complaining about that just sounds like 'wage envy'.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "so the charity gets the mining cycles"

"stealing from a charity, particularly one involving children, is just perverse."

more accurately, those who give to what appears to be a legit and reputable charity. People who give money to charity are therefore being perceived as "marks" for exploitation and fraud, in this case higher electricity bills in order to fund some miscreant's bitcoin wallet.

icon - using it anyway, even if it's just for some lame attempt at comedy

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Surely you mean...

No, I don't think the Make a Wish server operators are feckless scumbags. Most likely it's just some poor schlub either volunteering or maybe it was made by a consultant years ago and nobody is really maintaining it properly [until NOW, that is]. Or maybe their staff IT guy is underpaid and you get what you pay for.

I would think that a charity would be more focused on, er, the charity part. SOME charities that have a huge overhead of administration might have NO excuse, but according to one web site, 'Make a Wish' gives out around 75% to 'actual charity' with about 10% in administration and 15% in fund raising (my numbers are rounded, yeah). So I'm guessing that a *bit* more needed to be put into IT but those are the approximated numbers, so there ya go.

So yeah 'benefit of the doubt' until some audit/investigation proves otherwise.

icon, because it fits

TalkTalk hackhack duoduo thrownthrown in the coolercooler: 'Talented' pair sentenced for ransacking ISP

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "individuals of extraordinary talent."

"I always thought they were run of the mill script kiddies"

I was about to say something like that, too. what makes them 'script kiddies' is (from what I got from the article) how it started [apparently] with a 17 year old using "toolz" on his "p00ter" to check for SQL injection vulnerabilities. And when he found them, he (apparently) did some thieving and BRAGGED! ABOUT! IT! to others, some of whom were also arrested and convicted [hence the sentencing].

that's kinda what the definition of "script kiddie" is, using things written by others like any miscreant would, in essence having NO real knowledge of computers, or networks, or security, but having those "toolz" so he can look like a 1337 h4x0r to his script-kiddie buddies and online "friends".

REAL hackers, of course, get jobs as engineers, and in IT (and often become security experts). Or they do the 'mad science' thing and invent stuff, work on kernels and device drivers and really cool features in commercial software, because real hackers are curious, inventive, think outside of the box, and typically find unique creative solutions to problems that others would just wheel-spin trying to solve.

Washington Post offers invalid cookie consent under EU rules – ICO

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Nothing. Nadda. Zip. Zilch.

"WP is quite a respectable newspaper"

You HAVE read the thing, or at least heard people quote articles from it, right?

"WP is quite a respectable newspaper"

I'll accept that at face value. It _IS_ printed on dead trees, made available online, and sold at news outlets of various kinds. What they print in it, however, isn't usually something I want to read.

Does their web site even work if you have 'noscript' running? my guess is NO.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Other solution

"So I don't bother trying to read it."

The BEST plan of all. It _IS_ the "Washington {BLEEP}" after all...

/me points out that G. Gordon Liddy, on his radio show, had a segment called 'review and comment on the news', in which he'd read parts of specific articles and comment on them. The Washington Post, because of their Watergate reporting back in the day, was always referred to as the "Washington {Bleep}", usually with a censorship 'bleep' tone at the appropriate moment when he spoke it's name. Another local radio guy calls it the "Washington COMPost". In any case, I have a low opinion of their 'journalism' although, on occasion, they're like that proverbial broken clock that's right twice a day.

Oh, and don't hold your breath for ANY GDPR support from any media outlets in the USA, unless they have something going on in EU or UK that can somehow take the heat for NOT supporting it. Most likely they'll thumb noses and continue to track you for ad purposes, as always.

Linux kernel Spectre V2 defense fingered for massively slowing down unlucky apps on Intel Hyper-Thread CPUs

bombastic bob Silver badge

"let's actually use the cores we have!"

Well X11 is client/server and you'll see more threading because of it. And the OS has kernel threads that try to make use of multiple cores for IO and other things (well Linux and BSD, anyway, dunno windows probably does too).

But yeah multi-thread algorithms are still a bit behind the hardware tech last I looked, except for things that are trivially threaded. Some time ago I did a threaded quick sort as a demo, and a more practical discrete Fourier transform with threads [which is somewhat trivially threaded]. Where I get the most benefit is from a build, which I always try to invoke with jobs 'make -j' set to twice the number of available cores.

/me does not even know if Microsoft's compiler can do that, simultaneous jobs to build things. BSD make and GNU make have been able to do that for at least a decade...

bombastic bob Silver badge

ots of REAL cores now, we don't have to pretend

that's a very, very good point. Except for the legacy boxen...

Behold, the world's most popular programming language – and it is...wait, er, YAML?!?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: HTML-only calculator?

ALUs are supposed to be efficient, so they do things efficiently [and if that means a lookup table, sure, whatever works].

shoehorning a "programming language" into doing something because you can, maybe something for bragging rights in an online forum, but no REAL WORLD usefulness. I can't imagine the bandwidth requirement for downloading such an abomination... and I doubt it's pure HTML, it would probably have at least SOME javascript in it [that doesn't make it any better, probably makes it WORSE]

in any case, I'm sure YAML is similarly "unfit for purpose" and shouldn't be called "popular" nor "a programming language".

bombastic bob Silver badge

everything YAML-fied? [just, no]

Well the last 10+ years of software development has gone the way of "the bandwagon" so it's no surprise that something like *THIS* has become "the new bandwagon"

Meanwhile, REAL development is done on REAL operating systems with REAL tools using REAL languages and no "bandwagon". See TIOBE index which has been very accurate for a very, very long time.

/me points out that Micro-shaft tries to get everyone on THEIR bandwagon every couple of years, and then re-invents it into something else "new, shiny" and apparently abandons devs in their wake...

I can think of a bunch of stuff - windows scripting host, ".Not", C-pound, ActiveX, Silverlight, WinRT, UWP, yotta yotta yotta moving targets all. VB was *especially* a 'moving target' from 1.0. And when nobody (but a few) jumps on the bandwagon, they move on to "yet another new, shiny" over, and over, and over, and over, and over. "Here's the new version / replacement technology, get hot patching your stuff to use it, more work for YOU, no backward compatibility, you're welcome, 'new, shiny'"

I'd put YAML in the same category as all of THAT. *NOT* using it, adopting it, or even making it an option. I don't like JSON either. XML is tolerable, if it's not over-complicated [like the standard makes it - CDATA? Really?].

Azure, Office 365 go super-secure: Multi-factor auth borked in Europe, Asia, USA

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: MF to the A

"Anybody got a cloudy coat hanger?"

how about a 'cloudy fire axe' ?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Microsoft have some explaining to do

Microsoft has NOTHING to explain. They are Microsoft. They are a monopoly, there's noplace else you can go, there's nobody else available, it's ONLY them, you HAVE to accept it, and they don't care about YOU.

Microsoft don't have to explain NUTTIN to NOBODEEZ. Once you're assimilated, you'll understand...

[at least, that's the perception]

bombastic bob Silver badge


"What's the point of this cloudy stuff again?"

Fragile house of cards replaces basket for all of your eggs.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Damnit!

"the guys that were giving their passwords to scammers/spammers"

Now everyone's giving those passwords to microsoft, google, amazon, ... "Microsoft Logon" anyone?

If the cloud were a batch process to backup to it, rather than an ongoing bandwidth-intensive "required to do work" constant access, it would make sense. Cloudy "applications" are not just overrated, they're THE PROBLEM.

bombastic bob Silver badge

The Cloud - highly overrated

"Because on-prem stuff never breaks, floods, gets stolen, overheats or loses power?"

Well said! You deserve a beer. And a topic. I hope you like it.

(I hope you weren't being snarky - which you probably were - but I assume that, on average, the likelihood of any of those things actually happening is pretty low compared to cloudy outages)

If at first or second you don't succeed, you may be Microsoft: Hold off installing re-released Windows Oct Update

bombastic bob Silver badge

Windows updates seem to require hours

"Similarly sized Windows updates seem to require hours - literally - of disk grinding. Why?"

A lack of PROPER write cacheing is probably a big part of it. Linux has an efficient journaling file system AND supports some pretty aggressive write cacheing, especially when you compare it to what Micro-shaft does [what I call 'paranoid' cacheing].

Second would be "the Registry" in general. What started out as a simple replacement for INI files [which it was better than, mostly] turned into "that" over a period of years, once OLE and "all of those embeddable things you will never use" and then ".Not" happened.

EVERYTHING I have seen in EVERY windows version that supports "the Registry" tells me that it's "paranoid cached" to the maximum possible extent; that is, it seems to physically RE-READ everything, even if no changes have been made, and appears to do a physical disk write EVERY TIME you change ANYTHING, even the most trivial thing. I could easily be wrong about that, having NOT seen the internals of it, but performance measurements SUGGEST that I am RIGHT about it.

If the registry were treated by the kernel like a transaction-based system, this wouldn't be a problem. it would act like EVERY RELATIONAL DATABASE does when you have simultaneous queries and updates. This kind of tech has been around a long time and MS has their OWN relational database to use as a clue on how to implement something like that.

But, NOOoooo... "the Registry" CONTINUES to be a road block for performance, BOTH READ AND WRITE performance, making application loading take longer, and making INSTALLS and UPDATES take longer, too.


bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: I have had enough

"the coffee klatch at Redmond'a wank tank"

Ah, THAT's who they have "testing" nowadays, is it?

Holy moley! The amp, kelvin and kilogram will never be the same again

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: So we've gone from six to five

apparently, a kibble balance can be used to measure Planck's constant.


Also I'd think it would require a VERY accurate definition of 'Ampere'.

And if any two SI standards are recursively/mutually dependent (because of measurement techniques, etc.), could a converging solution be used to make them as accurate as possible?

(I'd really hate for our measurement standards to end up as one big Catch 22 or chicken/egg paradox)

bombastic bob Silver badge

not sure why it says '1023' either - I thought it was 6.02nnn x 10^23

Microsoft slips ads into Windows 10 Mail client – then U-turns so hard, it warps fabric of reality

bombastic bob Silver badge

Got Linux?

someone had to mention it

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Why would anyone tolerate this?

Proverbial frogs in a pot of slowly boiling water, don't notice it getting hot and don't jump out to save themselves, until it is TOO LATE and they're cooked.

Microsoft menaced with GDPR mega-fines in Europe for 'large scale and covert' gathering of people's info via Office

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "Head on a pike"

how about we just fine them instead? then the CEO gets fired over it, when the board members get sick and tired of losing money.

It's a fair bet that "the fix" will eventually become public knowledge, so that ALL of us can apply 'the fix', not just EU members.

And THAT is what they (Micro-shaft, etc.) fear.