* Posts by bombastic bob

10507 publicly visible posts • joined 1 May 2015

Microsoft partner portal 'exposes 'every' support request filed worldwide' today

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Microsfot

Win-10-nic has that "cloudy" Microsoft Logon (a descendent of the old 'Passport' idea from the early noughties when they STARTED that ".Not" nonsense). The idea was "one logon to rule them all" etc. everywhere you go. It's probably tied to support requests, somehow....

Right now it's support tickets (allegedly with no identifying info) where "things" are leaking out. What's next? If everyone using a 'Microsfot' computer is being TRACKED via the "cloudy" login, are "partners" able to view that info in real time? Is that data going to be 'exposed' too? Today, support tickets. Tomorrow, ???

Protestors beg Google not to build censored Project Dragonfly search engine

bombastic bob Silver badge

in some ways I can't blame Google for doing business

Truly Google wants to "make a buck" and their CUSTOMER (China) wants something specific. Can you blame them for wanting to do business?

Ethical questions regarding business choices aside, SOME businesses are ostracized and criticized and even SUED for sticking to THEIR "morality" (at least in the USA).

So which is it for Google - do the 'Dragonfly' for their customer, because they're NOT putting morality in front of business? Or do NOT do the 'special' search engine, thus "discriminating" against them?

Rock meet hard place. Damned [whether you do or do not].

Watch an AI robot program itself to, er, pick things up and push them around

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: AI is one thing

"three laws safe" - that'll fix it!

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Sounds like...

the 'desire' paradigm is a good one. I was thinking about a way to have it mimic the behavior of something that's alive, whether human or pet or creature in nature... 'desire' covers that, I think.

It's a good idea, though, having a set of high level "instructions" that a 'desire' compiler can initiate to satisfy that 'desire'.

I haven't built a bot yet, but I envisioned one having a master control with lots of local controllers handling the load of peripheral control. So the master controller would tell the arm to "move to this spot" and the arm controller would work out the best way to do that. I suspect that a 'desire' compiler would be similar.

FCC: Oh no, deary me. What a shame. Too bad, so sad we can't do net neutrality appeal during the US govt shutdown

bombastic bob Silver badge

Please explain: why do we NEED this so-called "net neutrality" again?

because I don't see it being anything OTHER than a gummint takeover of private industry, to "solve" a non-existent problem

It’s baaack – Microsoft starts pushing out the Windows 10 October 2018 Update

bombastic bob Silver badge

2nd? 3rd? 4th? n'th? time around

like a dog eating its own vomit

"It'll taste better and stay down, THIS time! For sure!"

RIP 2019-2019: The first plant to grow on the Moon? Yeah, it's dead already, Chinese admit

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "we could not simulate the lunar environment"

How to simulate microgravity in a practical way:

a) low earth orbit

b) centrifugal force to generate desired artificial gravity

You'll get the cosmic rays and temperature extremes, too. Not a problem, really, as an ISS module.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Puzzled

"What can you do on the moon that the facebook generation would give a tweet about"

video games and pr0n ? Or, anything that's self-serving and/or hedonistic, as long as it fits on a 4-inch screen...

Bipartisan Kumbaya: President Trump turns Obama's open govt data policy into law

bombastic bob Silver badge

Let's see if the policy is widely supported at NASA

see icon

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Here, have a cheese burger...

I like cheeseburger!

Rimini and Oracle's legal eagles return to the ring in front of Supreme Court

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Up

Re: Please, can't the both lose?

ack, it seems (to me anyway) that they've both inflated "costs" way beyond reasonable... I suppose the massage parlors and after-trial drinking binges are in the invoice lists, someplace...

Oh, and thumbs up for the "both lose"

Spektr-R goes quiet, Dragon splashes down and SpaceX lays off

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Spektr-R was only supposed to last 5 years

I think NASA has set the standard for "exceeds expectations" with Pathfinder/Sojourner and other more recent Mars-bots. But I agree, 'exceeded its lifespan' should be celebrated.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: UK method is nicer

I expect that ANY kind of 'guarantee' of severance pay is going to be a hiring 'hurdle' and affects the bottom line, so it ALSO affects your pay level. I'd rather take the risky path, work as a contractor, and get paid better for it, with the occasional unpaid vacations that you can generally plan for.

keep in mind - taxing businesses, putting employment requirements on businesses (from requiring they pay for benefits, give certain levels of vacation, or pay you for severance) is ONLY going to increase the costs to employers, which affects the bottom line, and ALSO causes them to limit their hires accordingly [and then WORK YOU HARDER to compensate]. This same argument can be used to explain why a minimum wage is ALSO bad, because it fixes the cost of hiring at something HIGHER than what a job might be worth...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: isnt making

'lean' isn't necessarily a precursor to sell-off. It's more likely just standard operations.

a) you hire a boatload of people [usually as contractors] to perform a specific task, like product bring-up.

b) once their task is complete they're "let go" [unless you have some other task to do]

c) you enter 'maintenance mode' on this newly brought up "thing", which has a smaller staff focused on different *kinds* of things.

d) sometimes you bring back or laterally transfer laid off "development" engineers to do the "maintenance" phase but it's going to be a smaller number of people, regardless.

It's the way engineering works. I've dealt with this as a contractor for a very, very, long time. You have to plan for it and work with it, not against it. Sometimes a successful project looks SO good you're snagged up by the next guy very quickly.

However, in Cali-fornicate-you at this time, things aren't so good (I'm avoiding the explanation as to why, though it involves the 2018 election results, among other things). So it might mean "re-locate to Texas" for those guys. I'm actually looking at that possibility myself...

In any case, if you want the 'big bucks' being on the cutting edge of engineering (in this case, rocket science), it comes with short-term and long-term contracts and occasional layoffs.

/me points out, most specifically for the millenials, that a job is *NOT* an entitlement. It is an agreed upon fair exchange of work for money, and is NOT a guarantee. Competition determines who gets hired and who gets fired, like a form of 'natural selection'. You can call this 'social Darwinism' if you want to. Because it _IS_. And, it is as things SHOULD be.

While Windows 7 wobbled, AI continued its relentless march at Microsoft

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Azure not Linux

looks like support of the oldie-but-goodie Python 2.7 breaks their usual "new, shiny only" paradigm.

Let's hope similar kinds of thinking will leak out into the OS section, such as SUPPORTING WINDOWS 7 BETTER. AND LONGER. Because CUSTOMERS WANT IT. And maybe let us BUY IT LEGALLY pre-installed on NEW computers with NEW architecture (in lieu of Win-10-nic). And so on.

Oh, SSH, IT please see this: Malicious servers can fsck with your PC's files during scp slurps

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Is SCP still a thing?

I've used scp many times from "the outside world" into my local LAN, as well as conveniently moving files from one machine to another. sometimes it's faster to use scp than rsync, sometimes not. but yeah they both work.

I DL'd the 'manual patch' and did a test-apply to FreeBSD -CURRENT (which has 7.8) and it seems to apply without TOO much griping, but I didn't try to actually build it. However, I submitted a bug report with the article's URL (and the patch's) to get the devs' attention since it's apparenlty NOT patched in FBSD's version of openssh... (that and mentioned it a whole lot in a dev-related IRC channel, but everyone's apparently asleep right now so it'll be there when they wake up in the AM I guess)

Icon because, well, FreeBSD. And I would assume OS/X is affected as well, since it's based on the FBSD userland from a while back...

Poland may consider Huawei ban amid 'spy' arrests – reports

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Huawei distanced itself by sacking the employee ... [etc.]

sounds to me like they're damned if they do [tolerant/supportive of spying] or damned if they don't [betraying the employee].

So what would YOU do, AC, in this case? Can you see ANY 'right' action in this case?

(my guess is 'no')

bombastic bob Silver badge

they got caught

yeah, that's something that China's government needs to re-consider, whether "communistic practices" like trying to police and spy on everyone is actually 'a good thing'.

Perhaps they'd do so much better by providing quality goods and services at low, low prices? OK that's capitalistic, but still...

Windows 10 Insiders sent on quest deep into Registry to fetch goblet of Reserved Storage

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "Quest"? Really?

what is the average wing velocity of an unladened sparrow?

African or European?

I don't know... AAAAAAAAH!

bombastic bob Silver badge

Microsoft dropped a fresh Windows 10 Insider Build last night

I hoped they flushed afterwards, with a generous spraying of some kind of air freshener. And a thorough hand washing.

/me thinks the terms "Hot steaming" and "pile" need to be in there someplace

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Kill Windows 10 version of Start Menu


"Presumably you're also still using a 14 inch CRT television, your telephone has a rotary dialler on it and a wire attaching it to the house, and your car has none of those new-fangled parking sensors and seatbelts and airbags"

This is PRECISELY the kind of ARROGANT attitude that WAY TOO MANY fanbois of Win-10-nic have...

Incidentally, those of us who REFUSE to EMBRACE the Win-10-nic are NOT luddites. We're actually SMARTER than the average Win-10-nic user.

/me withholds comment about Win-10-nic fanbois being "sheeple" and having no will of their own...

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Up

Re: Kill Windows 10 version of Start Menu

interesting, at this point in time the up-to-down-vote ratio of 'TheGriz's post is approximately 2:1 in favor of 'TheGriz's opinion [which I also agree with - see icon].

My unofficial estimates of the disapproval:approval ratio of various Win-10-nic "features" also shows about a 2:1 ratio of people who HATE them vs people who (apparently) LOVE them [and are also ARROGANTLY insisting that everybody ELSE love them, too, or just shut the hell up about them because, "modern"].

Unfortunately, it seems too many people are just willing to TOLERATE these features, anyway, because, effective MONOPOLY.

No plain sailing for Anon hacktivist picked up by Disney cruise ship: 10 years in the cooler for hospital DDoS caper

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: What a hero

ack, he could've lit flaming dog poo on the doorstep of the doctors who DARED to overstep the civil rights of the teenager and her parents, or organize an irritating demonstration, or something similar [with cameras rolling, etc.] and had more effect without going to jail for it.

It was wrong what EVERYONE did. DDOSing a hospital isn't a "cure".

Alphabet board smacked with sueball for paying off Google execs accused of sexual harassment

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: This is why Google is so PC

good observation. You may very well be right.

Dozens of .gov HTTPS certs expire, webpages offline, FBI on ice, IT security slows... Yup, it's day 20 of Trump's govt shutdown

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Down

Re: Comparison

"Americans are being put out of work"

NO. They'll all get their back pay. It happens every time there's a 'shutdown'. There have been many such things over the years. It's just THIS time, Republicans aren't caving in to Demo[n,c][R,r]at BULLYING. So it'll last until Demo[n,c][R,r]ats _SURRENDER_.

Yeah 'the left' isn't used to NOT getting its way. Well, THIS is what 'push back' looks like.

There was a similar shutdown in the 1980's while I was in the military. We were concerned about getting paid. Just before payday Con-Grab produced a budget that Reagan was willing to sign. All was good.

To put it in terms 'the left' would understand, think of this as Trump "on strike" and won't sign until the legislation is worth signing. It's kinda like that. If the Trump Administration were a LABOR UNION, you guys would be CHEERING HIM ON!

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Down

Re: Comparison

@The Original Steve

NO. Just NO. Too many things to enumerate. Just assume 'full quote' everything you said. NO.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Oh God

no need to worry. the sun came up this morning, the birds were chirping, and pretty much everything else worked as expected. Gummint shutdown not having much of an effect [although I couldn't report a robocaller on 'donotcall.gov' earlier this week, which is a mild irritation, but would it have done any good anyway?]

the only REAL crisis is law enforcement along the U.S./Mexico border. We need a WALL.

It WASN'T the update, says Microsoft: Windows 7 suffers identity crisis as users hit by activation errors

bombastic bob Silver badge

"PC sales are down a lot (mostly due to Win 10..."

ack. I've been saying things consistent with this for a while. 'El Reg' articles from a few years ago even pointed this out when Win 7 and Win 'Ape' (8) laptops sat next to each other on the same shelf, the 7 laptops would sell, and 8 laptops would remain unsold [by comparison].

Intel and AMD and Dell and HP and Lenovo and other PC makers and CPU makers need to STOP hitching their wagons to Micro-shaft's "star", because it's NOT a star, it's a boar with lipstick on the non-oinky end.

And since I still use Windows 7 for a couple of things, purchased pre-installed on a re-worked Lenovo box from e-bay a couple o' years ago [while I still could], having possible activation problems is a _BIG_ problem for me. That's like a BREECH OF CONTRACT as far as I am concerned.

I've got an old Lenovo box with XP on it that I use for 3D printing (and occasionally, old games) and it BETTER continue to work until the hardware fails. Same with the Win 7 box.

The D in SystemD stands for Dammmit... Security holes found in much-adored Linux toolkit

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: I use FreeBSD, and for good reason.

I don't by the 'newcomers' arguments. I was a 'newcomer' once. I spent a bit of time learning to use the tools like 'grep' and 'man' and soon became very good at doing things.

I expect that others are more LIKE *ME* than are like 'st00pid windoze 1uzer$"

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Never trusted SystemD

"If I wanted error messages like that, I would run Windows"

Shhh... you're not supposed to talk about 'Fight Club'. Nor "Embrace, Extend, Extinguish".

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Never trusted SystemD

"Systemd started as a noble project to revise what is, I'm afraid, the utter shambles that is Linux system startup. And for that, it should be praised."

There was _ABSOLUTELY_ _NOTHING_ _WRONG_ with the System V startup method as implemented by the Debian-based systems... well maybe ubu did something bad, but that was THEM, not System V

/etc/init.d/rc* - easy to use. easy to 'grep' for things. "how do I XX with YY" - find /etc/init.d | grep "YY"

I could make comments about millenials (and those few oldsters that 'enable' them) "feeling" that old ways+things are always BAD, and _INSISTING_ things be done *THEIR* (new, shiny) way, and arrogantly FORCING THE WORLD into "that" "solution", but I digress...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: what?

ACK on 'Jack', if you need some universal 'layer' that has some additional [and somewhat interesting] features, Jack seems to do the job. On my FreeBSD boxen, both Pulse and Jack are installed, because ports/packages seem to want them. No problems noted, though. And no Alsa (since FBSD is OSS).

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Devuan user here

heh, no 'joke alert' here, and I'm laughing and pointing a big fat finger [guess which one] at systemd!!!

[and here I was, a good part of the last couple of days, setting up a Devuan VM for 'droid development - all of those downloads, my old 'droid dev setup in Mint wouldn't upgrade settings without crashing, might as well move it to Devuan , install clean, and go forward]

from article title: "Security holes found in much-adored Linux toolkit"

'much-adored - yeah I saw your tongue firmly ensconced in your cheek!

Hubble 'scope camera breaks down amid US govt shutdown, forcing boffins to fix it for free

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: But he got less votes.

The USA is a Republic, not a Democracy. And there's a thing called "the electoral college" which was designed to give 'small population states' a bit more clout when it comes to electing a president.

Trump's election strategy was based on the electoral college, which he won with a YUGE margin. If the strategy had been based around getting the popular vote, the results would be different. You might say that Trump looked at the rules and said "this is the most efficient way to get a victory" and so he focused on 'electroal college' victory, and a 'popular vote' victory was ignored.

I think it was _SMART_. It reflects how Trump operates. He goes for the MOST EFFICIENT way to get things done. Then he GETS THINGS DONE.

But out here in Cali-Fornicate-You, the election process has been corrupted to some extent. A new rule, which allows a 3rd party to 'harvest' absentee ballots, basically opened the flood gates for political interests to go around to people who wouldn't otherwise vote, collect their absentee ballots, and turn them in. If those collecting such ballots have a political objective, that is "only collect ballots for those who vote 'correctly'", I could make the case that it *skews* the results. In other words, assuming DEMO[N,C]RATS did this in 2018's election, you would have a DISPROPORTIONATE number of votes for 'D' as opposed to 'R', and we actually SAW that in SEVERAL districts that normally have a Republican majority... ones in the L.A. and San Diego areas, for example.

It's not "voter fraud" per se, it's a majority party "getting sneaky" and legislating an advantage for themselves, then EXPLOITING it to create a super-majority in the state legislature so they can pretty much 'do whatever they want' to the citizens without a whole lot of push-back. Next stop, 'Venezuela' unless something's done about it.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: How many Shuttles could have been kept operative..

a SpaceX or Boeing shuttle is a good idea. Private sector goes beyond prototypes and, because it needs to show a profit, are more likely to come up with efficient and practical solutions.

Not like NASA wasn't needed to HAVE a shuttle program. I think it was intended long ago that the shuttle be replaced with something newer. unfortunately, Con-Grab has wasted money on 'other things' (mostly social programs and giveaways and waste/fraud/abuse) INSTEAD of NASA, for DECADES... because space shuttles don't get people elected. [yeah they just promote the 'space industrial complex', create jobs and new technology, and promote science, and make heroes out of astronauts, yotta yotta - all very good things but not a priority for politicians]

I'd love it if the NASA budget were 10 times what it is right now. Pay for it by eliminating social programs and giveaways and waste/fraud/abuse. When you spend gummint money on shuttles, you get shuttles and launches. When you give it away in the form of social programs, you enable the lazy, sustain dependency, and "buy votes". Guess which one POLITICIANS prefer?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: How many Shuttles could have been kept operative..

yeah about Mexico paying for the wall - indirectly, it's already started. The current 'NAFTA replacement' agreement is supposed to be a part of that. Additionally, there's a new agreement with Mexico that asylum seekers (the ones that go to the border to make their claims) must WAIT IN MEXICO for their trial dates, and NOT cross the border and 'become lost' inside the USA.

Of course, more fixing needs to be done, but there are direct payments and "cost savings to the USA" payments that are involved in 'Mexico will pay for it'. Ultimately I think Mexico may actually come out ahead in 'paying' for the wall. Imagine what would happen to Mexican law enforcement costs if the DRUG CARTELS and HUMAN TRAFFICKING "industries" were SEVERELY curtailed because of a wall... and the cost to MEXICO for law enforcement would go down, because organized crime would NO LONGER BE ENABLED by "stupidity" laws that hamper border enforcement and literally turn the USA into a MAGNET for illegal border crossings.

Yeah. 'Everybody wins'. That's part of the 'art of the deal' I think.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: How many Shuttles could have been kept operative..

"you've simply confirmed the cost, as the USA government has no space capability whatsoever."

I have been saddened by this fact, incidentally. Trump wants to make a 'Space Force'.

(WHO was president when the shuttle program ended? 2011... I guess it was OBAMA)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: How many Shuttles could have been kept operative..

"with the money which would be waster for a useless wall SOCIAL PROGRAMS AND GIVEAWAYS AND COSTS OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION"

Fixed it for ya. You're welcome.

If it weren't for those leftists and socialists and hard-line Demo[n,c][R,r]ats and 'RINO' Republicans in Con-Grab, we'd have a MOON BASE (and possibly a Mars colony) by now. WAY more than half of the U.S. Budget is social programs, giveaways, waste, fraud, and abuse. That would be over a TRILLION dollars per year, SAVED, if _THAT_ were eliminated.

By comparison, Trump's $5.7 billion wall request is like a ROUNDING ERROR. And it will pay for itself in cost savings EVERY YEAR when complete, by making the TOTAL COSTS of illegal imigration go down by a factor of A HUNDRED.

So I'd say that a LOT of Space Shuttles [or a more modern equivalent] could be purchased AND operated with the COST SAVINGS of _HAVING_ a wall, as compared to NOT having it and so-called "saving" the $5.7 billion.

Similar kinds of thinking would allow TERMITES to EAT YOUR HOUSE if you think the EXTERMINATOR is just too expensive and so you won't spend the money, harumph, harumph, "how many vacations could I have if I did NOT hire an exterminator" etc..

[and yes, I used this analogy DELIBERATELY to tweek the overly sensitive SJW and snowflake types]

troll icon, because, appropriate.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Crazy

"Everyone wants the asshole out of the WH"

NO, not even *close* to "everyone" wants that. About half of America wants Trump to KEEP DOING the things he's been doing, according to all of the polls I've been seeing, primarily on 'the other news' (aka Fox news, not [P[MSNBC nor CNN nor any other 'fake news' network).

And of course, _I_ would love to see Trump get a 2nd term, "more of the same".

THIS is what it looks like when Republicans and Conservatives actually PUSH BACK against the *CONSTANT* *BULLYING* from "the left", instead of 'caving in' every time.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Crazy

Nancy Pelosi and [Up]Chuck Schumer (and the OTHER hard-line Demo[n,c][R,r]ats) need the "parental punishment", *NOT* Donald Trump.

I think the universe can wait on fixing a telescope until we have PROPER BORDER SECURITY.

This July, Google will weep for there are no more worlds to banhammer: 'Bad ads' to be blocked globally

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Also missing from Google's naughty ad list

also missing: ANY ad with SCRIPT in it (or that is used to track you without permission)

yeah that'd pretty much be ALL of them, wouldn't it?

Who cracked El Chapo's encrypted chats and brought down the Mexican drug kingpin? Er, his IT manager

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Collateral damage

'waste' the techs before they can squeal - sounds like something out of a Bruce Willis movie...

"fire sale" - everything goes. including the people who made it possible.

Just updated Windows 7? Can't access network shares? It isn't just you

bombastic bob Silver badge

I haven't updated my win 7 box in _MONTHS_

I haven't updated my win 7 box in _MONTHS_. This proves to be YET ANOTHER reason to "not bother".

Excuse me, sir. You can't store your things there. Those 7 gigabytes are reserved for Windows 10

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: 32GB HP Monstruosities

"There is a special place in Hell for manufacturers offering laptops with 32Gb of eMMC and 2GB of RAM."

Why? Win '9x ran on systems with <128M of RAM and less than 2G of hard drive space... and I think it performed BETTER in most cases than its equivalent in Win-10-nic - or at least that was my perception at the time...

Funny how Micro-shaft has found a way to bloat their stuff so far out of proportion that it negates the effects of Moore's law, quite possibly with more of a negative than any positive Moore's law could gain back.

/me points out it was windows server 2003 that was a wakeup call to this, for Win2k server ran acceptably on a 133Mhz Pentium "one" with only 64Mb of RAM on it [used it for testing], but on the same hardware, windows server 2003 was SO piggy it constantly thrashed/paged everything and ran like CRAP.

I think Micro-shaft should seriously re-think the way they develop software.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: I think I can spare 7Gb out of the 8Tb I'm using for storage at the moment.

lucky you with the 8Tb of storage on a windows box. for those of using VM's, this could pose a real problem.

This is the final straw, evil Microsoft. Making private GitHub repos free? You've gone too far

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Kathy Simpson, senior director of product at GitHub

I think 'Ralph' lives down at the bottom o the 'hyperbowl' and drives a 'Buick', and has a son named 'Barpholomew'.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Free! For up to three collaborators!

the value of a private repo "in the cloud", with a development staff of "one", is the "cloud storage" part, assuming that their IT is good and does regular backups and whatnot...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Who are the owners of Linux

SCO actually claimed ownership over Linux as well, since there was apparently some contributed code from BSD's and possibly even UNIX (going WAY back). That was, as i understand it, *sanitized* some time ago to prevent SCO from making any such claims, even though they *BULLIED* a few deep pockets into paying them...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: As ever

"They truly are different beasts and on the whole a much, much better company."

you mean better NOW as opposed to THEN? Better NOW??? W.T.F. ???

I do not think that means what you think it means...

Microsoft was at its peak around XP release time. This may explain why XP went for so long without any major changes [just service packs]. It screwed the pooch completely when they started messing with something that worked just fine as it was [just needed patching and updates fo keep up with hardware tech].

I think they should've just kept XP...