Re: IQ <85
it's also possible to study for an IQ test in order to improve your score... so think about THAT one.
and IQ tests are notoriously oriented towards college students. Some people even claim they're oriented towards particular "groups" of people, usually "identity politics" kinds of groups.
My IQ was actually unmeasurable when I was 6 years old. They were trying to force me to be drugged because I disrupted the class, being so bored, already knowing how to read at 2nd or 3rd grade level while in kindergarten, reading a 1st year medical book the family doctor gave me because it was cool and interesting, and I guess I was just "the nail" that stuck out, to be HAMMERED BACK INTO PLACE.
Needless to say, the family doctor and my mother insisted I get an IQ test, so the school did that, and I thought I was in trouble when the teacher showed me some Rorschach drawings, and of course one of them looked like a bat, and one of them I described as "cellular mitosis" (trying to impress with big words, typical 6 year old) and the teacher said "what?" and I explained, "see, that looks like the chromosomes dividing". Teacher left the room and I thought I was going to get into trouble. An interminable period of time later, some older guy started timing me solving 3 dimensional puzzles with blocks. Years later, I find out: my IQ was off the scale.
No @#$%^ this really happened.
But yeah I was held back for the remainder of my education, so that I'd be turned into a "bright lazy" (as my old college chem professor for 'honors chemistry' would say, kids so smart they never have to work hard, and get easily bored, and with the RITALIN NAZIS, end up addicted to speed) because, after all, THE NAIL THAT STICKS OUT GETS THE HAMMER, because, social justice, because, equalize outcomes, and most people are just TOO BUSY LIVING THEIR LIVES to notice, and kids don't know any better.
In any case, IQ is interesting but actual ACCOMPLISHMENTS, not academics nor IQ test results, need to be the measuring standard.