* Posts by bombastic bob

10507 publicly visible posts • joined 1 May 2015

After outrage over Chrome ad-block block plan, Google backs away from crippling web advert, content filters

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: So, basically, no change there

well, if "strip cookies" is possible, why not "strip script" ? And, if the script is "any 3rd party javascript" or "any URL matching a pattern" (such as 'analytics'), it would greatly simplify the ad blocking, wouldn't it?

Do most everyone else pretty much agree that the SINGLE! BIGGEST! PROBLEM! is the 3rd party javascript being used by ads and "tracker bugs" ? And that if we SIMPLIFY getting rid of those things by stripping them out of the content, EVERYONE would be better off???

Want to know what 2020 holds? Microsoft has a little something for you

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Sameold, sameold

yeah hard to drive the "new shiny" of Win-10-nic when it's NO LONGER "new" nor "shiny"

But I'm sure 'the smug' will STILL call it "modern"...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Windows 10 is almost four years old...

I don't get it... Chakra sounds like naming influence from people who are into eastern religions, but that's about it. 'not a surprise' why?

Roses are red, Facebook will pay, to make Uncle Sam go away: Zuck, FTC in $bn settlement rumor

bombastic bob Silver badge

Confess, pennance, "do it again"

this is what I expect from Fa[e]cebook.

After they confess, pay the fine, and the investigations stop, will they turn over a new leaf?

_I_ _DON'T_ _THINK_ _SO_!!!

Yeah, after they wash away their sins, with the fresh scented "sinner's soap" of FTC fines and promises not to do it again, it will merely leave them with that "do it again" scent so they can rinse and repeat...

Why does that website take forever to load? Clues: Three syllables, starts with a J, rhymes with crock of sh...

bombastic bob Silver badge

I facepalm in your general direction, Java Script "programmers"

_SO_ bad, it's not even funny (just pathetic and sad) when I snark all over it.

icon, because, FACEPALM

Got, NoScript? NoJS?

Bad news for WannaCry slayer Marcus Hutchins: Judge rules being young, hungover, and in a strange land doesn't obviate evidence

bombastic bob Silver badge

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

what it says in the title

Oh Snapd! Gimme-root-now security bug lets miscreants sock it to your Ubuntu boxes

bombastic bob Silver badge

snapd and systemd

From article: "The vulnerability is found in Snapd, Canonical's open-source toolkit for packaging and running applications via systemd"

And THAT pretty much says it all!!!

That's blowin' it, Ubu. bad doggy. no buscuit.

/me glad I mostly use Devuan these days

Azure Pipelines go Slack while Microsoft frees data breakpoints from the shackles of C++

bombastic bob Silver badge

whoopee, ".Not" got something that C++ already had for, like, EVAR

No matter how much Micro-shaft tries, they'll NEVER replace C++ and native Win32 calls with their bloatware ".Not" no matter WHAT they call it.

And I'd be better off targeting GTK or Qt if I want cross-platform. Trying to shoehorn ".Not Core" into POSIX operating systems is laughable, at best, frightening at worst, and yet another "Embrace, Extend, Extinguish" attempt to those of us who actually KNOW better.

I was a total Microsoft Windows fan up until the announcement of the ".Not Initative" when Ballmer took the reigns. The 1997 PDC here in San Diego was the last conference I went to. I instinctively knew that Micro-shaft had made a sharp turn and was heading into the WRONG direction.

So the idea that they've taken something that worked really well in DevStudio for C++ applications ('data changed' breakpoints, something I have made use of before, LONG ago) and _FINALLY_ got around to putting into the ".Nonsense" side of things, it's no great accomplishment. Wheee.

I got used to MFC with the old 'Visual C++" stuff, back in the 16-bit days, even, and I think *THAT* IDE [which was VERY typist-friendly] is STILL BETTER than anything that Micro-shaft has produced since they went all VB-ish with their "properties" windows for dialog controls, etc.. Class Wizard and dialog control properties, the way it was in DevStudio '98 (pop-up tabbed dialog boxen) was MUCH easier, especially for dialog boxes.

Anyway, I've always liked the integrated debugger, having had to use CodeView before that, with dual monitors even. But I don't do C-pound nor ".Not" and so it's no wonder I didn't know the features were missing...

Icon, because this is all like "whoopeee" and "wheeee" without the exclamation points, bold text, nor capitalization.

ACLU: Here's how FBI tried to force Facebook to wiretap its chat app. Judge: Oh no you don't

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: favored by Facebook

seeing Fa[e]cebook posturing on the correct side of THIS one is surprising. Pleasantly so. For now. Until the truth is known, I'd guess.

bombastic bob Silver badge

ACLU should appeal all the way up

I'd like to see a Supreme Court ruling on this one... just to see where it stands on privacy vs law enforcement encroachment. 4th and 5th ammendments to the constitution, to an originalist (like Trump's appointees) should be CLEAR on this one.

So what we need to see is whether the liberal and conservative halves of the Supreme Court are going to rule in favor of law enforcement enroachment in the name of "security", or whether they'll rule in favor of PRIVACY and FREEDOM.

It should be an interesting show, nonetheless. I suspect you'll see at least half of the libs siding with the ACLU, and most of the conservatives, unless there's some compelling national security issue to prevent it [which I suspect is NOT the case, hence redacted version at the least].

With all of the dirty shenanigans going on in the DOJ (in particular, the well known former top level people at the FBI and Attorney General's office) this should be a no-brainer slam dunk in favor of privacy, transparency, and public interest. Why the judge did NOT even allow the redacted version is beyond me...

One click and you're out: UK makes it an offence to view terrorist propaganda even once

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: IQ <85

it's also possible to study for an IQ test in order to improve your score... so think about THAT one.

and IQ tests are notoriously oriented towards college students. Some people even claim they're oriented towards particular "groups" of people, usually "identity politics" kinds of groups.

My IQ was actually unmeasurable when I was 6 years old. They were trying to force me to be drugged because I disrupted the class, being so bored, already knowing how to read at 2nd or 3rd grade level while in kindergarten, reading a 1st year medical book the family doctor gave me because it was cool and interesting, and I guess I was just "the nail" that stuck out, to be HAMMERED BACK INTO PLACE.

Needless to say, the family doctor and my mother insisted I get an IQ test, so the school did that, and I thought I was in trouble when the teacher showed me some Rorschach drawings, and of course one of them looked like a bat, and one of them I described as "cellular mitosis" (trying to impress with big words, typical 6 year old) and the teacher said "what?" and I explained, "see, that looks like the chromosomes dividing". Teacher left the room and I thought I was going to get into trouble. An interminable period of time later, some older guy started timing me solving 3 dimensional puzzles with blocks. Years later, I find out: my IQ was off the scale.

No @#$%^ this really happened.

But yeah I was held back for the remainder of my education, so that I'd be turned into a "bright lazy" (as my old college chem professor for 'honors chemistry' would say, kids so smart they never have to work hard, and get easily bored, and with the RITALIN NAZIS, end up addicted to speed) because, after all, THE NAIL THAT STICKS OUT GETS THE HAMMER, because, social justice, because, equalize outcomes, and most people are just TOO BUSY LIVING THEIR LIVES to notice, and kids don't know any better.

In any case, IQ is interesting but actual ACCOMPLISHMENTS, not academics nor IQ test results, need to be the measuring standard.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: 1984

" at the rate the pension age is increasing probably won't live long enough to draw a state pension"

this is the first I've heard of someone actually doing the right thing. Convince USA politicians to do this too, please.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: 1984

on a side note...

"the increase in the welfare budget has been increased spending on pensions."

Similar problem on this side of the pond. Solution: re-define what "retirement age" is to reflect people's ability to work and normal life expectancy. And make sure there's no "age discrimination".

Coming from someone who is getting close to that magic '65' (me), I do _NOT_ want to retire [I shall work until I am dead], and I believe it is high time that the retirement age is re-defined at 75 or 80, in rapidly incrementing steps - like 2 years per year. So next year, it's 67, then 69, then 71, then 73, and so on all the way up until it hits something more reasonable.

Because, when much of these austerity/retirement/social-security/whatever government payouts were conceived, the average age of humankind was *BELOW* the retirement age. yeah.

No WONDER it's getting so expensive!

bombastic bob Silver badge
Big Brother

Re: Goodbye Youtube?

how about 'goodbye blog sites' in general?

It has been possible for as long as there has been an internet for people to accidentally download "illegal" content, from kiddie-pr0n to terrorism stuff, on ANY web site that can be uploaded to, before the moderators have a chance to take it down.

If _INADVERTENTLY_ downloading such a thing results in PROSECUTION, the law has GONE TOO FAR.

It's now 2019, and your Windows DHCP server can be pwned by a packet, IE and Edge by a webpage, and so on

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Double-checked and ...

atril seems to work for me, on POSIX systems anyway. I don't want to use evince on POSIX systems any more since (if I remember correctly) the last one I tried to install dragged in all of that MONO crap... I guess 'tomboy' wasn't enough, and the gnome 3 dweebs "decided" to use evince as a way of injecting MONO.

(e-vince does have a winders version and so I'll begrudgingly use THAT one until something better comes along)

A couple of years ago I bought a reconditioned box [to use for windowsy things] with 7 on it, and it had the adobe crapware PDF reader pre-installed. THE! DAMN! THING! INSISTED! ON! GETTING! MY! E-MAIL! ADDRESS! AND! MAKING! ME! LOG! IN! TO! READ! A! SIMPLE! PDF! FILE! and didn't stop IRRITATING me about it, either. What the *FEEL* is this SPYWARE doing on my computer? Well it got uninstalled...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Disk in continuous use.

one of the problems is that (after updating it) ".Not" insists on scheduling that background ".Not" pre-compiler / updater. It is *COMPELLED* to pre-compile all of that ".Not" crap your applications will *NEVAR* use. Oh they might call it an "optimizer". But seriously, it's ONE of the big reasons why ".Not" is "dot CRAP". And C-pound along with it.

Also keep in mind that if you aren't using any compression on your hard drive, that the CPU utilization for a disk-intensive process will be VERY low.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: people use windows server's DHCP ?

I wonder if "the S word" aka systemD is responsible for Ubu needing reboots...

Use Devuan, which has _NO_ systemD - service blahblah stop/start [how hard is THAT, right? and updating packages sometimes does that FOR you]

bombastic bob Silver badge
Thumb Up

Re: people use windows server's DHCP ?

"after doing a detailed investigation, we got an excellent high availability IP/DHCP/DNS solution that plays well with everything and configured AD to use it"

well said! And yeah, this is in line with what I was saying and thinking at the time I wrote it...

Even a 'canned' WiFi AP solution for DNS and DHCP would work better, in my opinion. So you plug a WiFi AP into your network, to provide wifi. And then you configure DHCP and DNS on it. And then you configure your active directory stuff to USE THAT instead. And the problem with Micro-shaft's horrible DNS+DHCP solution "just goes away". Or use a commercial provider of a better overall solution in lieu of the WiFi AP, whatever.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: How oh how

can someone PLEASE take Adobe PDF stuff out behind the woodshed and put it down like Old Yeller ?

bombastic bob Silver badge

people use windows server's DHCP ?

people actually use windows server's DHCP ? I would think that MOST people would have the sense to use a Linux box for that, particularly an embedded system... as in a typical DSL or cable modem box, with a built-in wifi access point, firewall, DHCP, DNS gateway, and so on.

But that's probably why it's not until 2019 that such a vulnerability was even FOUND, with no reported 'in the wild' exploits for it.

It's more like "chances are, you do NOT" for using Micro-shaft's DHCP server on a windows server box.

Ever used VFEmail? No? Well, chances are you never will now: Hackers wipe servers, backups in 'catastrophic' attack

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: The source IP address is no indication of the hackers true location

ack on the 'launch the hack from there' - I figured Tor network at the very least, or the dozens of computers altready engaged in dictionary attacks against ssh.

A couple of defenses against that, worth mentioning:

a) disallow root logins

b) only enable specific users [that have guest-level] and require 'su' to root to do "anything"

c) forget passwords, certs only

d) use things like 'fail2ban' to reduce the total number of attempts, and keep a log [of sorts] of those who attempt to crack your ssh

this assumes you NEED SSH in the first place (otherwise, shut it off from teh intarwebs)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Backups?

live VMs typically need config files and daily data snapshots copied to "something" and that's about it. if they break you just re-build them, restore the data, and move on.

And who said it was 100's of TERABYTES anyway? I would expect commercial solutions to already exist, even if it WERE 100's of terabytes.

lots of info out there about replication and using one of the mirrors to do your backups, re-sync after, periodically storing backups in an off-site archive of some kind. Also cloud backups. And so on.

Fun fact: GPS uses 10 bits to store the week. That means it runs out... oh heck – April 6, 2019

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Wasn't this handled last time?

the Y2K bug (and panic) wasn't likely to cause autonomous things to crash+burn

THIS one, on the other hand...

icon, because, crash+burn

I also wonder about IoT things that use GPS time and/or report/record their locations

Skype goes blurry, Office gets a kick in the privacy, and Microsoft takes us back to 1990

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Windows File Manager

uh, if you have the source, just change the OS compatibility thingies in the headers... build it for XP or '9x or whatever if you want.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: If you want a nostalgic file manager ...

the old windows 3.0 "Program Manager" might actually be BETTER than whatever eldritch abomination Micro-shaft has horked up and excreted in Win-10-nic... just sayin' at least I didn't have FRICKIN' TILES...

"Going back to 1990" is what they did with the 2D FLATTY McFLATFACE FLATSO look - similar to windows 1.0 even!!!

So yeah - 'not in a good way' when you look at the bigger picture.

File manager was ok though. It morphed into what you see in 'Explorer' as well as open source versions like nautilus and caja and konqueror and so on.

/me wants the old windows XP UI back, with all of the kernel updates and hardware compatibility found in Win-10-nic

Mini computer flingers go after a slice of the high street retail Pi

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: So what do we call a dead Pi?

a) 1/pi [or pi^(-1)]

b) titsup-pi

c) Piit (pronounced "peet")

d) ExPired (also Ex-Pi) [yeah mentioned already]

e) "Polly" [after a famous dead Parrot]

[I'm spent]

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Mini computer flingers

Instead of using an old teletype, I'd suggest a modified VT100 terminal instead. Or something that looks like it, maybe?

in theory you could just hide the USB and video cables, and put appropriate hardware into appropriate places within a look-alike case...

teletypes are so 1960's, really. By the mid 1970s it was DECwriters and ASCII serial terminals, basically the standard for the PDP11 era.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Mini computer flingers

PDP-11 emulators running on an RPi - was the first thing that crossed my mind...

(it'd probably run faster than the original hardware)




MESG: .ASCII "Hello, world"

.BYTE 15, 12, 0

I think that's right... yeah

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Not Just a Store

hacker-space, or "maker space" (either one).

They should make this a periodic event, a "mini maker fair" using RPi, to promote the platform, AND the store. Include some educational stuff, 3D printers, some robotics thingies, and sensors - loads of sensors - and who knows what creative minds could accomplish...

620 million accounts stolen from 16 hacked websites now for sale on dark web, seller boasts

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "I'm just a tool used by the system."

intarweb miscreants... the cops won't believe they're guilty of anything unless they LOOK like criminals.

You know, how criminals have broken bones, missing teeth, large bruises, scrapes all over them as if they'd been thrown down a couple o' flights of stairs, or got dragged at 30+MPH over a gravel road...

"Yep, THAT GUY looks like a criminal!"

also reminds me of the way a thief on a ship might get treated, accidentally falls overboard and the guy wut dun it quietly whispers "man overboard..." then about 30 minutes later, "MAN OVERBOARD!"

Or another Navy guy I knew, back in the day, who liked to sing a parody of a 60's song, with words like this: "If I had a hammer, I'd smash your @#$%^'ing head in!"

bombastic bob Silver badge

well, if the "one customer" who downloaded the database happens to be LAW ENFORCEMENT...

Ever yearn for the Windows 95 shutdown sound? TADA! There's an Electron app for that

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Kinda brilliant using JavaScript

"In any other programming language, it'd take quite a lot of effort to get a modern machine to perform as badly as something from the mid-1990s"

How about C-pound (or anything ".Not")? It seems to have ruined windows performance quite nicely!

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Always changed the sound to ...

I had an edited up Warner Brother's ending theme with Porky doing the 'th-dya th-dya th-that's all, folks!" stuck in the middle. First sound edit I did with the windows sound recorder, as I recall.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: 640x480 "for that proper old-school DOS feel"?

I rarely used 640x480 - the lowest I'd run was 800x600

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Painfully slow

I remember getting acceptable performance from Windows '95 on a 486 DX2 66Mhz with about 4Mb of RAM, a simple SVGA adaptor (with a VLB adaptor, though) and a reasonable IDE hard drive.

When I compare the *PERCEIVED* performance of THAT system, with respect to "responsiveness" (how fast does an application load) and the overall "UI Experience" and things of THAT nature, it


/me points out that if effort towards a Java-script version of Win '95 were INSTEAD re-directed at projects like ReactOS, the world would be better off

Born-again open-source enthusiast Microsoft rucks up at OpenChain

bombastic bob Silver badge

utterly evil corporation MS was 20 years ago

(a shoutout topic to Nick Kew's post)

You don't have to go back 20 years for Microsoft to have done things that are 'utterly evil'. Look at what has been done to Windows. That was less than 5 years ago.

Sinofsky and Larson-Greene aren't there any more, and Ballmer isn't the CEO, but that doesn't change them. A new breed of arrogant "you will do it THIS way" types are STILL managing things, as evidenced by the fact that Windows 10 still has:

a) 2D FLATTY McFLATFACE FLATSO *FORCED* upon you, with NO user choice

b) Adware and Spyware built into the OS

c) Pay-to-play device driver signing ONLY

d) FORCED updates [complete with feature creep and NO QA], where YOUR BANDWIDTH belongs to THEM

e) NO other Windows OS available on new computers

f) Microsoft "cloudy" logon, to HELP TRACK YOU, EVERYWHERE

g) The [CR]app store UBER ALLES

h) NO listening to customer complaints and wants; they just listen to the 'yes' echos of the fanbois...

Yeah. They're still UTTERLY EVIL. The customer is NO LONGER "always right". It's "the minions are ALWAYS EXPLOITED".

But I think they were LESS EVIL 20 years ago. It used to be 'developers developers' back then... and it was just under 20 years ago that they came up with the ".Net Initiative" and it was at THAT point that they turned to the *DARK* *SIDE* of *WORLD* *DOMINATION*.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Hmmm

"playing the long game"

One of those long games, in the past, has been 'Embrace, Extend, Extinguish'.

Based on their track record, I'd say this is still the case.

It's OK, everyone – Congress's smart-cookie Republicans have the answer to America's net neutrality quandary

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: I've always wondered...

"cases where paid prioritization is in the consumer's best interests"

There SHOULD be 'paid prioritization'. Here is why:

a) as long as only a maximum number of packets can have paid prioritization, then nobody else will be 'crowded out'

b) paid prioritization raises revenue for the backbone, and would encourage more infrastructure to be produced with that revenue - "purchase OUR fast lane" competition even

c) paid prioritization exists eveywhere else, too. The store with the high prices that NOBODY goes to still stays in business, because its customers won't have to WAIT. So rich people go there. get it?

d) The _CLASS_ _ENVY_ "equal outcomes" crowd are driving the HATE towards those who PAY FOR FASTER TRAFFIC. Instead, millenial snowflakes need to SUCK IT UP and GET JOBS that PAY WELL ENOUGH to AFFORD IT. Then, THEY can have it, too.

There is NOTHING WRONG with "pay for better prioritization" so long as it does NOT crowd out the regular traffic. And by limiting it to a specific percentage of all traffic, on a given network, I doubt ANYBODY would notice, until overall speed starts increasing due to the additional revenue to the service providers results in better/fatter pipelines. Then we'll ALL see a benefit.

Yeah. Capitalism. it works. Just keep competition as a part of this, and we'll all be better off for it.

[but of course, the 'equal outcomes for all' socialist NINNIES want everyone to be EQUALLY MEDIOCRE, because it is NOT FAIR if one person has a slightly better something than the next guy, so it's all MARXIST THINKING driving this CLASS ENVY of NOT having PAID PRIORITIZATION]

LibreOffice 6.2 is here: Running up a Tab at the NotebookBar? You can turn it all off if you want

bombastic bob Silver badge

no 32-bit? build from source and distros still possible

well if all 32-bit support goes away, a lot of OLD computers could still be supported by individual distros, and of course 'build from source'.

On FreeBSD, 'build fro source' was pretty much the only option for quite a while. As I recall it takes the better part of a day on a 2.4Ghz quad core.

It's really not a problem so long as the code does not ASSUME 64-bit, at which point it would have to be patched...

(why 32-bit? it runs a tad bit faster, uses a bit less RAM, and is more compatible with older hardware. What's the harm of supporting it?)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: the UI still feels a little last-decade

ack - I *LIKE* the "last decade" UI!

double-ack on how foul ribbon and 2D FLATTY McFLATFACE FLATSO "creeping in"

I want a REAL menu, a REAL toolbar [that I can configure and remove if I want], and *NO* *FORNICATING* *FAT-FINGER-FRIENDLY HAMBURGER*

In other words, "last decade" for me.

If it worked, *WHY* *CHANGE* (and force EVERYONE to change?)

Lovely website you got there. Would be a shame if we, er, someone were to sink it: Google warns EU link tax will magnify media monetary misery

bombastic bob Silver badge

the difference between Amazon and 'Google + Facebook' is that neither Google NOR Facebook have a SHOPPING CART for a zillion sundry items...

To me this suggests that Amazon's business model is _COMPLETELY_ different than either Google or Facebook. Whatever that implies, right? (THAT discussion could easily go off into the weeds)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Ah, capitalism at its best

this is more an example of "governmetium at its worst" particularly when you look at the clueless assumptions being made; as an example, how can ANYONE determine copyrighted material over non-copyrighted material? It's as if the lawmakers assume that waving a magic wand or using an electronic crystal ball is enough. As any IT person to "come up with an algorithm that works" and I'm pretty sure that everyone will admit that it's "possible" but highly impractical.

But like magic encryption that has a magic back door that criminals could NEVER exploit, we NOW have magic algorithms for determining whether content is copyrighted.

Stupid, stupid, legislators.

Here's a thought: if you don't want your content indexed, put it into 'robots.txt'. I believe that Google actually HONORS THAT.

Only plebs use Office 2019 over Office 365, says Microsoft's weird new ad campaign

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Microsoft office had everything I needed about 15 years ago

worth pointing out, along with Sinofsky, the same person who invented the damnable ribbon also invented 'the Metro' and we're STUCK WITH THAT UI, too...


bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: If you think this is shit

good one!

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: No thanks

You could get a list of state capitols by watching an Animaniacs cartoon...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Price?????

the ONLY reason I *EVAR* got '97 is because my primary customer (contracting long term) insisted on sending me '.doc' files that '95 could not read. Then I had CLIPPY to deal with...

Now it's Open or Libre office on ALL platforms, windows or otherwise. Usually otherwise.

bombastic bob Silver badge

"I can unplug my network cable and still work"

windows 10 aka 'Win-10-nic' will fix that loophole, eventually

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Plus you get to use the O365 apps on tablets/ phones.

/me notes that the RARE use case should not drive the market...

bombastic bob Silver badge

Libre Office can be used by the entire family for a cost zero.

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Oriffice 365.2425... in a parallel universe, that is.

the probability of that universe ever actually being observed (and therefore existing) is like the limit of x approaching zero... like we know it's not zero, but it might as well be.