insecure phone vs overwatching central central login
exactly - insecure phone with 4 digit pin and other "insecure security" involved
As for using a face: if I grow a beard or change hair style, will it affect my ability to log in? And, do I _REALLY_ want _MY_ _FACE_ being stored "all over teh intarwebs" ? No. Just no. Who knows how _THAT_ could be abused!
And this 'central central login' scheme sounds *SUSPICIOUSLY* like 'Passport', which was Micro-shaft's 'start of darkness' back in the early noughties [ok some would disagree that THIS was the 'start of darkness', that it started long before, but at least their products *PRIOR* to this point made engineering sense, mostly].
Keep in mind that Passport was "One login to rule them all", and integrated closely with the whole ".Net" thing, which I un-lovingly refer to as ".Not".
In any case, having some "pay to play" method of centralizing logins is a *BAD* idea. Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and even Apple would *GLADLY* provide "that service", for a fee of course. (or, by marketing YOU, like Fa[e]cebook - it's bad enough you see the 'login via' icons too often]
And keep THIS in mind: Do you REALLY want a "central central login" database to *TRACK* *YOU* *EVERYWHERE*??? Because THAT is what it would all be about, ya know!
Icon because we don't need a 'central central login' system that TRACKS US EVERYWHERE. And yes, the 'central central' thing is a reference to a book I read as a kid [and decades later, read to a kid] involving a teenage girl, her father, her little brother, and a giant mind-controlling brain named "It". And a bunch of other characters, yeah.
/me defeats tracking system by having 50+ different gmail addresses, one for each thing I log into. yeah, THAT'll help!