Re: @Veti
I do hate advertisers, because they seem to care only about them self.
If advertisers and publishers would be sensible people, and not create whole webpages full of blinking ads, I would never have bothered to start blocking them in the first place.(*)
With ads being a major attack vector, it has only stiffened my resolve to block the blinking nasties.
I always thought that advertisement worked well, because it gives you brand recognition, you show a brand or logo enough times, so that when the time comes, that I really want to search for or buy a product, I might remember your business, Google and friends seem to be mostly focused on click through rates, rather then impressions.
When I want to buy a product online, I go search for the best deals online, I think the only advert I might click on is when I search for a product to buy and then look also at some of the advertised websites, if they are accidentally the same kind of website I was looking for, I might click on it, but most of the times the advertised website will be in the search results already, specially since I will click on more then the first ten search results.
What I notice with a lot of the "targeted" advertising is that you never get shown something new and interesting, but that they try to sell you the item you just have bought, just like Youtube shows results that reflects my previous viewed video's and consequently doesn't show anything I want to click on, because I like to see something new.
Because Youtube is virtually the only Google service I use, and I block their trackers and not use their search or email, it becomes really clear how this "targeted" advertising really works, it makes sure you never ever find some thing new and interesting again.
I do not know if it is because flash is blocked, but I like the Registers advertisements, no blinking annoying junk, with some ads that I might actually click on, thumbs up.
(*)When I accidentally pass by a football match on TV, I always wonder how people can watch this guff, with the screen filled with 50% blinking adverts, and then apparently people pay for premium TV channels to be able to watch these blinking adverts all day long. -shakes head-