16 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Apr 2015
Because everyone knows you can transfer more momentum by bouncing than just colliding. Giant rubber balls in space, please!
If it's now getting further away from the star -- WHEN DID IT HATCH?
These X-rays are coming from where the sun never shines?
I'm deeply disappointed they used mineral oil rather than cod liver oil.
Monty Python and The Holy Grail followers know that the only floating rocks are very small ones.
I always read black hole articles in Stephen Hawking's voice.
It proves nothing. Probably the bones were carried there by African swallows.
I can't help but feel that it would have been better to add light output to loudspeakers, rather than vice versa.
in that case I hope Tiny Clanger is singing duets with Philae.
RCA leads were good enough in my day. What did digital ever do for us?
look, if it starts to go tiny bit wrong, we'll just drop in a baguette and make it stop. Ok?
amazingly, bazaa, from the data you provide we can calculate a lower bound on your age!
step 1: kill all humans (instantaneously, natch, don't want them to die unhappily)
step 2: all (remaining) humans are happy, so stop.
"another fast supply mission"
trouble with that fast food is... no atmosphere.
... because in space no-one can heat your cream.