* Posts by Conrad Muller

3 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Jul 2007

Antarctic ice at all time high: We have more to learn, says boffin

Conrad Muller

Re: Antactica is melting too

I live in Alaska, and we are experiencing the effects of warming, and have been for decades. Warmer winters are allowing spruce bark beetle infestations further north every year, loss of winter sea ice is causing shorelines and villages to wash away in winter storms, melting permafrost (soil that has been frozen for tens of thousands of years) is causing houses and roads to sink, and melting permafrost is causing the release of methane, which is an even more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. Dream on deniers.

By the way, the excess heat at moderate latitudes has been absorbed by the oceans, but that will not go on forever.

Conrad Muller

Re: Antactica is melting too

You can't tip the North Pole with out tipping the South pole the same amount. If the North has warmer summers, so does the South.

A handy guide to growing your own spaceship

Conrad Muller

Learn from life, build from available materials

I have a science fiction story on my Web site that posits space ships in which the basic hull is just a skeleton for hundreds of thousands of self reproducing, non-organic beings. Inside the hull, organic beings in an organic environment, on the outside of the hull, inorganic beings in an interplanetary or interstellar environment.

There are a few magic wands in the story, especially propulsion, but most of the technology is only a few steps above current practice.
