Re: What secrets?
CODEC's are done and dusted, and I hope they use the open source ones- there are many to choose from - see wikipedia. Huawei knows all about trunking - nothing new there.
Motorola only has one annoying feature -amateur radio hackproofing, and not allowing the enduser to bypass 'blocked' bands for local markets, such as police etc. So they buy Baofeng instead. Motorola only has one secret - quality and reliability, testing of batches, they just work. And the paint does not wear off the buttons. Somehow I think Chinese companies will not use any of Motorolas training and QA procedures, nor spend more money testing, and catching their suppliers selling downgraded knock-offs. It is the French SDR radio firms that should be squealing. The perfect walkie talkie would
1) Compulsory user registration - like Android, un-upgradable after 2 years
2) Have backdoors, secret GPS tracking data to the mothership
3) Use the words AI, Improved, and Facebook likes for using it
4) A Kadashian version, iron pyrites , sparkles and gold flashing
5) Uploadable ringtones, and a playstore
6) Push ads on the user.
7) A built in mobile phone jammer (note some ultracheap battery chargers and led light bulbs do this well).
The only thing of value is a current customer list, and the numbers of the purchasing decision makers.
Even that is questionable, because they have already been blackballed in the US.