* Posts by Nimi

2 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Apr 2015

European Parliament mulls law on use of blood metal in tech


Blood metal works both ways!

I can't help thinking that it is all very well and good to make a law aimed at preventing the flow of so called Blood Metals to manufacturers. Voluntary or not, it’s a start! Even if at the end of the day it will probably do more to highlight the issue than actually solve it.

I know the world is a complicated place! Even so I can't help thinking about the Blood Metal that flows the other way in the form of guns, mines, missiles and all the other military equipment needed to stage war and support military regimes. In “general terms” weapons are the very instruments used to create many of these problems in the first place. It would seem that without the abundant supply of arms fuelling these conflicts and governments they may not be able to exist in the first place and the issue might far less significant!


Blood metal works both ways!

I can't help thinking that it is all very well and good to make a law aimed at preventing the flow of so called Blood Metals to manufacturers. Voluntary or not, it’s a start! Even if at the end of the day it will probably do more to highlight the issue than actually solve it.

I know the world is a complicated place! Even so I can't help thinking about the Blood Metal that flows the other way in the form of guns, mines, missiles and all the other military equipment needed to stage war and support military regimes. In “general terms” weapons are the very instruments used to create many of these problems in the first place. It would seem that without the abundant supply of arms fuelling these conflicts and governments they may not be able to exist in the first place and the issue might far less significant!

Perhaps the international community should clean its own house first!