Re: *twitch* *twitch*
I love how you're perfectly happy with "Intersting" and "ommision".
If you're going to be a pedantic dickweed, at least do a decent job of it.
156 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Jul 2007
Regarding me: you guessed wrong.
Regarding you: you don't need to justify something, but then you go on to protest it at length?
Look, you're posting in a community populated by Assembly programmers, aeronautical engineers and bearded guys who code using only a magnetised needled and a steady hand.
In this context, you, Mr. Shiny New Trinket, are not a geek.
Must admit I rarely buy a CD myself these days, but I can see the point of them, and can imagine why they might cling on. If you actually want to hear and enjoy music, there's nothing like the quality of CD reproduced on even halfway decent Hi-Fi kit. Compressed MP3 through penny-sized plastic speakers isn't quite the same experience.
But our generation is spoilt: it just seems so much effort to get up and root out a CD and put it in the machine, and I'm as guilty of that as anyone.
No, you're absolutely right. The only way they can get a prosecution is if they can prove some wrongdoing. The only way they've ever managed to do that is if the viewer signs a confession.
And this is what happens, because they pick on the vulnerable and stupid, pretend to be, essentially, law enforcement officials rather than the door-to-door salesmen they actually are, and bully people into signing.
> "the boffins theorise that their eyes collect more light than other giant animals with smaller optical orbs".
Groundbreaking stuff, who would have thought it! I wonder how those eyes get so big in the first place?
> "Maybe they just grow that big."
Thanks, boffins. I don't know how much this research is costing, but it's worth every penny.
> "Anything over this gets paid as a dividend each year which is taxed a corp tax rate of 20% where as if you have to pay 40% or 50% through PAYE"
Except this isn't true. I wish it were. Corporation tax takes 20%, but dividend tax then takes (effectively) 25%. Do the maths: take 20% off an amount and then 25% off the rest, and you've taken 40%. That isn't a coincidence.
You can't use your 20% income tax band *and* your 0% dividend tax band - the calculation is based on your combined personal income.