* Posts by Jarrad

22 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Jul 2007

Man with 74 convictions refused permission to fling sueball at Google


Re: Shoot the messenger syndrome?

That's exactly what he did, but Google assessed the request and decided against complying with it for the reasons noted, and the judge agreed with Google.

Many people misunderstand the right to be forgotten (or right to erasure under GDPR). You have a right to REQUEST erasure, but there are more than a few legal reasons why a data controller can refuse to comply.

Under-fire Apple backs down, crafts new iOS to kill security safeguard


"Apple is being asked by the public to contradict itself"

Agreed. The government's excuse is increased security, while the public's is the almighty dollar. Who could've guessed.

Virgin Media STILL working on fix for SuperHub corrupt downloads glitch


I jumped the Virgin broadband ship back in April when they updated their terms and services to increase my fee, allowing me to cancel my contract early.

They have THE worst technical support I've ever dealt with. They tried to persuade me to stay by lowering the fee for six months and just could not understand that my issue wasn't the cost, but that I continued to have connections issues and was fed up with their support.

Cook & Co. boost Apple TV to 1080p, update interface


Re: I don't trust those figures

I have one...

New Mac OS X: Mountain Lion roars at unauthorised apps


Re: Re: Pick your garden now while you can still see the alternatives...

A simple box to untick this time. Last time, there was no box to untick. What will it be next time?

When the iPhone came out and it was clear it would be closed, I warned friends that Apple could very easily go the same route with the Mac. They said, 'never.' But Lion was the first warning - it seemed clear they wanted to emulate iOS on the Mac; it was the first Mac upgrade I skipped in years.

The walled garden of iOS was a slap in the face. I've boycotted the iPhone and steered friends away, while worrying whether Apple would have the audacity to wall the Mac. That people continued to buy iOS devices despite Apple's complete control only vindicated Apple's decision to keep it closed. It seems obvious they're moving towards the same again on the Mac, slowly but surely.

Mountain Lion takes us one step closer, and you make light of it. Apple is grinning all the way to the bank while people shrug unconcerned that their choice is being whittled away.

I have the sad feeling the iMac I bought last year will be my last Apple computer.

Logitech fined for bogus bug-busting keyboard ad


I think you're confusing doctors and 'Big Pharma' with homeopaths and the UK's billion-pound alternative remedies industry, where most treatments are no more effective than placebo - and often cost much more than more traditional, proven treatments.

Sure, there are bad apples all around. But at least evidence based medine is, uh, based on evidence. Adverse effects are closely monitored, and you can be sure a drug has been tested for safety* and efficay before being 'pushed'.

* That said, the safety of homeopathic pills isn't an issue- because you'd be extremely 'lucky' to find a pill with a single molecule of active ingredient! But people spend money thinking these are effective, when that money could be much better spent on elsewhere. They also confuse people who may otherwise have gone for a proven treatment from doing so - which itself makes the industry (if not the pills themselves ) unsafe.


Well done to the EPA!

Now when will the FDA take responsibility and regulate homeopathic and other alternative 'medicines'? People buy these under the impression they actually do something, when most are nothing more than placebos and a waste of money and hope.

Star Wars: The Old Republic preps pre-order pages


Reader hypocrisy?

Some pretty strong comments from a few readers. If someone chooses to spend £150 for this and is happy with it, why are they a 'sucker', Ian? Why do they need to get a life, BA?

I wouldn't be surprised if you both have expensive mobiles when all you need to make calls/txts is a cheapy on PAYG. Or a gaming console. Or some expensive kitchen gadget you rarely use and that accomplishes something you could easily do by hand.

Seems a bit hypocritical to me for readers of this site in particular to criticise people who may choose to buy this.

TomTom sorry for giving customer driving data to cops


Anonymous data?

The article isn't clear, but surely they sold just just anonymised traffic data and not identifying information. I don't see a problem with that.

WikiLeaks dubs Amazon 'The Cowardly Liar'


Not my bro

Heh, guess I touched sport. You can't respond to the actual point I made because you have no response, so you resort to name-calling. Why am I not surprised.

Like I said, the leaks show nothing worth breaking national security. This isn't whistleblowing, it's simply immature, irresponsible behaviour.


WikiLeaks and free speech

Sorry, the 'free speech' rationale doesn't hold water. There are legal limits to free speech in the US - just as the First Amendment doesn't grant the right to yell 'fire!' in a crowded cinema when there isn't one, it doesn't protect people from disseminating stolen, classified documents when the government determines that it puts national security at risk.

If the documents released actually showed the US was lying about some human rights issue or some such, WikiLeaks would at least have a leg to stand on - whistle-blowing for the win, I suppose. But they haven't. Instead, WikiLeaks seems more intent on causing embarrassment and hurting international relations than actually showing some deep-rooted contravention of international or American law.

Assangej - you've earned what's coming.

iTunes disses doctorates


Asking for a doctor in an ER - here comes the physicist!

If you stagger into an ER and ask for a doctor, do you *really* think a non-medical doctor is going to say, 'what can I do for you?'

The criticism against non-medical doctors using the title is blatant, ignorant prejudice from people who don't understand what 'doctor' really means - someone who holds a doctorate*. And when they first learned that it doesn't just mean MDs, but also PhDs, they were probably embarrassed and had to take a contrary view and are too proud to acknowledge otherwise.

That said, I hold neither a doctorate nor a master's, bachelor's, or even associate's degree. Just a simple high school diploma with a few credits at university and quite a few years working at one with plenty of doctors, medical and not, whom I highly respect for their dedication and knowledge.

*Or, apparently in the UK, a medical bachelor! Which is news to me; and I've lived in London with a partner who's a nurse practitioner for about eight years!

Blizzard exposes real names on WoW forums



I thought the 'hassle' of my suggestion was the whole purpose - to discourage thoughtless, sophomoric and pointless posts; to encourage people to only post when they're willing to go through the hassle in the first place.

You know - before the internet. When if someone wanted to respond to an article or a timely topic (in an actual newspaper!), he had to take the time to write a letter, put a stamp on the envelope and post it. While I'm sure there were plenty of pointless letters to editors even then, they couldn't compare to the number of pointless posts on forums.

The point being, I think the immediate nature of posting online is more of a contributing factor to pointless posts than is anonymity. And if 'they' feel they have to do something to discourage those posts, I'd much rather see them hit the immediacy factor than remove anonymity and contribute to identify theft.


AJR article

Rem Rieder comes so close to understanding the reason online comments tend towards being, "packed with profanity and vicious personal attacks," but ultimately misses the opportunity.

He mentions that some sites require you to register before commenting in the hopes that might give one time to cool-off. Does he seriously think the 60 seconds or so to register before commenting is in any way comparable to the amount of time it takes to write a proper letter?

The problem is less the anonymity factor (which surely does contribute) but more the instantaneous nature of posting online.

Times surely change and unfortunately the nature of security today means we can't just share our names. Perhaps they should consider attacking the larger factor - force a user to come back 30 minutes after submitting a post to review and confirm before publishing it.

Microsoft: Oracle will take us back to 1970s hell


They were my initial thoughts, too

I thought it very strange, as well. BUT having an MS chief rant about how mind boggling this was made me realise one thing - MS seems scared shitless, so there must actually be something to it!

Windows 7 users to fly without SP parachute


Win7 = Vista Xp3

No wonder it's polished and finally usable - it's SP3 for crying out loud! Does anyone at MS actually deny that? The Vista buyers got doubled fk'd - they bought crap Vista, and got tricked into buying the latest SP, as well.

Apple misses self-imposed Windows 7 boot camp deadline


Oh really?

"Of course, some will argue that Boot Camp support from Apple is a futile pursuit given that there is so much VM love out there today."

I guess those who argue that aren't running Windows on their Macs to play games, because I can't imagine doing so in a virtual environment and taking the performance hit, when you can run natively under Boot Camp. I'm one of those anxiously awaiting official support.

Apple updates full desktop Mac line-up

Thumb Down

*Integrated* graphics on the iMac?!?

WTF? I don't want or need a 24" iMac and was quite close to being ready for a replacement, but there's no way in hell I'll go with the 20" iMac now that you can only get it with integrated graphics.

For awhile now, the iMac has been a decent gaming machine, and now you mess it up with integrated graphics? What are you thinking, Apple?

Watson suspended by research lab after race row


Sensational reporting...

yet again costs someone a career and credibility.

Universal recruits enemies for Total war on iTunes


How is this 'free'?

If the manufacturers will be charged $90 per device assuming a life of 1 1/2 years, they're going to pass it over to the consumer and increase the price of the device to cover it. And since I don't spend that much on music, I'll stick to what I have, thanks.

Peterborough bloke warned over 'offensive' t-shirt


Wonder what would happen...

if I wore my 'Jesus -- Protect me from your followers' t-shirt. Never thought I could get fined for making a public statement about personal beliefs that aren't inciting riot/violence.

Gmail: a short, sharp rant


You call Google arrogant?

Let's see... you write:


Here's what is supposed to happen:-

1. I ring up the Google press office, and tell them what I've found

2. They say "Oh, wow! I'm sure the tech people will get onto that. Would you like a chat with someone on the team?"

3. I write a positive-spin piece saying: "Small problem quickly fixed: Google mail gets better and better!" - going on to say that there was a small problem for POP3 users, and they're on the case, and quoting a reassuringly expert developer saying how easy it will be to fix and how it will be done in days...


Now THAT'S arrogance.