Re: the most far-reaching innovation announcement?
Should read: the most far-fetched innovation announcement...
Sounds like NetApp are hiring Trump's former advisors.
12 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Apr 2015
Finally ...
-- > The issue gets resolved by vendor support
-- > an email gets send around to thank everybody involved in resolving the problem
-- > the cockroaches come out from underneath the rocks - because they all want to be the messenger of good news and inform the customer that the issue has finally been resolved
Yes. That would reveal the systematic colloection of all phone conversations and data transfers of US citizens, for later use.
Another conspiracy:
Apple already unlocked the phone like a good US company. Apple needs to save face because they make shitloads of $$$ for the US economy and dont want to endanger sales.
So Cook and FBI put up a little show, so the public has something to get excited about....
Pretty much the same as the US election. Idiots with lots of $$$ put up a side show with their extremist views, filtering out the most of the equal idiot voters - so eventually the guy they really want wins with the remaining votes.
The system where the smaller parties keep the big parties in check won't work anymore, because the smaller parties are the super rich idiots.