* Posts by eatdicks

7 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Mar 2015

Boring fixed 'net users still dominate Oz market



Australian internet seems very poor for a, supposedly, first world country.

I checked some prices and had to triple check as you get 1GB for around $30 AUD which surprised me but Australians get charged a lot more for products than anyone else (if you purchase adobe products using an australian proxy the price jumps over $1000 for no apparent reason)

This is what you get for doing so well during the economic crisis and electing politicians that look after big business. Everyone I know from Australia works on the mines - they appear to have no other industry - but those resources will run out eventually; and then what?

Iran hacks America where it hurts: Las Vegas casinos


canda CES excels at cyber false flag ops.


16 telco heads request data retention funding info from Turnbull, Brandis



Damn they are good.

We are not only going to spy and record EVERYTHING for 2 years, but we are going to make YOU pay for the costs associated with it.

It boggles my mind why Australians let this go through and anyone thinking TOR or a VPN can circumvent this needs to look closer at what exactly is being logged.

Australia's PM says data retention laws think of the children


too late - the law passed because no one did anything except rant on the internets

Sydney wallows in cesspit of WiFi obsolescence and ignorance


i've seen NIGHTSTAND destroy wifi. it doesn't matter is its open, wep, wpa, wpa2 OR RADIUS!

Australia ignores data retention in summer slack-off


The Data Retention Act passed and all ISPs will record everything for 2 years.

This law is aimed at stopping whistle blowers

Ransomware attack hits Synology's NAS boxen


SPF records + DKIM