* Posts by Keith T

617 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Jan 2007


Google Chrome OS: Too secure to need security?

Keith T

just like you can have AV for windows 8 without there being any know windows 8 viruses


Keith T

Give it up, version 2 self-installed without user intervention.

enough said.

Keith T

and it is those fundamental flaws combined with complex flaws

that make the cloud idea worse than what we have now.

Keith T

Only way prohibit programs not signed by google from running.

The only way google or anyone else could prevent viruses getting into their customers computers would be to prohibit programs not signed by google from running.

Which is basically what you are saying the could do. Could do. MS could do the same thing.

But would an OS where you could only run the OS makers programs sell? Would consumers accept it? Yes, but Apple has filled the religious market already.

Keith T

It was said so much, so often, I have no doubt Apple was claiming it.

There were no end of computer sales people here in Canada saying you couldn't get a virus from a Mac.

And Apple press releases must have said it too, because people in the mainstream news media were repeating it, and it wouldn't be something an arts graduate would think of on their own.

It was said so much, so often, I have no doubt Apple was claiming it.

And during the current outbreak of Mac viruses some fanbois were still claiming that, using the really narrow technical IT security definition of virus that subdivides viruses into viruses, worms, trojans, etc.

Keith T

How long to poison the cloud or BIOS? Prison an essential solution.

It sounds to me as that Chrome OS will be as fragile and hard to repair as the Sony Playstation network.

Poison the cloud, get the keys ...

Or infect the BIOS of the chipset or video chip or hard drive ...

Either way, much harder to fix that 10,000 infected Windows, Unix, or MacOS machines.

You cannot make a vandal proof automobile, even if the automobile is a main battle tank. You need to have people protecting the tank from vandalism, people who can haul the vandals off to jail. It is the same in the cyber world.

The route to safe computing is "defense in depth" software PLUS "defense in depth" policing of the network and payment routes used by hackers and co-conspirators followed by several years in prison for the criminals.

Give blackhat hackers prison instead of sandboxes.

New Mac scareware variant installs without password

Keith T

the religious devotion and technological innocence

It is sadly pathetic, the religious devotion and technological innocence of Apple fanbois.

Google opens tiny window onto Baltic Sea-cooled data center

Keith T

Welcome to Canada Google.

You could do the same thing on any of our several hundred thousand lakes or any of our several dozen major fast flowing rivers.

Plus there is generally a hydro electric generating station somewhere nearby.

Freebie Blackhole exploit kit appears on file-sharing websites

Keith T

So how come law enforcement hasn't followed the money trail back to the authors?

So how come law enforcement hasn't followed the money trail back to the authors of this malware?

Or are they worried that if they get rid of the roots of the malware industry they'll be back to more mundane law enforcement work?

Dear Dell and Microsoft: You're not Apple

Keith T

Windows success in the home is why it is a success at the office

Windows success in the home is the primary reason it is a success at the office.

You can hire people for any kind of position and they'll very likely be familiar with Windows already from using it at home.

I can't think of bigger reason why we use Windows instead of Linux.

It is the same with Office. So many more potential hires already know Office than know WordPerfect. And people usually have Office on their home computers already, so they can take work home.

Keith T
Gates Halo

Microsoft and Dell Need To Open Communications With Hobbiests

If they want to do better in the SOHO, home and hobby marketplace, Microsoft and Dell need to open communications with computer hobbiests and amateur enthusiasts.

They both need to stop depending on (often obnoxious) semi-blind amateurs helping blind amateurs in forums for consumer support and feedback.

They need to get actual employees talking to at least some regular home computer users, and they need to do this in places culturally different than just California and New York.

Listen to all types of consumers.

Japanese gov makes Fukushima evac zone compulsory

Keith T

Japanese Govt Solution To Bad Press On Staving Dogs -- Ban Press

Making the exclusion zone stricter is merely the Japanese government's solution to the bad press they've been getting for not evacuating the dogs and cat people left behind in what was supposed to be a temporary short term precaution.

If human safety was really the concern, they'd be regulating admission, restricting how many total hours people were allowed inside, and instructing them not to eat or drink.

Total shame on the Japanese government and anyone who votes for Kan Naoto's party again.

Keith T

Why doesn't TEPCO rotate its workers with workers at its other plants every 2 weeks?

Why doesn't TEPCO rotate its workers with workers at its other similar plants every 2 weeks?

It is an outrage that they've got these guys there, making them sleep in their contaminated suits, lying next to one another on a gymnasium floor, no proper food, no proper sleep.

No, iPhone location tracking isn't harmless and here's why

Keith T

You must live a pretty bland life

You must live a pretty bland life if you never have anything to hide from anyone.

Consider all the people who might one day wish to harm you: competitors, your spouse, your employer, kidnappers, clients, rivals.

Consider that knowing your innocent movements could allow rivals and competitors to gain an advantage over you.

Consider if you work with battered women or battered children, or semi-covert government departments, or if you work in a high tech or highly competitive industry.

Keith T

Or buy a different brand phone

But the point is, Apple is still keeping this secret claiming it doesn't happen.

Keith T

If not to hide from the lawful, to hide from the lawless

If not to hide from the lawful, to hide from the lawless

Keith T

Not if you have to be working for police to be told how it works

Not if you have to be working for police to be told how it works.

Not if you don't have the unlimited budgets of prosecutors to prove your innocence.

Keith T
Big Brother

Other articles say the log is transmitted to Apple if

Other articles say the log is transmitted to Apple if you have the option set for debugging assistance.

Keith T
Big Brother

Makes sense, if your analysis is true

Makes sense as to the purpose of the log, if your analysis is true, which we'll only know if Apple reveals its secrets.

Surprising that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies in the USA would not have spotted this.

But keep in mind, even if it only keeps the last entry per tower, that does mean a good record of where you've been recently, and a good record of when you last were at a place.

To police, to crown prosecutors and DAs, all they need is to catch you in a lie about something anything to make you look guilty.

A classic case is you give an alibi where you all evening the night of an 11PM killing. Police find someone who says they "thought they saw you" some place at 10 PM. To a jury that discrepancy be as good as a witness placing you at the scene at 11 PM.

Keith T

The android cache is a reasonable 1 day max, not Apple's 1 year

The android cache is a reasonable 1 day max, not Apple's 1 year.

Apparently they are used to instantly determine the phone's location on request, rather than after the 2-3 minutes GPS takes.

That said, caching 1/2 hour would be enough, so the 24 hour cache could be made even smaller.

Keith T

Yes exactly what the article says

Yes exactly what the article says.

Keith T
Jobs Horns

Exactly 100% different

Last 50 locations or 24 hours, so the phone can instantly say where it is if asked.

There is a purpose for that (although it could be shrunk even smaller).

There is no purpose to a 365 day log. And why is it sent to Apple if you have the support assistance feature turned on?

Calling all readers: Want some new icons?

Keith T

you mentioned hitler -- you loose

Twice, by directly mentioning hitler, and secondly by implication when bringing up godwin's law.

Keith T

On knees praying? Hands clasped in prayers?

On knees praying? Hands clasped in prayers?

Keith T

A flying pig -- "it will happen when pigs can fly"

A flying pig -- "it will happen when pigs can fly".

For things that are unlikely to ever come to fruition.

Keith T

Tony Blair or Pinocchio as an icon for bluffing, lying, er uh, mis-stating facts

Tony Blair as an icon for bluffing, lying, er uh, mis-stating facts. If Blair, should have the charming confident smile.

He's out of office, he's historical now.

Or Pinocchio.

Keith T

Sarah Palin, with maybe a stars & strips background.

Sarah Palin, with maybe a stars & strips background.

For any stereotypical dumb American ideas.

Keith T

Update Jobs Icons

They have Jobs devil and angel, but the photos aren't good, don't look enough like him. (He is the last 2.)

Update the Jobs icons with the new skinner Jobs.

RAF Eurofighters make devastating attack – on Parliament

Keith T

and like every elected Democrat

And like pretty much every single elected Democrat in national office, Obama is a Christian who supports the theocracy his country is turning into.

Keith T

re Easy Tiger

And the F-35 is shaping up to be the next enormous waste of money.

It is basically a very expensive high speed group attack aircraft with minor abilities as an interceptor.

Keith T

the people who developed the requirement are useless.

"Typhoon was built to a specified requirement. Just because the requirement has changed doesn't make the aircraft useless."

No, AC, it doesn't just mean that. It also means the people who developed the requirement are useless.

(AC, you call Potemkine an armchair expert, but you're obviously an armchair expert when it comes to management.)

Microsoft breaks own world record for IE nonsense

Keith T

he means the HTML5 interpreter (i.e. web browser) will run native code, not interpreted code

I think that by native he means the HTML5 interpreter (i.e. web browser) itself will run native code optimized for the particular CPU.

In other words, the HTML5 interpreter will be written in native code.

Judge hits police with massive bill over false Operation Ore charges

Keith T

An apparently contagious condition caused by a "staff virus"

An apparently contagious condition easily transmitted staff meetings by a staff virus, since it apparently lead the rest of his department to support the malicious charges.

The poor dears should be sent to police the sheep on some tiny remote uninhabited Scottish Isle while they recover.

Keith T

or rather

Judge Rules Police Maliciously Destroy Man's Life By Obstructing Justice -- Judge Awards Token Payment

And that is the thing, this is not just a civil matter, there is the very serious criminal act of Obstruction of Justice, made worse because it was committed by a police officer on duty.

Keith T

Set your browsers to clear the cache on exit

Set your browsers to clear the cache on exit

Keith T

Would have been hopeless in Canada

Sadly if this had happened in Canada the courts would have offered no solution and no recourse. The definition of malicious prosecution is virtually impossible to prove, and misfeasance in public office is a protected activity (for government employees including police, only malfeasance creates liability).

Keith T

Costs in that sense mean legal costs

*Unless I'm mistaken*, "costs" in that sense mean the costs of bringing the legal case (lawyers, expert witnesses and court fees), not financial damages.

The 20k is for his damages.

Operation Ore was based on flawed evidence from the start

Keith T

Members of any other profession ...

It seems likely to me that members of any profession or trade other than policing would have been charged with perjury, obstruction of justice, perverting the course of justice, filing false police statements, etc., etc.

It seems to me, and I might be wrong, these aren't honest mistakes to be handled through civil law suits, but alleged potential crimes committed by individuals who happen to be police.

If our criminal justice system is good enough for citizens, it should be good enough for those citizens working within it.

Keith T

In north amercia one profession is frequently at the forfront of family abuse statistics

I don't know about the UK, but in North America one profession is frequently at the forfront of family abuse statistics.

Just usually the don't abuse them while on the job, being paid by taxpayers, and with the aid of crown prosecutors and opportunistic politicians and district attorneys.

Keith T

With all the signing and testimony

Someone has to certify the evidence and others had to sign to maintain the chain of custody.

There will have been lots of individual perjury and obstruction of justice, and lots of evidence of it in paper work and court transcripts.

It doesn't matter. Criminal law on perjury doesn't apply to police or crown witnesses due to established custom, and while that is not in writing anywhere, newspapers in common law countries are full of the precedents.

Remember that if you are called to serve as a juror.

Keith T

In what way are cops preying on powerless defenceless victims

In what way are cops preying on powerless defenseless victims any better then pedophiles preying on powerless defenseless victims?

And like the priesthood, those with power protect each other from the law.

Microsoft, Nokia, and RIM's wasted R&D billions

Keith T

You miss his point

His point is that it is more profitable to be a marketing company than a high tech company.

Keith T

Having pure salesmen as tech managers and directors

Having pure salesmen as tech managers and directors, and they can't see the possible uses of abstract concepts.

Unless they see a completing product, they can't see a market.

It is what differentiates a high tech company or high tech division from a low tech company or low tech division -- is it run by salespeople or lawyers, or by engineers and scientists?

Keith T

Bayer, Intel, Texas Instruments, DEC, Mercedes, Bell, Boeing, GM, Toyota,

Lots and lots of successful products indeed.

While no company is successful forever, they've all had really good runs.

Keith T
Thumb Down

Growing my mergers and acquisitions is the anti-thesis of being a high tech company.

Any high tech firm has to do R&D and has to realize that if you know a specific project will pay off it is not R&D.

Growing my mergers and acquisitions is the anti-thesis of being a high tech company.

Growing my mergers and acquistions is no better than licensing patents.

Keith T

You are not a high tech company if all you do is manufacture and market

You aren't a high tech company if all you do is manufacture and market.

High tech means you are pushing the boundaries, not assembling and selling some other company's design.

Keith T

Apple is a marketing and sales company more than anything.

Apple is a marketing company. The acquire technology, package it to look pretty, send the designs out to be manufactured by someone else, and do marketing and sales.

Apple is a marketing and sales company more than anything.

What product category have they ever produced that someone else didn't produce before them? Nothing. They just did a better job of marketing.

Keith T

Why the USA is a world leader in government subsidies

Because of its huge military.

Keith T

Apple doesn't have to worry about anti-trust

Apple doesn't have to worry about anti-trust because it always has competitors -- the companies who were making competing products before the Apple marketing machine came along.

Fukushima scaremongers becoming increasingly desperate

Keith T

Lewis, you're bringing discredit to yourself

While the immediate fatalities and injuries from this accident will probably be limited to people on the facility grounds, even on the 25th it was obvious there were measurable radiological health consequences among workers at the plant and indications that it would only get worse.

Properly regulated, monitored and managed, nuclear power is the safest and cleanest form of energy, safer and cleaner then wind turbines even (which have been responsible for 73 deaths), and far cleaner than coal power, which kills 17,000 US residents per year with its pollution.

Burying our heads in the sand over the fatal accident at Fukashima will not promote public confidence.

1. Ancient reactors need to be retired from service as originally scheduled, and new safer reactors built to replace them.

2. Governments need to have their own independent radiation monitoring equipment in and around nuclear power plants.

3. The world must ensure that no country's politicians or business people are allowed to corrupt nuclear industry regulators or plant operators to keep unsafe plants open or to keep plants operating unsafely.
