Re: Shuttle vs Falcon comparison - politics not involved!
Nice comparison!
17 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Mar 2015
We already know the engines can be re-used. They were tested before the launch, launched, and then relighted 3 times during the re-entry and landing phases. Now we're taling about 'service' life, or "time to overhaul", just like an aircraft engine. Consider also that after three launches, Spacex could have, on site at Cape Canaveral the basic launcher for the Falcon Heavy. All they will need is a new second stage, and a worthy payload.
Go Spacex!
It's a sad thought that we are reduced to having the government say "no more." And who controls that ALL KNOWING, ALL POWERFUL government?
When it's Uber then Uber won't have a problem with them anymore. THEN Uber will be a problem. Until then, Uber is just another 'outsider' trying to upset the status quo.
FOIA, that's the issue that I see. If the government can't come clean with its reasons for TSA surveillance, then I feel secure in feeling the surveillance is illegal harassment. The pap I've read above excusing the government from its abuses because of anything that Poitras did misses the point: The government is supposed to be a shining light on the hill of honesty.
If what you say about the Canadian regulations, or lack of, 'someone' should have spent some of his "work as hard as he can" time to check out what he has to do to be able to do the job! Do we just roll over and let the 'nanny state' do our thinking for us?
I've read almost all of the comments, and yours i is the first that offers, what appears to me, to be an honest assessment of the service that Uber offers, and the reasons why drivers and passengers would like it. Yeah, if you believe the 'Nanny State' should take care of you, than go ahead a trash organizations that give an individual the chance to profit by their own initiative.
The options for for older batteries seem to stop at using them for less energy intensive tasks. The best FINAL option, and the one best for Land Fills, is the complete RECYCLING of the battery.
As for the Volt's range in comparison to a Model 3. I would expect the Model 3 to use existing Tesla batteries which would give it about 250 mile range.
It's when there is no more "fighting in the streets...", which really means all dissent has been stifled, that we are truly lost. The ideal is to keep the fighting, but without bloodshed. New bosses? Is that really a problem? All things are born, live, grow weary and die. Why not bosses?