* Posts by boardslider

5 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Feb 2015

Autonomy integration was a 'sh!t show', HP director tells court


“Manish Sarin, who joined HP in 2010”

Sums up the shit show just there...

That's Numberwang! Google Cloud staffer breaks record for most accurate Pi calculation


I’ve often wondered in a Douglas Adams kind of way if that is where we all went wrongn when the aliens finally make contact they will be puzzled over why we invented such a contrary system of maths where Pi is not equal to 3...

Burger King's 'OK Google' sad ad saga somehow gets worse


Computer mis-use act anyone.

Surely remotely accessing someone's home systems without consent falls foul of this?

Microsoft phone support contractors told to hang up after 15 minutes


Diffrnt times....

I spent some time in the late 90's working on a subbed out M$ support centre in Dublin and nothing in the article rang true. It was normal to spend 40 mins or more helping a customer get boot disks to recognise the cd drive, let alone talking them through recovering the back up registry. The only true crime was leaving them on hold too long (I once got played back a call where 'can I put you on hold' was followed by 10 mins of silence).

That time was some of the best fun I ever had in the industry, perhaps because I was parachuted in as a newly minted MCSE when most of the encumbents were still on their first MCPs or because I knew I wouldn't be there forever, or maybe it was the Guinness........

STOP! Pebble Time: New color watch clocks up $5m on Kickstarter


Treated myself to a Pebble Steel for Xmas and it's turned out to be the best gadget I didn't know I needed! Will probably have to wait until next Xmas to justify an upgrade though :-)