Being able to afford the best of everything has its advantages
The "Best of Everything" includes lawyers, PR people and, of course, legislators. I suppose one reason why AI is being brought forward to compose and send out press releases is that it doesn't have anything resembling a conscience (training data won't have included the concept) so it can come out with things like "Lower bills for millions of consumers" and maintain a straight face.
There are very few people in the US that believe this. Insurers have played the percentages for many years, banking on only screwing a relatively small percentage of the population at any one time so the bulk say to themselves "No, surely, it can't happen here". Do it to enough people, though, and word gets about (not helped by the Interweb which is why there's such a desperate attempt to rein it in at the moment). People have started to notice that being in Safe Hands or having a Good Neighbor only extends to the point where you start costing the insurers real money.
UK readers shouldn't get too smug, though. Although you've been spared the worst of medical insurance -- so far -- its lurking just under the surface. I have a niece in the UK who has both a mortgage and breast cancer. The mortgage requires both life insurance (normal) and "Critical Care Cover" (WTF?). The breast cancer gets starts to look expensive so the insurance company's working the "pre-existing condition" trick. To us Americans this is familiar territory -- SOP for an insurance company ("Delay, Deny, Depose") and an incredible waste of time and energy for her family, her mother (my sister), nobody's who's really got the energy or resources to fight with an insurance company. (Somehow it seems a lot easier to just express oneself with a handgun....have we really come to this?)