* Posts by lufffunk

3 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Feb 2015

Scotland, now is your time… to launch Brexit Britain into SPAAAACE!


Best Location...

So just to be clear, both Lord Moynihan and Lord Lang whom "Live quite close to Prestwick Airport" think that location is "head and shoulders the best airport to be licensed for spacecraft activities".

Am I the only person who thinks that's a little suspect? No vested interests etc etc?

Happy Anniversary: What’s new, what’s missing in Microsoft’s giant mobile update


Re: Ahh makes sense now

Yeah, I had the same problem. Just switched the alarm off and on again and it's worked ever since..

EE 'best' of the UK mobile network bunch, but how good is that?


I'm on Vodafone and it's rubbish. Even in Cardiff last weekend I didn't get 3G once, the Mrs had 4G on EE all the time up there. She even gets 4G at home in the sticks and I just about get GPRS.

Happy days - maybe I should ditch the company paid phone!