Rings bells
When they send the letters out are they introducing themselves as a Nigerian prince ?
244 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Feb 2015
In the 80s I worked for BAe at its Woodford plant - there we were converting Nimrods into the ill fated AEW (airborne early warning)
The main external features of this were a large bulbous nose and and elongated rear fuselage with a large radome at the rear - known colloquially as the dildo
Friday afternoons we used to have school trips taken round the factory by apprentices, one day I was working away when a group of 11 / 12 year olds were walking past accompanied by an apprentice called Martin. to my horror (and that of the teachers present) he pointed to the rear end and said this is where we mate the dildo with the hole at the back.
I asked him later if he knew what a dildo was - never seen someone go quite so red.
Also doesn't help when some of the mods are penguin fanbois
I posted a joke about Linus once and it was taken down almost immediately, yet you can extract the urine about Gates / Satnav etc etc and ne're so much a sideways glance. Shows a partisan approach to moderation methinks (setting timer to see how long this one stays posted).
I was working at a large (not so now) aircraft manuf through the 80s and into the 90s
The network at the site I was based at was token ring. I had a store \ build lab where I used to hide away most of the day, in there I set up 2 PCs with network doom which we usually played after hours. One boring afternoon myself and the PFY decided to have a deathmatch, fired up the PCs and started playing. 10 mins later we get a panicked call from the help desk, something was flooding the network with IPX packets and they had had complaints that things were running slowly... realising it was us I said Id fire up my network diags and hunt the culprit down. Needless to say I sorted the problem but totally failed to find the offenders and hand them over.
When we were sent to steal parts from all the Vulcans in 82 to convert those still airworthy into tankers for the Falklands "conflict", some of them were in a pretty shoddy state then and that was only after a short time out of service - its amazing how these old kites degrade when they aren't being looked after.
One of the happiest days of my life was stowing away in the bomb aimers seat for a test flight, even after 36 hours on duty without a break.
I worked at a place where they had a 45 minute lunch break which was reduced to 42 minutes.
The reason for this was there was a bus which left outside the factory at dead on the time the shift was set to finish so the union fought for an earlier finish so they staff could catch the bus - they got 3 minutes earlier but it had to come from somewhere.
With no Netware experience I was sent to a certain nuclear plant to perform Y2K checks on their servers. I explained the checks to the onsite guy who they allocated to babysit me until my security clearance came through and he showed me how to do them on the Netware servers which were labelled up primary, secondary and tertiary. Secondary and tertiary were critical but wouldn't cause a big stink if they failed - primary would result in a meltdown. Dec 31st 1999 I was searching for iodine pills and planning a route to a remote mine in Wales just in case.
Every single test I did (and there were hundreds) resulted in the same set of data. To save myself time I copied the first set and pasted them one for each server - only problem was there was a spelling mistake on one of the tests and they noticed it repeated for every platform I tested. It was a hard slog trying to convince them I'd actually done the tests and had to produce my original hand written results in full before they would believe me.
Advanced technology PMSL
"They" are people who (in a forum which has nothing whatsoever to do with Linux), insist in posting about what version or mint (other Linux variants are available) they have.
And scared of Linux - I use both windows and Linux FYI - each as their place
(advance technology my rear).
"for THAT! MUCH! they could have RE!-WRITTEN! every windows-only application to RUN! ON! LINUX! and *THEN* switched EVERYTHING over to Linux, and would have had MONEY LEFT OVER afterwards."
Bob, that much money wouldn't have made an ounce of difference.
I work in a clinical environment, a lot of the laboratory instruments I support are old - but they still work.
The majority of them are XP, with a smattering of Win7, Win10, W95, WFWG, W98, DOS
to bring those up to modern standards would necessitate the purchase of brand new instruments, some costing northwards of £600K. The failure at the NHS IMHO was in not separating those devices with elderly O\S's into VLans and protecting them from the big wide world as we have done.
Its not just the cost of buying the things, its the qualification, training and everything else you need to add on to it as well.
And an FYI - out of nearly 1000 instruments, only 1 is Linux and we keep that well away from our networks, oh, there's an android one too but we don't talk about that
Actual history ....... not in a clinical environment.
"Instead of copying everyone's files to give to the NSA they accidentally cut them. The fix is identify which files are yours and give you a copy back.
</Smug penguin>"
To use a previous users post with a small modification:-
If this was a story about a failure at Linux then your post would have merit. As it is it's just infantile.
"More like 'trace your digital steps and find what Microsoft was looking for'.... Tracking how you use your phone to try and stay relevant. Microsoft boss: 'Privacy is a human right' - My A$$!"
Tin hats available in aisle 2
"Is your wife self-employed, a contractor or similar? Otherwise, why is it your problem?"
Agreed, in most companies letting the employees partner (or anyone outside the company) mess about with how the PC is set up is grounds for a disciplinary, in some companies switching off updates where a PC doesn't receive a security update could be construed as gross misconduct.
Never flew on a comet but I did a few times on the Nimrod variant which I worked on at BAe Woodford, such a shame to see them take chainsaws to them the other year - I fitted the flight refueling probe to many of them.
Dan Dare used to fly the first HS 748 for many years (G-ARAY).Gary was housed in the back sheds at Manchester airport.
"At least some of the Greybeards here, must remember the battles that arose from IRQ confilicts..."
remember them !!
I was having one with a Win98 install last year - a 15 year old GC (that's gas chromatograph) that only runs with software written for Win 98. The card causing me all the problems had memory settings set by dip switches on the board.
Hardest part wasn't getting it working, it was getting my brain remembering to remember what id not done in so many years.
"The root problem is the ubiquitous use of Microsoft Windows in medical devices connected to the Internet."
Wrong !!!!
wouldn't matter what the product is (but get your Microsoft bash in anyway)- ALL medical products are exempted from updates regardless of the OS - a change to a simple DLL file (or similar) could change the way an algorithm works and could at worst case kill somebody.
ALL such devices should be off a network which has connections to the internet, USB ports should be locked down, and if sharing the same switches etc. locked down VLans should be used. 90% of the 1000 + PCs I look after are patched to the installation date and never updated afterwards - we keep them away from the wild for this very reason. Simple to say update the kit but when a replacement instrument can cost £600k +, and the one you have works perfectly well......