* Posts by StromThurmond2016

4 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Jan 2015

Furious gunwoman opens fire at YouTube HQ, three people shot


Re: Of all places

Then explain Chicago, Baltimore, Oakland, etc. All with onerous gun laws and restrictions making it nearly impossible for good citizens to obtain any firearm.


Re: Of all places

Toxic liberalism, mostly.

When you remove Oakland, Detroit, Atlanta, Baltimore and Chicago from the equation, the USA goes from 138th safest place in the world to 3rd safest, behind Iceland and Switzerland.


Re: Of all places

Another basic misunderstanding of gun laws.

You cannot simply go to another state with "looser laws" and buy a gun.

A California resident can certainly buy a gun in Arizona (or any state), but in order to take possession, the selling dealer must transfer that firearm to a California FFL Dealer, who then performs a background check under California laws before allowing the buyer to pick it up in California.

Since gun dealers do so to make a living, with questionable sales putting their license and livelihood at risk, it would be difficult to find one who would sell a gun to a person who seemed erratic or crazy...just because they pass a background check does not mean they must or will sell the gun... I've seen numerous times where FFLs have declined to sell firearms based on the potential buyer acting "hinky", usually asking them to leave the store, then calling the BATF and reporting suspicious activity.

Like we now see in London, where the knife murder rate exceeds the entire NYC murder rate (all weapons) the lack of firearms does not dissuade a motivated assailant...they just use another tool...knives, acid attacks, bats, screwdrivers, poison, etc.

What must be done is to look at what has changed in society in the last 50 years. When I was in elementary school, kids brought weapons to school for "show and tell" (like a 6th grader who got a .22 for Christmas, or BB Guns that were then used by the entire class during recess), safely, responsibly, and without any malice or intent of harm.

Perhaps the toxic liberalism which has affected and perverted most of what this nation was founded upon, and we once held dear, is now reaping the "rewards" of "defining deviance down" with their "anything goes" and "if it feels good...do it" ethos?

'Look into my eyes: You are feeling very worried about the climate ... so worried'


Human contributions to "climate change", although you may wish to assign a great level of responsibility to such, are more akin to a child peeing in an Olympic swimming pool.

The sun, the cyclical, and the ever changing power of nature is the true culprit.

Burning all the fossil fuel on earth wouldn't have delayed or diminished any of the past ice ages, or their melting cycles one bit.

A single major volcano erupting does more in a day than man in 50 years.

The hysteria over climate change today is merely a means for corrupt leadership to seize ever more wealth ftom the average citizen, and for the globalist elites to reduce developed nations to the level of third world shitholes.

Certainly, don't pollute unnecessarily, and don't consume wildly, but when you're told to radically change your standard of living (usually through taxes, fees, or higher costs), have the brains to realize you are being fooled and robbed to finance with your money, your own enslavement at the hands of the globalist elite. If they get to use your money at a zero interest rate while risking none of theirs...guess who gets even richer. Hint: not you.

Wize up folks. A few years ago it was "Global Warming", but when the "best scientific minds" were shown to be suffering recto-cranial-inversions, as it was demonstrated to be untrue, they changed their story to "climate change", allowing any weather event to serve as "proof" of their latest theory...whichever way it might lean. Scientists, by the way, indebted to government elites for their funding.

Stop being fooled.

Nothing you do has an offsetting effect against the wanton pollution and waste of 4 billion chinamen and indians. Clean them up first, then chase the already diminishing returns in the first world nations...much more effect for the money spent.

Tell the elites to sell a couple jets, mansions, yachts or bugattis before telling you to hide in the dark, shivering.