Just add water.
Posts by DubyaG
86 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jan 2015
Japan complains Fukushima water release created terrifying Chinese Spam monster
Meta's Oversight Board wants a prime minister banned from Facebook and Instagram
Mark Zuckerberg would kick Elon Musk's ass, experts say
Apple's outsourced Lightning cable plant in India goes up in flames
This statement:
"... that smoke detectors, sprinklers and fire hydrants were faulty, and fire alarms did not go off."
Is inconsistent with:
"... as Foxlink is insured for plant, equipment, and inventory the blaze won't impact its bottom line."
Either their insurance company is run by fools, or something fishy is going on. Most commercial/industrial insurers, e.g. Factory Mutual use the evil eye against companies that do not comply with their loss prevention "recommendations".
Multi-factor auth fatigue is real – and it's why you may be in the headlines next
If someone weaponizes our robots, we'll be really, really sad, says Boston Dynamics
Girls Who Code books 'banned' in some US classrooms
Amazon has repackaged surveillance capitalism as reality TV
Got an Echo
A few years ago, my wife received an Amazon Echo as a Christmas gift at an office party.
I told her we would get rid of it and returned it to Amazon for credit.
She agreed with me that we should have as few spy gadgets as possible in the house. Basically, our cell phones are it along with our home compute stuff.
NASA identifies landing sites for America's return trip to the Moon
Amazon shows off robot warehouse workers that won't complain, quit, unionize...
Beijing needs the ability to 'destroy' Starlink, say Chinese researchers
Atlassian Jira, Confluence outage persists two days on

Routine Maintenance, Right
If this was routine, that implies something that is done on a regular basis. In the world of Change Management, I was under the impression that changes should always have a back out plan ready to go or some other Plan B. So a routine task shouldn't take down the whole enchilada. In my case, we use on-prem Jira and when notified of the "You vill all go to the cloud" announcement a search was started for another solution. Bye Bye Atlassian.
First, stunning whistleblower leaks. Now a shareholder lawsuit lands on Zuckerberg's desk
Re: Censoring ... is a direct violation of liberty and the constitution
Just goes to show you that most people have not read the constitution, so they miss the "Congress shall make no law..." part. The unfortunate part is that most of our pols carry their little pocket constitutions and say similar things. It's just performative bitching.
Windows what? PC makers have bigger things on their minds
Who'd have thought the US senator who fist pumped Jan 6 insurrectionists would propose totally unworkable anti-Big Tech law?
If you're a WhatsApp user, you'll have to share your personal data with Facebook's empire from next month – or stop using the chat app
Supreme Court mulls whether a cop looking up a license plate for cash is equivalent to watching Instagram at work
How about Bribery?
It seems that this would have been better handled as using one's privileged position for monetary.
Bribery refers to the offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving of any item of value as a means of influencing the actions of an individual holding a public or legal duty.
So, cash offered, actions taken on the part of a person holding a legal duty, information transmitted, cash received.
Looks like they picked the wrong law to enforce.
Reference: https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/bribery#:~:text=Bribery%20refers%20to%20the%20offering,a%20public%20or%20legal%20duty.&text=Solicitation%20of%20a%20bribe%20also,receipt%20of%20a%20valuable%20gift.
Did Arthur C. Clarke call it right? Water spotted in Moon's sunlit Clavius crater by NASA telescope
And it's off! NASA launches nuke-powered, laser-shooting, tank Perseverance to Mars to search for signs of life
Don't strain yourself, Zuck, only democracy at stake... Facebook makes half-hearted effort to flag election lies by President Trump
SAP proves, yet again, that Excel is utterly unkillable
Forget James Bond's super-gadgets, this chap spied for China using SD card dead drops. Now he's behind bars
Re: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!
Four years for just being a mule seems appropriate. What you don't know is if the feds are on the hunt for "Ed". That guy if they catch will be breaking big ones into little ones for a long time. My guess is that they did not arrest him for a while to see if they could find the other end of the drop. I be we don't hear about that one for a while, if at all.
Wham, bam, thank you scram button: Now we have to go all MacGyver on the server room

Re: Dont have your machine room at the top of a building
Plumber's grease is used to lubricate various rubber parts like O-rings and seals in things like water filters and valves. There must have been some valves in the system that probably had tags on them that said, "Do not lubricate" and were duly ignored.
We're not trying to be rude here but... there's an ice giant stripping down, emitting gas as it orbits a hot white dwarf
Avast lobs intruders into the 'Abiss': Miscreants tried to tamper with CCleaner after sneaking into network via VPN
Deus ex hackina: It took just 10 minutes to find data-divulging demons corrupting Pope's Click to Pray eRosary app
Looming US immigration crackdown aims to weed out pre-crime of poverty. And that may be bad news for techie families
Astronomer slams sexists trying to tear down black hole researcher's rep
I can hear the light! Boffins beam audio into ears with freakin' lasers
People say tabloid hacks are always looking for an angle. This time, they'd be right: Tilting disk of proto-planets spotted
Reminds me of a story
"Any inhabitants of the planets in the HD 98800 system would see four stars in the sky and the shadows of the stars would appear at different times. The amount of sunlight would also vary across different latitudes."
"Nightfall" by Isaac Asimov anyone? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nightfall_(Asimov_novelette_and_novel)
Millennials 'horrify' their neighbours with knob-shaped lights display
Great Scott! Is nothing sacred? US movie-goers vote Back To The Future as most-wanted reboot
US Congress finally emits all 3,000 Russian 'troll' Facebook ads. Let's take a look at some
Re: The poor English reminds me of the 419 scam.
Staying at home is not an option unless the vote is well and truly rigged. In my case, I had a choice between batshit crazy and criminal. I held my nose and chose the criminal. I fully expect the US to get itself into something that it really cannot get out of.
I told myself after season 2 of Obama that I would vote for the Republitards until the Donald got the nomination.
FBI tells Jo(e) Sixpack to become an expert in IoT security
From Vega with love: Pegasus interstellar asteroid's next stop
Atto, boy! Eggheads fire laser for 43 attoseconds, fastest Man-made spurt
Blade Runner 2049: Back to the Future – the movies that showed us what's to come
Volterman 'super wallet': The worst crowdsource video pitch of all time?
Here's a use case
Some of this functionality would have been nice in my wife's case after she left her wallet in a rental car she returned to the airport (just last night). She discovered it while going to her gate. If her phone had barked at her 33 feet away from the car, she would have been tipped off. The other features (especially the honkin' battery pack) are fairly useless.
The video does point out a flaw in the design though. If tied to your phone and it really works, you should never lose your wallet (or phone) and allow someone to pilfer it. You will know you are about 30 feet away when it goes walkabout.
'Coke dealer' called us after his stash was stolen – cops

Re: Florida Man
I read that "article" and started rolling on the floor about half way through as it degraded like the last half of the story, "Flowers for Algernon". Misspelling, grammar and atrocious use of the apostrophe accelerated as I read and enjoyed. I hope it was written to be satirical.
It's time for a long, hard mass debate over sex robots, experts conclude
The "Perfect Housewife"
This reminded me of Helen O'Loy
Read it when I was kid. I still consider it really good writing.
Pizza proffer punctures privacy protection, prompts pals' perfidy
First-day-on-the-job dev: I accidentally nuked production database, was instantly fired
Could US appeals court save us all from 10 years of net neutrality yelling?
Microsoft plans summer CRM war opener against Salesforce
Trump's self-imposed cybersecurity deadline is up: What we got?
We're 90 per cent sure the FCC's robocall kill plan won't have the slightest impact
CA forks out $45m to make claims it screwed over US govt go away
User lubed PC with butter, because pressing a button didn't work
The trouble with business executives…
“The 'Hollywood' portrayal of IT is that a few keystrokes can solve anything. This has led to an unrealistic expectation on technology and timescales.”
Yeah, they watch Scorpion and see the hacker type furiously on the keyboard in front of a screen displaying something like the Matrix screensaver. The hacker gets in 30 seconds and saves the world.
Not the only abuse of science in that show, but it always makes me cringe. Walter O'Reilly sold himself out for that show.