* Posts by Squeensnex

19 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jan 2015

What do Uber drivers make of Waymo? 'We are cooked'


Re: Waymo business model

These cars are continuously monitored. I was surprised that someone tried to carjack one, with predictable results.


I imagine stripping one before the police arrived would be quite challenging.

Another Boeing whistleblower comes forward – with receipts


Shift of focus from engineering to profit

I find this article in The Atlantic to be chilling.


UK skies set for cheeky upgrade with hybrid airship


Re: Really???

Modern MRI scanners use much less helium than earlier ones. Some use only a few liters, and others use none at all. These changes were made shortly after helium costs skyrocketed in price. The engineers adapted!

Elon Musk's brain-computer interface outfit Neuralink tests its tech on a human

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Implanted electrodes

There's a real-life parallel that is used for patients with intractable epilepsy, at least in the sense that it uses electrodes implanted in the brain to record activity. In this case, the implanted device detects the onset of seizure activity and applies electrical pulses to prevent the seizure. In the long run, this may reduce the need for epilepsy surgery in which the part of the brain from which seizures originate is removed. This device is somewhat less invasive than surgery, and has the advantage that it could be removed (the changes from surgery are most certainly permanent).


Other devices include deep brain stimulators, which stimulate but don't record electrical activity. They're on all the time, though they can be controlled externally to change the stimulus parameters (frequency, amplitude) or turn them off if necessary. They're used mainly for Parkinson disease and dystonia.


This ain't Boeing very well: Starliner's first crewed flight canceled yet again


Boeing culture

There's a fascinating (and somewhat depressing) article on the cultural shift that brought Boeing to its current state.


Cops swoop after crooks use wireless keyfob hack to steal cars


Trunk monkey

There's no substitute for a trunk monkey!


Opt-out is the right approach for sharing your medical records with researchers


Holding it wrong

The people in the photo are holding that chest x-ray backwards, unless the patient has situs inversus (the heart on the right rather than the left). Can you trust them with your data?

PC printer problems and enraged execs: When the answer to 'Hand over that floppy disk' is 'No'


As Mark Twain wrote...

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

Microsoft expands AI features in Office, but are they any good? Mixed, according to our vulture


Not off to a great start...

Is it just me, or does the quote "write polished prose, craft impressive emails, and posts on your favourite sites like LinkedIn, Gmail, Facebook, and more." seem to have an errant comma or three? Perhaps they mean "write polished prose to craft impressive emails and posts on your favourite sites like LinkedIn, Gmail, Facebook and more."

'That's here. That's home. That's us': It's 30 years since Voyager 1 looked back and squinted at a 'Pale Blue Dot'


It looks like selfies...

were popular even before cell phones!

Chrome suddenly using Bing after installing Office 365 Pro Plus... Yeah, that might have been us, mumbles Microsoft



Now I have this jingle stuck in my head.


Give 1,000 monkeys typewriters, they'll write Shakespeare. Give them robot arms, and wait – they actually did that?


Re: WTF happened to these monkeys

The article says "we used unilaterally amputated monkeys that had undergone therapeutic amputation several years (two of them with 9 to 10 years and a third monkey over 4 years) before they arrived in our lab." It doesn't sound like they were amputated for the study, and the length of amputation is relevant to eventual studies in humans, who may have been missing a limb for a long time.

I think they used electrodes in either "contralateral" or"ipsilateral" motor cortex to study the reorganization of neuronal circuitry that was (ipsilateral) or wasn't (contralateral) controlling an intact arm at the time. The reorganization was different in the two cases.

While people do have brain electrodes permanently implanted to help control Parkinson's disease (deep brain stimulation), having electrodes implanted isn't for the faint of heart!

Would you like to know why I get a lot of action at night?


Re: Sorry

I have two words for you: nasal steroids. It may be a few days before they take effect, but they are awesome with no cognitive side effects.


They should be available over the counter.

300 million pelicans? Pah. What 6 billion plastic bags really weigh


Ocean plastic

The ocean garbage patches seem quite large to me, and the plastic may ultimately enter the food chain.


But getting the family to stop using plastic bottles of water and drinking straws has been an uphill battle.

Which keys should I press to enable the CockUp feature?


Tangentially related

When text paging was new, a friend of mine was making a presentation when his pager went off with the message "Your fly is open!" A quick check showed his zipper was actually up, and he continued the presentation. A few minutes his pager went off again, this time with the message "Made you look!"

He never did figure out who sent the pages.

The paperless office? Don’t talk sheet


"Print is dead"

...“print is dead” first arose in the late 1990s...

Actually, it was around in the mid 1980's, and I have proof!


Tesla X unfolds its Falcon wings, stumbles belatedly into the light


Ungodly fast

I test drove a Model S last month. It goes 0 to 60 miles per hour in 3.1 s with no wheel spin and no noise except the whine of the electric motors. It feels like you're being shot out of a cannon (at least, that's what I think it would feel like to be shot out of a cannon). My regular car is a Shelby Mustang, and the Tesla is much quicker. I'm told the chassis has 22 moving parts, with no oil changes, timing belt changes, spark plugs, etc. If only I could afford one.

Ford recalls 433,000 cars: Software bug breaks engine off-switch


I'm sorry, Dave...

I'm afraid I can't do that.

GoDaddy in doghouse over puppy-flogging Super Bowl ad



Go Daddy is in the news. Exactly what they want. If they have to annoy some people to accomplish this, no worries.