I'm not a legal eagle, just a humble IT bod, but I can't see how is this the fault of Apple, there is only person at fault and that's the driver of the vehicle who was not paying attention to the road.
17 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jan 2015
Not that I believe it for one minute, but just for argument sake, lets say it was the Russians that leaked the info on Clinton.
The US public should be thankful that they exposed Clinton for what she is, a lying, cheating SOB. Doing the job the main stream press should have been doing all along, you know, investigative journalism, exposing corruption to the public. Instead we had the main stream press going bat shit crazy over Trump and kissing Clinton's nether regions for the past 12 months.
I totally agree with you, that's one of the major factors that made me decide to move away from development all together.
For too long now, there has been a drive primarily by manglement, to race to the bottom, don't worry about quality or whether it works, we will fix it later! It seems to be more about getting it rushed out of the door instead of doing a proper job in the first place.
I too am dyslexic, you need to think of it as a gift rather than pain in the arse. Revel in the fact that your thought processes with language are different to others and that gives you an advantage in being able to solve problems a different way.
Don't make excuses for it, just get on and write what you want to write, and change the spelling from phonetic to standard english at the end of every paragraph (Well that's how I do it!). :-)
You watch, someone is going to pick this apart too, go ahead, I don't mind a bit. :-)
Is that they can spout any rubbish and when the time comes for the product launch and they are found out to be talking bollocks, they inevitably come out with some other crap to justify their previous remark, such as that the market has changed.
They are all a bunch of overpaid, useless Berks.
Who defines what an extremist is? Who defines what an extremist message is?
I wish this Tory government would disappear up it's own self absorbed collective rectum!
Is that an extremist view and should it be magically wiped from the web. OK, it's a daft point as the moderators could delete it anyway.
Thinking about this, will this mean the death of BYOD?
Not that I have ever been in favor of this anyway, but it does bring up the possibility of some legal issues with regards to employee devices being used for work purposes.
For example some unscrupulous employer, could demand access to a personal device under the guise of "Just checking on your work".
Just a thought.
I have downvoted you as using the "Won't somebody think of the children." argument bugs the hell out of me. As it is not a valid argument that trumps all others.
As for the story itself , I can see good and bad uses for a HD sniffing dog.
Good - Finds data hidden by criminals.
Bad - Finds data hidden from the prying eyes of a authoritarian regime.