Re: Why change?
I am still using outlook 2007. (I just like the interface and it works fine)
For Excel/Word i now use LibreOffice. I do not use any other Microsoft cruff.
545 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jan 2015
Unless your company has lots of money to spend (No so likely now) then a lot of companies will not replace PC hardware until then have to. this might be 5 or more years. After all, the time when new generations pf PC were significantly faster and new version of operating system has lots of new functionality as long gone.
Office. Why change office versions? office 97 probably does 99% of the things that people need so why change. unless of course Microsoft deliberately change OS software to break older versions of applications, especially their own.
Same here, Just turned 65 and my PC is about 4 years old. Works just as well now as it did when i bought it. (32gb Ram, Ryzen 7 5800X, RTX 2060 and lots of Drives)
I DID install windows 10 although i had a brief thought of using windows 8.1.
I have not seen ANYTHING in windows 11 that I am interested in, Windows 10 does all I need. In fact the new additions to windows AFTER XP seem to be mainly about marketing and not useful functionality.
I Guess my PC will still be good for another 5 years (At least) unless something major breaks. Then that becomes a hard descison
Do they build houses so badly and roofs so poorly in America that they only last for 10 years?
I have lived in my current house for 35 years (the house was build probably 50 or 60 years ago) and i see no reason for replacing my roof.
I cannot speak for the new houses being built in the UK, although My friend, in their new house was told that they could not do a loft extension due to the lack of robust construction.
Not sure how you would verify someone age.
Any ID can be faked, (good or bad) and the same goes for photo's.
The ONLY way I can see it working (somehow) would be o have the government to validate the person.
In the UK we do not have ID cards, and any attempt to enforce them would fail. I would burn any ID card given to me.
I do have a valid passport and drivers licence. But not everyone HAS a drivers licence and not everyone has a passport.
I remember my son having problems opening a bank account years ago because the bank wanted a drivers licence and/or a passport and a utility bill with their name on it (He was living at home so he HAD NONE).
To try and compare UK knife crime with American Gun Crime is so stupid, I presume you were joshing.
On Average the UK, which has a population about 70 million has about 70 gun deaths each year (Give or take)
If you compare the rate per 100,000 people between the UK and America you will find that America has so many gun deaths nobody has any time to count them any more.
A gun has ONLY one (Primary) Purpose, that is to kill. Shooting where you are not trying to kill anyone or anything appears to be rare, based on the number of recorded deaths.
Why Americans have this fanatical LOVE for all things gun related, I do not know. Oh yes, it's your god awful 2nd Amendment, Might have been relevant in the beginning but Hands up anyone that thinks its a good idea to have millions of people carrying around loaded firearms when they can barley hold the gun strait and have bugger all training on when NOT to use a gun. Even you cops seemed to have almost NO training on the proper use (and avoidance) for guns. Most of them seem to feel it justified to automatically pull out their guns and start shooting. I gather that in America most cops have a few weeks or months of training. In the UK it is 2 years, and that is WITHOUT any firearm training. To be able to use firearms in the UK means the police have to have much more extensive training
I am using outlook 2007 at home for many years, it does all that i need. Most of it i admit i do not use. I just want to be able to have connections to multiple e-mail hosts and to hold all my e-mails locally.
I have no interest in "cloudy" versions of most apps. Most web versions of applications have been dummed down so much I really do not like using them. Moving to the Web always seems to end up removing so much functionality for the original non web app that it seems designed for a baby. All the hard work done to write a useful application has been flushed down the drain when moving to the Web..
I have never understand the "American" way of treating service staff.
1. ALL staff should be paid AT LEAST Minimum wage.
2. Staff cannot be charged for other things (Cloths etc) to get back some of this money.
3. In my eyes Tips are NOT Mandatory they are discretionary and only should be paid if the CUSTOMER wants to.
I live in the UK and tipping is becoming more common. But as far as i am concerned, It is something I Choose to do. No way would i tip unless I WANT to and i think the staff serve it.
The staff should be paid a proper living wage by their employer. I have visited America once and I liked it but would i live there? No thanks,
A healthcare system designed for the wealthy, a system where it is common for people to become bancrupt trying to pay for medical bills. Guns so common that having hundreds of people every week killed by them is thought of as common (and good).
And I have to say that most of it seems designed to bugger up the country. Why should different states have different election laws. You could end up with some states banning non whites from voting whilst other states think it is ok.
And although this is said in jest the fact is that some states are getting close to that. (whatever they profress to say)
As a UK citizen, the idea that each state has incompatible laws is just STUPID. Not so easy to move house if your state brings in some law that you do not like.
Why would you think it is OK for each state to have election laws that are so different that it appears to be more like a foreign country
I.e. do double of NOTHING. America is a violent country, one of the most violent in the world and too many people in America think that more guns are the answer.
I know, why not give guns to people as they enter supermarkets and children as then enter school. No age checks, no health checks, no background checks. Just give everyone Automatic firearms with large magazine and armour piercing bullets. After all, what can go wrong? "It's not guns that kill, just people".
And this is one of the reasons that i might never visit America again, too many of you appear to be gun wackoos.
Nothing about windows 11 makes it remotely interesting to me.
The fact the Microsoft keep trying to shove a "microsoft" account down my throat just makes it 10 times worse.
Microsoft are just "playing their violin whilst Rome burns" and amount of "innovation" in new versions of windows could be written on the back of a postage stamp. With continual re-writes of the UI for no other reason that "Because we can" tells me all I need to know.
Is "The 2020 US presidential election has so many irregularities that it warrants a full investigation to identify any fraud!" a lie!? Can you or anyone "prove" that the election was 100% fair and secure? (Saying "there was no evidence" is not proof!)
Negative proof of election fraud means just what it says. There was no major election fraud found (except by some Republicans) A negative does not prove a positive.Otherwise, you are saying. I cannot prove he is lying but I have not exhausted all the possible forms of torture on this person. therefore, he MUST be lying!
America seems to be filled with lots of people with poor intelect and poor reasoning.
What i find unacceptable is that many password managers store your passwords on their systems. This allows you to use multiple systems with a single password manager but then increases the risk of compromise because the passwords are NOT in your control, you have no idea who can access the password data remotely and you have to blindly accept their assurances about how secure they are storing (and transmitting) the password data..
For me a password manager should ONLY store passwords locally and encrypted.
As i basically do NOT use social media It will not affect me. What annoys me is EVERY site wanting me to login to access, this is getting me p***sed off.
Having to remember possible multiple tens or even hundreds of user id and passwords is just mad...
And what are you supposed to do when you are writing a multi year project (> 3 years) ????
Having to upgrade continuously to new versions of visual studio plus also other tools it soon becomes a real pain to co-ordinate and keep up to date.
Expecially when you are developing for an external customer (s)
Here, here. Have just retired (at 62) and I am glad I am off that treadmill.
One house back in the office (after working over a year from home) and I had decided that I have had enough.
My wife and I both sent our notices in that month. I was 62 1/2 and my wife 61.
Now every day is a "Saturday".
Unfortunately, it does not matter how much money is spent on Public (or private) health. It will never be enough. I hate to say it but that means that some treatments will either be not available or very expensive.
I am just glad I am NOT American, a more broken healthcare system you are unlikely to find.
Where you get private hospitals shipping patients by taxi to public hospitals and dumping them outside (In hospital garments) to save themselves money.
Obviously in Private hospitals, patients are just a cashpoint for the hospitals. Be sure to have your credit card handy when you go through the door!
I love your column,
Social media......
I do have a twitter account, had to set it up about 6 or 7 years ago to get support for some software. Never used it since, do not know what user/password i logged in with.
I use WhatsApp to talk to my sons, nothing else. i.e. i have used it about a dozen times in all.
I do have a facebook account, again no idea of the user or password, have not used it in at least 5 years, cannot see the point.