Yet Another Management Paradigm - Don't worry , there'll be another one along in just a moment. It too will solve all known problems, cure all ills ... just like the last one :)
56 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jan 2015
God, I remember with such fondness the Nascom 2 which came as a circuit board and a bag full of chips and a bare Hall-effect keyboard. It had a 2K (yes that's 2K) OS on a ROM complete with the assembler source code.
I was a freelance COBOL programmer when my roomie brought one home and I sat down to scoff - an hour later I was gob-smacked. At the time at RX I was waiting 24 hours for a test compile of a COBOL program just to find I'd missed a full stop at the end of a line somewhere and here was a machine I could probably write a COBOL syntax checker on which would run immediately.
Most CEOs could be replaced by a random number generator (hi! ERNIE). Their staff do the work offering them a set of actions, then they pick one and, usually, they've got no more idea if it's the best one than the office cleaner would have - but if it all goes tits-up you can be sure that they've got someone to blame it on.
Most members of Government (and this one in particular) have absolutely no knowledge of IT, systems, analysis or anything else besides how to get rich, give bungs to their mates, ancient Greek and Latin etc. We're some what short of anyone with basic mathematical or analytical skills up at the top, just the ability to give orders and dodge responsibility.
Must be nice to be young, healthy without any aged relatives in care homes or other friends or relatives who are at risk.
I do hope you get a nice strong dose of long Covid and then try and get a bed in the overcrowded NHS hospital - or are you in the 1% and can afford private care and you don't give a f*ck about anybody else?
‘I’ll tell you,’ said Vimes. ‘A monarch’s an absolute ruler, right? The head honcho—’
‘Unless he’s a queen,’ said Carrot.
Vimes glared at him, and then nodded.
‘Okay, or the head honchette—’
‘No, that’d only apply if she was a young woman. Queens tend to be older. She’d have to be a … a honcharina? No, that’s for very young princesses. No. Um. A honchesa, I think.’
Men At Arms, Terry Pratchett
I thought the Tory way of handling things like this was to find a 'chum' (Eton old-boy, neighbour down the road, somebody I met at the golf club, ...) who may make a decent donation to the party (or the PM of the day) and bung them a few £millions, no questions asked.
In 2015 my results came back requesting another sample - end result, positive. Then a colonoscopy showing up a tumour.
At this point I had NO SYMPTOMS whatsoever.
I ended up with a stay in hospital, a loss of 50cm of lower bowel, an incision running from sternum to groin held together with 36 stables and an ileostomy bag for 6 months while the gut healed.
Not a lot of fun but if it hadn't been for this test I'd be DEAD now!
Since early January I've had b*gger all phone signal at home and all I see from O2 is a "Looks like a nearby phone mast isn’t working as it should, sorry. Our engineers are likely to be on the case already, and your service might come and go until we fix it." message.
I assume that O2 engineers wear a tutu, have little wings and a twinkly wand - or is that the fairies at the bottom of my garden?
This is Rupert Murdoch we're talking about (News of the World, Sun etc.) - he has a history of being untrustworthy. How can any decent Government, concerned about Democracy and the rights of their citizens, even contemplate allowing him even more control of the propaganda sources? Oh, I forgot, he OWNS this British Government as he did the previous one, and the one before that, and the one before that ...
Don't know about other countries but I've got a couple of 14 ltr cans of 'family' olive oil (i.e. from the sister-in-law's olives) sat waiting for me in Crete. When I went into one of the couriers to get some idea of the cost of shipping they just said it just wasn't worth the cost of shipping it to the UK.
They reckoned with Concorde it took more time to get on and off the plane than it took to cross the Atlantic. With this sort of system it's going to take more time to get on and off the plane than to fly round the world.
Spot the bottleneck here?
Being told to get to the airport ages before the flight is due to depart, queueing up for ages to hand over hold baggage, queueing up again for airport security which is completely inconsistent (on one flight to Crete I went through 3 sets of airport security and got different results from each)
Sod faster aeroplanes, I'd rather not spend most of my trip stuck in the "hurry up and wait" system for boarding and leaving and I'd definitely prefer more comfortable seats, a bit of leg room, larger windows and not having the flight crew keep waking me up to see if I've changed my mind about buying a blow up model of the plane.