* Posts by BaitAndSwitch

3 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Jan 2015

Elite: Dangerous 'billionaire' gamers are being 'antisocial', moan players



So those of us who ponied up the cash 2 years ago to help fund a DRM-free, offline capable game are still getting rooked by FD because of those dirty evil players trying to 'exploit the system'


but actively exploit the system from within the game and get a free ride?!?


"but anybody viewing the situation will clearly be able to see that most of the negativity comes from unjustified unrealistic expectations and just wishing things had been done the way they want"

By this you mean... having FD deliver on what they clearly stated they would deliver in the kickstarter..

OR at least have communicated that they were looking to cut out offline mode earlier

OR AT THE VERY LEAST having been responsive, ethical, and actually given refunds to those of us who asked for one nearly TWO months ago?


Re: Aarrr!

Yeah... Elite was also touted as having offline capability... that didn't seem to pan out did it?