* Posts by knelmes

26 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Jan 2015

Sold: €15k invisible sculpture that's a must-see for art lovers


Oh hey, my parents have one of those in their attic! Might pop it on ebay.

Dutch officials say Donald Trump really did protect his Twitter account with MAGA2020! password


Re: less than a month before no one has to care what appears on Trump’s Twitter feed ever again

Yes. He's not very good. But soooo much better.

Up yours, Europe! Our 100% prime British broadband is cheaper than yours... but also slower and a bit of a rip-off


Re: County lines

They don't even need to rename it.

Remember that clinical trial, promoted by President Trump, of a possible COVID-19 cure? So, so, so many questions...


Re: The most important statement in the whole article.

"Typical of the LameStreamMedia to latch onto President Trump's reference to the drugs being FDA approved and call that a lie (since the FDA has not approved *anything* to treat the coronavirus). But this is not what the President said, nor meant to imply."

Did he not say this?:

"Normally the FDA would take a long time to approve something like that, and it's -- it was approved very, very quickly and it's now approved, by prescription."

If not, those damn dems have got really good with deepfakes because there's video of him saying it.

Let's Encrypt? Let's revoke 3 million HTTPS certificates on Wednesday, more like: Check code loop blunder strikes


Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.

Google Chrome to block file downloads – from .exe to .txt – over HTTP by default this year. And we're OK with this


Re: So much for my home server

If you have no https on it at all it won't be affected. Even if it was mixed content, you can enable 'insecure' downloads. It's all in the article.

Apple is a filthy AWS, Azure, Google reseller, gripe punters: iPhone giant accused of hiding iCloud's real backend


Re: Wait a minute

"Nice bit of virtue-signalling though."

You were making a good point until you mentioned one of the phrases that means you're talking bollocks.

BOFH: Oh, go on, let's flush all that legacy tech down the toilet


Re: ShitSecurity

Wipe* card.

DNAaaahahaha: Twins' 23andMe, Ancestry, etc genetic tests vary wildly, surprising no one


Why use twins? Why not just submit the same DNA twice under different names?

Google to yoink apps with an unauthorized Call Log or SMS habit from Android Play Store


Re: Not nearly far enough.

There's a very good reason for apps that don't need access to contacts to request it. It lets you know that you shouldn't be installing it.

Google Chrome: HTTPS or bust. Insecure HTTP D-Day is tomorrow, folks


Re: Two wrongs don't make a right

"And it's no good telling people Letsencrypt certificates are free while also telling them that if they aren't paying for something then they are the product."

I don't think that's the case with the EFF backed letsencrypt. Is it?

Microsoft to lock out Windows RDP clients if they are not patched against hijack bug


Re: But only if the setting is set

Exactly, it's not a problem - the article makes it sound like a huge problem. Came here for confirmation of how I was reading the documentation.


Re: But only if the setting is set

But as I said above:

"The change to mitigated will still allow unpatched clients to access RD services. From the table in the documentation, in the row for 'Mitigated':

"Client applications that use CredSSP will not be able to fall back to insecure versions."

"Services that use CredSSP will accept unpatched clients."

So clients won't be able to connect to unpatched servers, right? But servers will still allow unpatched clients unless the server is set to 'Force updated clients'. Which MS aren't planning on doing."


But only if the setting is set to 'Force Updated Clients' right? Which Microsoft aren't setting by default? Which would make the headline and first line incorrect?

Honestly trying to work this out.


Instead of the thumb down could you explain why I'm wrong?


Re: Enough is enough

Ugh, I hate anti-vaxxers.


OK, am I being stupid? The change to mitigated will still allow unpatched clients to access RD services. From the table in the documentation, in the row for 'Mitigated':

"Client applications that use CredSSP will not be able to fall back to insecure versions."

"Services that use CredSSP will accept unpatched clients."

So clients won't be able to connect to unpatched servers, right? But servers will still allow unpatched clients unless the server is set to 'Force updated clients'. Which MS aren't planning on doing. Which makes the opening line complete round objects.

On her microphone's secret service: How spies, anyone can grab crypto keys from the air


Re: Ok then

Yeah, but nowhere near enough. Even fanless systems tend to rely on hot air rising and being replaced with cooler air. Thread here about why a computer in a vacuum would be bad: http://www.overclock.net/t/553182/computer-in-a-vacuum


Re: Ok then

"its cold up there so we dont need a stupid gamer case to cool it."

Relying on space being 'cold' for cooling means with no air molecules for convection to work the processors would boil away pretty fast

Google Chromecast 2015: Puck-on-a-string fun ... why not, for £30?


Casting entire screen from Windows

"This makes for a decent means to mirror, say, a Google Docs presentation from your laptop screen to a big TV or projector, but you’re limited to browser-viewed content."

Not really true, unless it's been removed - http://www.alphr.com/network-media-streamers/1000135/how-to-use-chromecast-to-stream-anything-from-your-laptop-or-pc

The Breakfast (Table) of Champions: Micro Machines


Had some great times playing this in my 20s, emulated on a chipped original Xbox, as a drinking game. Just dug out our complex rules for it, bought back good memories. I even owned micromachinesdrinkinggame.co.uk for a year or 2.

HP arranges boardroom deck chairs as The Big Split looms


"HP will legally separate to become HP Inc (PCs and printers) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (the rest of the portfolio)."

That's not going to be confusing at all...

Remember Impero, the school software biz that went ape over a vuln? Someone's got revenge


Re: Has the flaw actually been fixed?

No, they claim it has in the current version via a patch.

Microsoft scrambles to kill Live.fi man-in-the-middle diddle


If you see an open car window, is it ok for you to reach through and nick the radio?

Google MURDERS Google Code, orders everyone out to GitHub and co


"SourceForge, similarly, has an import service"

Please don't suggest that people use that crapware slinging service.

30 years ago today, the first commercial UK 'mobile' phone call was made


Re: not the first network

"Kinda makes the whole article a lie."

Or you could actually read the article:

"It wasn’t the first mobile system in the UK, there was a Carphone Radio service called Band 3, but that was push-to-talk and all calls had to go through an operator."