* Posts by The Dark Newt

3 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Dec 2014

You know that silly fear about Alexa recording everything and leaking it online? It just happened

The Dark Newt

My thoughts

How long before these devices fall under legislation so that companies can be compelled secretly to give access to them, so that without our knowing government bodies can request they access to private conversation in the same manner as phones etc.. under the guise of anti terrorism or crime prevention.

I don't consider myself a conspiricy theory nut, just a person who believes in the right to privacy, right to anonymity and that anti-terrorism/crime-prevention is inssuficient reason to invade those rights for an entire population or a minority. It is fact that similar powers have been abused since governments/agencies have had them and those against the idea treated with contempt so there is no reason to expect them to respect us or behave should they have even more tools in their arsenal.

The very idea that a government considers it ok to limit a persons ability to protect their thoughts/privacy by demanding encryption keys or limiting encryption is frightening. I wish we had more brave politicians to stand up for us.

'Dear Daddy...' Max Zuckerberg’s Letter back to her Father

The Dark Newt

Register - Jaded??

I was a little sad reading this "so called reply" whoever Mark is, he is also a new father and everyone shares that experience in their own way. That open letter was his way of expressing or sharing the joy he must be feeling. Whatever people may think of him, his company or Silicon Valley, an open letter to his daughter is not really a platform that should be used to make a point.

For me, all I can think is congratulations I hope you enjoy every moment of being a father and I hope it brings you a new perspective on life and the world. Changing things for the better often start with simply a wish or a sentiment to do it, I can't remember ever seeing a worthwhile change occuring from venting against something that was intended to be a positive thing.

Happy Xmas everyone

Survey: Tech has FREED modern workers – to work longer hours

The Dark Newt

The Mighty Micro

In 1979 Christopher Evans wrote the Mighty Micro a sort of prediction/guess on the future and effects of computers in Society. He predicted a shorter working week as computers enabled us to do more and free ourselves.... What he hadn't figured was that by doing more we could work the same hours and use less people.. I cannot be certain but I seem to remember him saying that he had failed to take into account the greed of employers, which I think is a little naieve. I don't believe it is down to pure greed just simple mechanics of society why employ more people to do a job than one person.

I do believe that there is increasing pressure to work out of hours, however I believe this is not just the fault of the employer but several factors:

1. The persons attitude (type A's just need to know whats happening)

2. The culture of the organisation (there's just an expectation round here)

3. The employer (closely linked to above)

4. The type of service... especially in IT there is a tendency to put forward web based services that are available 24hrs a day.. this builds an expectation of 24/7 support... with guess what no provision for out of hours support.

5. The conscientious worker.. similar to number 1, this person takes great pride in how they do their job and the service they give.. this means they keep an eye on things!

As an engineer and a manager I could list a lot more contributing factors, the upshot is we just can't leave the emails alone.. I am sitting here knowing that over Christmas I have listed 18 work related items I need to do.. I have done 11 of them so far... Perhaps I need to change.